Chapter 4

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“I think I’ve got some sick pills…somewhere”

“What do they look like?”

It was 1:23 AM. Lily and Keith finally finished their bathroom episode.

“Found ‘em!” Lily climbed up her wooden waist-high chair up her counter.  She stood on her knees and reached for the dull orange cylinder filled with pills.

“I like your chair.” Said Keith, examining the wooden legs, Keith noticed a huge centipede crawling up the chair, heading towards Lily’s foot. His face turned a sour green in disgust.

With all his might, he kicked the chair across the kitchen, watching the bug fall towards the ground.

“Huh-” Lily turned her body, but before she could get a good grip, she slipped.

Lily shut her eyes and mentally prepared herself for a rough landing.

…and a rough landing she got. (what? did you expect those typical scenes you only find in dramas?)

 “I-I’m so sorry!” fumbled Keith as he helped her up. “You okay?”

Lily glanced at her foot, then at Keith. His head was faced towards the opposite direction of her, as if trying to avoid eye contact. “Why’d you do that?”

She poured two glasses of water and handed one to Keith with a pill in her hand.

Lily watched him as he gulped it all down.

“There was a bug crawling towards you...wait…where’d it go?”

“Ugh, let’s just call it a day. Hopefully, Gummi’ll eat it in by the morning.” Keith nodded.

“So…you take the bed, and I’ll go for the floor” Offered Lily as she walked into her bedroom.

“No no. It’d be too rude to do that. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“No, it’s okay! You’re sick-” argued Lily

“You’ve already done so much for me! It’ll ruin my pride,” insisted Keith

“I’m sleeping on the floor and that’s that! Got it?” she spoke roughly.

“Aww, Lily…no” pouted Keith. He gave her a puppy dog look. Gummi barked.

“That’s right! Only Gummi is allowed to give me that look.” But Keith kept his begging face. Darn…he’s too much

“Alright, fine. How about this? Rock paper scissors. Loser gets to sleep on the bed. Winner sleeps on the floor. Good?” Keith perked up and smiled.

Lily continued “But I gotta admit, I’m pretty good at rock paper scissors myself”

“Wonder what you’ll say after you see me sleeping on that floor! Okay, ready?”

“Only one round okay, ready, rock”




How did it end up this way?

“Okay, this is your side, and this is mine. This pillow is the line. Don’t try any smooth moves, or else Gummi, the landlady, and I myself will make sure you end up with a ticket straight to hell.”

Keith noticed Lily slightly limping towards the bed

 “Here, let me see that injury of yours.”

“It…doesn’t hurt that much, I-I’m okay!”

“I don’t believe you. Lily, just let me look at it!”


Keith took hold of Lily’s left foot and pinched her pressure points (…is that even possible?)

“There.”  He started massaging the foot gently.

“…what are you? Some foot therapist? How did you…oh well. Thanks. It feels a lot looser now”

“heh, just think of it as a sorry for letting you slip.” Keith gave her a smile. Lily’s heart sped up. (It went doki doki~)

Oh, this dorky monkey

Lily started tickling Keith.

“Hey, stop! Haha, stop it!”

“If you say ‘Lily is the most amazing person in the world!’ I’ll think about stopping.”

“L-Lily, I can’t say it if you keep harassing me like this.”


“Heheh, take this!” Keith pounced onto Lily, but Lily dodged swiftly. Keith landed onto the floor.

“THIS. MEANS. WAR.” Declared Keith as the two play-wrestled

~minutes later~

“I win.” Said Lily, sitting on Keith back

“What do I do to get you off of me?”

“Say it.”

“What? No!”

“I guess we’re gonna sleep in this position.”

“ the most amazing person in the world. There happy?”

Oh, so cute >w<

“I’ll turn off the light!”

 “Wait a minute. Keith, aren’t you-” Lily could hear Keith bump into her wardrobe closet.


“night blind” Lily sighed and turned on the flashlight resting on the table.

“Alright buddy. Follow the light.” Keith did as told and Lily chuckled. She flashed the light towards a wall and Keith walked straight towards it. He hit his head on the wall.


“Alright! I’m sorry”

By the time the two were finally in bed it was past 2:00 AM

“Keith, you still awake?”


 “Um…also, can I ask you something?”


“At the hospital, you we’re going to ask me something…what was it?”

“just go to sleep…”


Don’t just fall asleep on me dude, it should be the girl who falls asleep first! *sigh*

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