Chapter 4

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Jason's P.O.V

I wake up to a whole lot of noise. My first thought is : I'm going to kill James. Why can't he just let me sleep? I slowly get off Bree's bed since I'm still in her room. I need to find her, but I can't leave. Especially if there isn't anyone to watch James. I swear, I sometimes feel like a fucking babysitter. He's a 17 year old guy for freaking sake. He shouldn't need anyone to look after him.

I head towards the bathroom, to get ready for a day of looking after that...idiot. After I take a shower, I change into some black jeans and a plain white shirt.

As I head down the stairs the noise gets louder. I walk towards the kitchen to find James and Daniel in a hot sauce competition. I look at them in disbelief. Their acting like little kids. "James and Daniel!" I shout and they stop drinking their hot sauce and look at me. "What the hell are you guys doing?" I ask as I walk towards them.

They look at me with a guiltless expression on their faces. Unbelievable. "Answer my question!" I demand. I swear they make me feel like I'm a cranky old man. "He started it." Daniel answers first while pointing an accusing finger in James's direction.

"No, I didn't. You did!" James responds. Now they really do sound like little kids. Did I come to relax here or to take care of these morons? "I don't care who started it." I start as I look around to find everyone huddled up in the kitchen watching. "But just stop. Alright?"

James begins to whine. "But we're just having fun." He sighs. "That's why we came up here in the first place wasen't it?"

I shake my head. "You know do what you want." I said giving up. "I don't care anymore." If they were grown enough to stand up to me then they were grown enough to take care of themselves.

"Hey where are you going?" Makala asks me as I start to walk out the front door. "For a walk, I need some fresh air." She looks at me bewildered. "What? You can't do that!" She exclaims. "And why not?" I ask confused.

It's not like the world is going to explode if I leave for a few hours. I love nature and plus neither is James or Daniel going to be there to annoy me. So what's the problem?

"Why not?" She repeats my statement in disbelief. "You can't be seriously leaving James and Daniel unsupervised. Do you know what happens when you leave idiots like themselves, alone?" She asks. I shake my head. "Bad, very bad things." She exclaims. "I think your overreacting." I say not really believing myself. James can be hard to handle at times but how much harm can he do in a few hours?

Oh god was I wrong. When I came back from my long walk, I came to find the house a total mess. James actually had the guts to throw a dam party while I was gone.

I slowly walk to the front door and open it and just as I do I'm blasted with loud music and the smell of something I can't distinguish. What the hell is wrong with this kid? "James!" I shout over the loud music. But of course no one's hears me, I can bearly hear myself think. I then see Makala leaning on the kitchen counter and walk up to her. "What the hell happened while I was gone?" I ask. I mean I only left for two hours. I didn't really think he could do so much harm in such little time. I guess I underestimated the power of his stupidity. "I told you not to leave and you didn't listen to me. So now deal with the consequences. Thoes two idiots couldn't be stopped."

"Did anyone even try?" She gave me a look. "It's a party, that's unsupervised. What do you think." She asked sarcastically. I shook my head, of course. "Do you know where that dumb ass is?" I asked fustrated. I wasen't only mad at him for throwing a party but also because I had gone on that walk to go see if I could find Bree but I just came up empty handed. I couldn't find her anywhere. Where could she have gone? I really do hope she's ok. Makala shrugged. "I actually haven't seen him in a while."

"What?" Where could he have gone? "Yeah. I mean like an hour after the party he disappeared."

"Are you sure?" I pressured. "Yeah." She said as she got off the counter. I nodded, as I began to walk around to see if anyone had seen James. But as I asked around everyone told me the same thing: that he disappeared about in an hour into the party. What was this idiot doing. "I've looked for him everywhere and I can't find him." I told Makala, who was the only one who seemed to care. At least I think she does. She does always gave a poker face on and with all the black makeup she uses its hard to make out any facial expressions. But I'll just assume she does. "He could be pranking us." She suggested, taking me out of my thoughts. But now that I think about it, she's right. What tells me this isn't another one of his stupid and idiotic pranks. "Your right." I huffed. I didn't have time for this, I was exhausted. "How about we just wait until morning and see if he appears and if he doesn't we'll go look for him." I suggested. "Sure, a few hours without James is perfect." She joked? I really don't know though, again she has a poker face on.

Morning came faster then I would've liked. To be honest I really enjoyed the few hours James wasn't here. But it is morning, so I have to go check if he came back from wherever he was last night. But weirdly enough when I went to go check in his room he wasen't there. So then I decided to check the whole house but I still came up empty handed. He couldn't have just disappeared. Where in the heck was he. I decided it was better that we split up into groups to go out and find James. So after everyone had breakfast we split up into 5 groups. Four in each.

My group walked around the borders of the woods while I explored a little further. I was about to go back when an awful stench filled my nose. It smelled like rotting meat. So I went to check it out but what I found next would surely haunt me for the rest of my life.

As I ventured deeper into the woods the smell got worse but I kept going, I wanted to know if it was a dead animal because if it was we needed to throw it somewhere else before it attracted wild animals. But what I found was worse. As I got closer something in the bushes caught my attention. It was something red and as I went to see what it was I stepped in something and when I looked down to see what it was I saw it was a shoe and as I looked closer into the bush I noticed it was a shirt? What was a shirt doing in the- James! Something must have happened to him because as I got his shirt out of the bushes I noticed there was a very thick substance on them and the closer I looked I saw it was blood.

I walked further and found the most horrifying scene of my life. There on the ground covered in blood laid James or what was left of him. His body was horribly disfigured and you could barely tell it was him. His leg was chewed off and his arm seemed to be clawed. His face was worse you could barely tell it was his face. He was missing an eye and you could see right through his skull. I looked away and hurriedly ran towards my group to tell them what I had found of what little was left of James. Poor guy, what happened to him? He was too badly injured for it to just have been a wild animal.

Now as the whole group; all 18 of us gathered around were shocked to see what was left of James. Some of the girls began to scream and cry while others puked or just simply looked away. It was a truly horrifying thing to look at but I wasen't about to leave my friend like this. So I told half of the boys to take care of the girls while the other half helped me give James a proper burial. It tool a lot of work especially since he was so badly...demolished. But we, I, had to. It was the least we could do for him.

After what took us 2 long hours to accomplish we tried to contact the police or anyone for help but the phone lines were down and there was no possible way of communicating with anyone. We were all scared shit less because even though we never said out loud we all knew that the cause of James death wasen't an accident or done by any type of wild animal found around here.

But the only question I knew we were all asking ourselves was if whatever that thing that devoured James was going to come back and finish us all off.

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