When we reach the second floor, I find a wheel chair right next to the entrance of the elevator, and place her in it. She opens her eyes and looks at me, tiredly.

"What's happening?" She yawned.

"Paparazzi." I responded and she frowns. "We are trying to get away without them seeing."

"They don't go away." She responded, some what angrily. She knows exactly what they are and what they want.

"You're right. They're inconsiderate." I replied, not sure if she understood.

I hadn't even know Zayn had left until he walks over with a police officer next to him and a pair of blue doctor pants and a shirt.

"We are having security get them away. But just in case, keep going with your plan." The officer said and I nod, watching Zayn put on that outfit over his clothes. He places the mouth mask on his face and it goes over have of his face, including his nose.

Then he places the cover that keeps his hair away from his face. He pulls it down further than it should and steps into the elevator.

"I'll meet you there." He said and the elevator door shuts.

"Come this way." The officer instructed. "I'm taking you to where he is going to pick you up in the back."

I unlock the wheels of Delaney's wheelchair and follow the police man to our destination.


Zayn's POV:

As I'm jogging down the hallway of the first floor, I get stopped by an angry doctor.

"No running!" He scowled, using his index finger to point at me. "You know better!"

"Sorry, sir." I walk until he is around the corner, and then I run again. I almost forgot that in dressed like one of him.

I take a huge breath as I walk out into the open, the lobby. I don't make eye contact with any of the paparazzi who are still looking through the windows in hope for a new photo.

I walk through the revolving doors and into the outdoors. I slowly start to walk to my car, which is a little bit to the side of the hospital so they won't see me get inside of it.

"Hello, sir." A man said from behind me. I turn around, slowly, to see a guy with a big camera in his hands.

"Do you know when Ms. Ariana Grande and Mr. Zayn Malik will be exiting today?" He is absolutely disgusting. He smells of Bad Oder and his beard is growing in.

He hasn't left this hospital since we've been here, I thought. He's such a coward.

You'd think they have families they need to get home to but apparently getting photos of celebrities is more important, even if it is there job.

"No, sir." I replied in an American accent. "That is not my business to tell. And might I ask, what is so important about getting photos of celebrities just so you can twist it around and make them look bad? Thats absolutely disgusting and you're a mistake for a human."

I turn around and walk away without another word. I'm relieved that he didn't respond nor follow me, even though I really didn't give him a chance to.

Once I find my car where I left it to load Delaney's things, I get inside and turn on the ignition. I cannot believe that actually worked. We aren't finished yet but I'm completely shocked that they didn't figure out it was me. That'd actually pretty dang hilarious.

I keep the outfit on incase one of them sees me somehow. You never know, paparazzi are sneaky when they want to be. But others are very known to make others very aware that they're around.

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