Chapter 9

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Ashley's POV

"Everyone stick together!" Jason yells from behind us. "Don't loose your partners!"

I run as fast as I can but I'm running behind. God I'm so tired.

I'm about to stop when a hand goes around my waist making me keep running. I turn around and see it's Christopher.

"We stick together no matter what." He says as he holds me closer.

"No matter what." I breathe as I look up at him. But when I do I trip and fall on my ankle.

"Ashley, are you ok?" He asks as he stops running and kneels down beside me.

"Yeah, just peachy!"

"Come on get up, we're falling behind." He says standing up. "Can you walk?"

I shake my head. "I don't know, but I can try." I say as I stand but as I do a sharp pain runs through my ankle.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He offers, seeing that I can barely stand up.

"No, its fine, the pain is bearable."

"Alright, but if you feel like you can't just tell me." He says as he continues to go ahead, but we're walking instead of running. We're so far behind I can't see the group or hear Jason shouting commands anymore.

"We're really behind." I sigh. What if that thing comes out and kills us, all because of me, I just had to fall, didn't I?

"Do you want me to carry you?" Christopher offers again and this time I can't refuse, we're too far behind.

"Hop on."


"Get on my back, that way I'll be able to run." He explains as he motions me to get on his back. "That way we'll be able to catch up to the group faster."

I nod as I get on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around is neck, as he begins to run.

But as the mansion comes into view, a loud roar sounds making Christopher stop.

"Get down!" He whispers as he puts me down and we lay on top of the snow. "We can't let it see us, or it'll know where we all are."

I nod. "Do you think it would see us if we crawl?"

"I don't know, it's too dangerous."

I nod.

After about 10 minutes, we think it's finally gone, but just as we get up and begin to take a few steps toward the mansion, it appears behind some thick trees.

A scream escapes my lips as I see it heading straight towards us.

"Run and hide in the forest!" Christopher yells as he pushes us towards the other side of the forest, taking us farther away from the mansion and from the group.

"Hide!" He yells just as the beast appears a few feet away from us.

"Where?" I ask trying to look for a place in where it can't find me. But before I even hear an answer I'm pushed behind a giant tree.

"Stay here," He says as he starts to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to lure it away from the mansion, away the group and most importantly, away from you."

I stare at him blankly, did he just confess his feelings for me? But before I even get a chance to tell him mine, he rushes off leaving me with my words in my mouth.

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