Bex sighed and pulled me to the door. "Bye Rosmertaa!" she called behind her shoulder. I dug my heels into the ground in protest. 

"Beex! We can't get into troublee! Just-no! I am NOT spying on them again!" I whined grabbing onto a post. She groaned. 

"Yes please talk a little bit louder!"Bex hissed. I raised an eyebrow and started, making people turn around to see what the mad girl with flaming red hair was doing. 

"FINE. I WILL NOT FO-"  Bex smiled to passer-bys as she covered my mouth with her hand. A breathless Albus reached us and stared quizzically at our awkward position, then turned to Bex. 

"She does have a big mouth, no?" I punched his arm and Bex wiped her hand on her skirt. "What are you two doing anyways?" 

"Just follow me!" she cried running off in some random direction. Albus started after her. I stood there staring after them. I stomped my foot annoyed and said to no-one in particular, "Fine!" And raced after them. 

I caught a glimpse of their heads turning another corner and ran towards it as fast as I could, before I lost them. We were in a narrow street and up ahead I could identify the crooked path which led to the Shrieking Shack- an old abandoned house, with dark walls which was crumbling down. Many people still believed it was haunted- even though I considered it to be utter nonsense, my stomach felt queasy. Knowing the Slytherins, they wouldn't be afraid to enter the dreaded place. Dad's descriptions didn't help much either.

Bex and Albus had stopped behind a tree and were peering at the old rickety house. Rebecca's lips were pursed and Albus's eyebrows were scrunched up. I guess they were debating weather to follow them inside or not. 

"Lets have a vote." hushed Bex as she glanced over her shoulder,"Who says we stay here?" 

I raised my hand . "We don't need any more trouble coming after us!" I said. Both of them shushed me at the same exact moment. 

"Who says we go in?" Both of them raised their hands. 

"Too bad, you're outvoted cuz. Now lets go!" Albus whispered, fake-sympathetically and he started creeping up the hill to the shack. 

'Warning do not pass' one of the notices read. Another one, with white paint said 'Beware; structure might fall' and lastly 'You were warned.'  I looked over the fence which circled the house uneasily.

It was made to make sure that people didn't pass but there were various gaps inbetween the wires. Footprints led to the door and there were faint traces that once belonged to animals. 

Bex chewed on her lower glossy lip nervously and nudged us, inching towards a gap big enough that we could crawl under. 

Oh Merlin, what am I getting myself into? 

Albus crawled in first and helped us up silently. The front door was ajar and the dusty floor was stained with recent footprints. The whole structure reeked of oldness and deteriorating. It creaked with every time we moved and doors and windows alike banged and shakes like if the house were cackling with joy from receiving visitors. I bet no one has come in here since the War.

It was a wonder no one heard - or saw- us. Voices floated down from an upstairs room. We hid under the spiraling stairs which was missing quite the number of steps, by the way, and craned to hear what was being said. Albus shivered even though no wind passed through. I stared at the floor, and could make out a faint stain on the floor. Only God knew what it was. 

Further ahed, on a closed door there was a big footprint, rather like a dogs, etched into the wood, as if the mud had become permanenet ink on the creaky rotten wood. Somewhere around the house I heard the faint patter of rat paws on the ancient floors. Then it was my turn to shiver. I never liked rats. Hugo wanted one as a pet when he came to Hogwarts, but my parents and Harry strongly disagreed with that. So he ended up with a ferret. My Dad chose it.

Bex was cocking her head, her ear pressed against the thin wall behind the stairs, straining to hear what was going on in the secret slytherin meeting. 

I mean, who else would agree to meet HERE? it could only be them.

"No-  not yet. We should wait to do that after Christmas break." a thick voice said. Probably Gordon Trembley. 

"If we don't get caught before!" a shrill voice replied. It faintly reminded me of Lynn Zabini. 

A groan was heard. Someone knocked something over. "Shut up you two! I say we do it during the Quidditch game." drawled a sneery voice.

Silence. I barely heard the murmers coming from above. "So during the quidditch match." 

"What about that bloke, Hagrunt? He checks everything. As does Hooch." Someone pointed out. Bex eyes were as round as saucers. She gestured wildly and hit Her hand against the wall with a loud Thump. She winced and shook her hand shutting her eyes tightly. 

"Oooo.." Albus covered her mouth. We all stood quietly. No one said a single thing. The only thing we heard was the creaking of the shack.

"Who did that?" a sharp voice demanded. I indicated that we should leave before they found us. There weren't many places to hide and I didn't want to risk being caught. Also, I swore a creature of some sort just ran over my feet.

Both of them stared blankly at me. I rolled my eyes- something I should probably stop doing so often and started out alone. I picked my way to the door and greeted the wind as it gushed in. I was stomping my way down the narrow road in Hogsmeade when Bex and Albus ran down hill like maniacs and puffed.  

I continued walking, scowling. If someone saw us here it would definatley seem suspicious.

And it's already enough that Scorpius keeps on staring at me.

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