Chapter 1

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Lily walked anxiously towards the room of the man she crashed. Guilt finally sank in as she opened the door.  Lily tried to smile reassuringly.

“What happened?” he asked.  Lily bit her lip and slowly replied

“I thought you were chasing me or something…” he nodded as if he understood

“Then, I must’ve accidentally switched gears or something. I-I was in reverse and well…” she lowered her voice hoping that he couldn’t hear

“I was going full speed in reverse while you were chasing me”

“Ah, I’m sorry, I must’ve confused and frightened you, I was trying to tell you that your trunk was open”

Lily took a step closer towards him.

“I-I’m really sorry- um…”

“Keith, call me Keith”


She took a seat next to him. They shook hands formally. Lily noticed his fingers.

“You…play guitar?” Keith nodded

Lily took a good look at him. He had pale skin, dark brown hair, and neutral brown eyes. His hair was parted somewhat nicely. He was wearing a mid shoulder length military green t-shirt. Lily blushed as she realized she was staring at him.

“Are you like, more or less okay?”

“Yup. The doctor said I only got a couple bruises around my arms and legs, and one big bruise on my head. See?” He brushed his hair to the side and revealed a purple blob near the right of his forehead.

“So…we’re good?” asked Lily cautiously, as she began to stand up

“You don’t think you’re actually just going to get let off just like that?” he gave her an innocent look. Lily took a step back. The mood in the room was different now.

Keith got up and started walking towards her.

“Lily, you aren’t going to leave me like this are you?” Lily looked away, trying to avoid eye-contact.

He pushed her against the wall gently and whispered in her ear

“I need to ask you something, but first…can you do me a favor Lily?” Lily’s mind was going through multiple phases. What does he want, why am I burning up? What should I do?

“I don’t wanna be kept in this stupid hospital, take me somewhere else-” His voice was weak. Keith dozed off on Lily’s shoulder. Lily touched his forehead gently. He was burning up. WHA-WHA-WHAT NOW?!

Lily checked her purse and grabbed her sunglasses and placed them onto Keith. She took him by the arm and wrapped it around her shoulder and walked out the room.

“Is he okay?” asked the nearby nurse.

“Y-yup! I’m driving him home right now, right Keith?!” No reply. Doing her best, she gave a gruffly voice

“YEA, BYE NOW.” Lily did a mini face-palm. Her imitation sounded like a bear.

Quickly, they walked out to the parking lot and drove away. 

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