Chapter 17

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Jason's POV

"How?" I hear Bree croak out as we see the Yeti get up, the wound on his chest slowly closing up.

"Bree what's happening?"

"H-he's alive...and I don't know how! He's supposed to be dead!"

Bree's POV

"How are you still alive?"

"You seriously didn't expect me to die so easily did you?" He laughed. "I've sold my soul to the devil and it'll take more then you know to kill me."

Jason's POV

"No, you see dad, that's where your wrong I know more then you'll ever know." She screamed out before she ran out of my arms and onto the empty area in front of us where the sword and gem layed.

"Bree," I called out. "What are you doing?" I asked as I saw her slowly pick up the sword and gem.

"What I should have done when I read the spell to kill him, I knew this wouldn't work." She mumbled. "I shouldn't known, I just wanted to spend a little more time with you, but now more people have died because of me and for nothing, for something I knew wouldn't work."

"Bree what are you talking about?" I questioned as I slowly moved towards her, hoping to distract her with talking.

"Jason, please don't move any closer. I know what I have to do and believe me I'm not too happy about all this." She cried as she slowly pointed the sword toward her stomach.

Realizing what she was about to do, I launched myself at her, trying to prevent her from doing something so drastic to save us.

But I saw too late.

As she drove the sword deep into her stomach she faintly whispered the words, "I love you." Before dropping slowly to the snow covered ground.

Running towards her, I kneeled down next to her, applying pressure to the wound so she wouldn't bleed out.

"Why?" I cried out as I held her. "Why did you did this?"

"Just look..." She pointed behind me. Looking back at what she was pointing I saw the Yeti instantly fall to his knees before completely vanishing before my eyes. "Because I wanted you to survive." She whispered meekly.

"Bree, tell me what to do!" I asked her frantically. "I don't want you to die."

"T-the lab," She whispered, her eyes becoming droopy.

"The lab? What lab?"

"In the basement, there's a potion that can help," She answered quietly her eyes barely open. "But hurry, it's the-ugghh." She choked, the blood gurgling in her mouth not letting her finish.

Quickly picking her up bridal style, I ran for the mansion.

"Wait for me!" I hear someone shout as I make my way down the hill, it's steepness making it harder for me to go down since I'm carrying Bree.

Turning my head sideways, I see it's Katelen, I had completely forgotten she was here.

"There's no time to waste!" I shout over my shoulder. "Just meet me there!" I can't let her die, not here and not in my arms, I won't let her.

"I won't let you die," I whisper in her ear as I kick the front door of the mansion open. Heading down the stairs and into the basement I feel Bree's grasp on my hand lossen, making me literally jump down the set of stairs.

Not having time to waste to look around I lay her on the first table I see which is next to another table full of small bottles I'm guessing are potions.

Quickly looking through them, I hear Bree gurgling as she tries to tell me which one, the blood matting around her mouth and hair.

Not caring anymore, I grab a bunch of potions and start pouring them on her. As I start throwing them on her, I hear the basement door open revealing Katelen. I see the sympathy in her eyes as I scarily grasp on to Bree's hand, waiting for the potions to take effect.

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