Chapter 1 - A Tip

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Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it."


Kayleigh's POV

   I stepped out of the car carefully, smiling at my driver before I walked away from the car, and towards the large high school.

  You might think kids would notice me, because I clearly have money, and my own driver, but that's actually very common in my town.
      I walked down the main hall of the school quietly, trying, as always, not to draw attention to myself. I am able to blend in, usually. I guess that's just who I am, but I'm perfectly fine with that.

      When I got to my locker, I turned the combination lock, then smiled as I saw the inside. My locker was a reflection of me, the me that no one sees, the me that no one wants to see.

        I carefully drop my wedding ring into the small locked box inside my locker, lock the box, grab the books I need for first period, and quietly shut the locker door.

        I looked around the large hall, trying to figure out the best way of escape. After a minute, I decided to just walk away. People never noticed me anyway.
       I started walking away, not noticing that someone was watching me. When I turned the corner, I let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the floor.
    "I have to give you serious credit for that escape." A voice startled me, and I looked up to see a boy about my age, his green eyes twinkling.

    "I've had practice. Three years actually." I said, wondering who he was and how he had noticed me.
   "You must be a senior then. So am I, my name is Gabe." He introduced himself.
        I smiled and stood up. "Kayleigh," I said, shaking his outstretched hand.
        "So, I've never seen you around before, are you new?" I asked as I started walking to class. Gabe followed me. "Actually, I've lived in this town my whole life, I've always been homeschooled though." He said.

       "That explains a couple things," I said.

      "What do you mean?" He asked.
     I turned around and looked at him. "Well, I'm what people consider a wallflower, no one really notices me. And, by the way you did, I can tell you are new to this whole high school thing." I said.

      "Observant," Gabe said, watching me.
     "I've learned," I said simply. "And, I'll teach you something."
    He stopped walking. "What do you mean?" He asked.

       I turned back around and smiled at his confusion. "Stay out of everyone's radar. The bullies here only pick on small groups, so don't make any friends and you will be fine." I said.

Gabe looked shocked and studied me for a minute.

I smiled again. "There's a tip," I said, then turned around and walked into my classroom.
———————————————————Please tell me your thoughts so far!!!

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