Chapter 2

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“Keith, are you awake?”

Lily sighed. 

“What were you going to ask me?” she spoke aloud as if he could hear

“I’m really sorry you know…it’s just…I’m a bit careless” Okay, not a ‘bit’

Lily carefully took the sunglasses off of him. His sleeping face was so pure, so fragile that Lily almost forgot to pay attention to the road again

She noticed a clear white liquid coming out of his mouth. Lily smiled. Heh he’s drooling. Lily took out a napkin and lightly dabbed around the outer part of his lips.

Lily sighed. She turned on the radio and started humming to the song.

She glanced upon Keith’s face again. He seemed more peaceful and relaxed than before, as if he was listening.

~Lily’s house~

“How do I…”

Lily thought about waking him up, but that’d be too troublesome as she concluded.

Well this’ll be tough

She motioned her hand towards his stomach. His body flinched to a side. He’s ticklish Lily stared at him suspiciously.

“Keith. Are you awake?” He opened his eyes and gave her a derp nod.

“Were you awake this whole entire time?” Her face started to flush a light pink as she remembered the drool incident.

“No…I just remembered hearing you sing that song. It was very…pretty.” He smiled. Lily flushed a hotter  pink, but sighed in relief.


“Why? What happened? What’d you do?” He cut her off

“N-nothing embarrassing…a-anyways, you sure have a lot of energy for a sick person!” She reached her hand out towards his forehead, then pulled back

“What’s wrong? Can you see my bruise or something?” Keith lowered his head closer to Lily’s level

“Hello…Earth to Lily?” Lily quickly snapped back

“Oh no, it’s just…I wanted to check if you had a fever…” Keith gave a look as if he finally understood the tense air in between them. He took Lily’s hand and placed it on his forehead

“Well, do you feel anything?” Lily turned her head, out of his gaze. Embarrassed.

“Y-you still seem like you have a fever. Let’s go inside, otherwise the fever will get worse.” Lily led the way towards her apartment.

“Wait, um…Lily?”


“I’m sorta…night blind…where are you right now?” Lily turned her head towards the voice. The landlady must’ve had another black out…wait…where’s Keith? I was sure he was behind me.

“Oh crap, KEITH WATCH OUT!” Lily watched in horror as Keith walked straight into a fountain.

His head sprung up right when he hit the water. Great, now who knows if he’ll have a cold or fever…thought Lily as she rushed to help him out of the water.

“Here” she gave out her hand. His palm was freezing. 

“Let’s go” With their hands intertwined with each other, they walked towards the building.


“Lily? What are you doing so late at night? Who’s this?”

“Hi Mrs. Ferrel, I just came home from work” she smiled  

“Don’t be so formal honey, call me Wendy. You didn’t answer my second question. Who is this? You DO remember our apartment policy right?” Lily’s mind panicked. Crap, right, this is a girls-only apartment.

“I…prefer Mrs. Ferrel. Anyways, Keith this is Mrs. Ferrel, the landlady. Mrs. Ferrel, this is Keith- my…acquaintance. He’ll be gone by the morning.”

The landlady’s face became reassured.

“Also Lily…why is this gentleman…soaked…?”

Lily glanced at Keith. The water made his shirt almost see through. His hair was drooped and covered his eyebrows and made him look like some cute emo boy.

“Um…can I explain later?” Lily asked.  The landlady nodded. 

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