Chapter Five

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Chapter Five // Victoria

School was such a pain in the ass.

I managed to pull through most of my day without too much pain. Maths though, was tough. Atlas sat beside me, but Rachel sat right in front of him. Not a good feeling to see he staring at her all the freaking time. I also had PE today, which wasn't too bad. It was easy enough, especially when I had Tony the jock with the Captain America butt to joke around with. We liked to compete over everything and see who was better.

Tony and I walked to the cafeteria together for lunch. I got some of the cookies Nina made me take away yesterday with some salad and six chicken wraps to feed my friends.

"Heyo," I greeted and sat down between Atlas and Tony. "Mum made chicken wraps."

"Yes," Ted cheered.

I grinned and poured out all the contents in my brown paper bag. "Serve yourselves."

Tony grabbed the cookies I put in a box. I immediately snatched it back. "Not these, jock."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"These are mine," I stressed. "Grab your chicken wrap before I take that, too."

"I just want one," Tony complained. "I didn't have any yesterdat because someone," he paused to glare at me. "Ate them all yesterday."

"It's not my fault you were more focused on the phone than the cookies," I shot back.

He grimaced. "Fine."

"Where did these come from if you ate everything yesterday?" Carson asked, interested.

Sorry, Nina. I shrugged sheepishly. "Nina had some left so I took some home with me."

"You sneaky bastard," Kellin mumbled.

Ted just sighed. "Should've just done the same."

Atlas seemed awfully quiet today. I kept sending worried glances in his way, but he kept avoiding my glances. Rachel wasn't here with us today. Maybe that was why. My heart clenched a bit at the possibility.

I nudged him in the arm gently. "You okay?"

Eyes widening, he jumped a bit. "What? Yeah, I'm fine."

I bit my lip. "Is this about Rachel?"

He froze, before shaking his head frantically. "No. I mean, no. Why would you say that?"

I shrugged, looking away from him in case my gaze betrayed my emotions- more specifically my jealousy. I opened my box of salad. "Dunno, man. You seem off today. Where's Rachel anyway?"

"I think she went out for lunch with her boyfriend," Atlas said casually.

I blinked in surprise. Then I had to bite on my lip to stop my smile from blooming on my face. "Oh. She has a boyfriend?"


"Sorry," I said hesitantly, even though I was feeling all bubbly inside.

He snorted. "Why?"

I shrugged again. "You like her, right?"

"Eh. It was more a temporary thing. Stopped liking her a long time ago. Are you gonna eat that salad, or are you just gonna keep playing with it?"

This time I did smile. "Really green salad doesn't look too appealing after PE."

He pushed his fruit salad to me. "Here. Have mine. I'll eat yours."

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