Chapter 14

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Bree's POV


That was all that was heard after I finally told them the truth.

"What the hell are you saying?!?" Katelen asked, no, actually yelled once her shock seemed to leave.

"You heard me," I said calmly. "He's my dad."

"How?" Emma asked, confused. "How the heck is that possible?"

I sighed, remembering being in the same shock as they were when I first found out too.

"I found out when I went to my cabin after the incident with Jax and found my dad's spell book when I was looking through it, there was a letter, explaining everything." I said sitting down. "It told me how he had messed up and ruined his long life project and it made him make a very, very bad choice." I breathed out. "He decided to mess with black magic."

"Black magic? Is that why he-"

"Yeah, that's why." I cut Jason short, not really wanting to talk about it more.

It hurt too much.

This was all his fault.

He was the one who decided to play with black magic.

The one to blame for my mother's death-unless she was with the rest in-

"Then how did you find him, was he like frozen and stuff?"

I turned and gave Emma a stern look, frozen? Really?

"No," I said with a shake of my head. "I called him out."

"Like a dog?" Katelen asked, while keeping a smirk on her face.

"No, like calling out the devil himself." I stated, loving how her smirk instantly fell.

Clapping my hands together to get their attention and stalling any further questions they had, I spoke up. "Ok, there's no time for this. We need to find the gem and then get my dad on top of the hill."

"Why on the hill?"

"Because the spell says to, got any more stupid questions?" I snapped.

They all shook their heads.

Now, that's more like it!

"Ok!" I shouted. "What the heck are you all doing still staring at me, let's go find this gem!!!"

Once I said that, they all scrambled into different directions, well except Katelen.

Of course.

"Hey, Bree?"


"I'm sorry."

I quickly turned around at that and looked at her, surprisingly.


"For you being another mess up in this world along with your dad!" She threw over her shoulder as she walked away, leaving me to watch her, with my mouth wide open.

Did she seriously just insult me, at a time like this!?!

"Dam her." I said under my breathe as I began my own search.

I was furious, I didn't find the gem with the sword.

Where could he have hidden it at?


After 2 whole hours of searching I was becoming desperate.

"Its been two whole fucking hours, where the heck is that stupid gem!?!" Katelen asked angrily before her eyes settled on me.

"You!" She said while pointing a finger at me. "You should fucking know, this was your house, you know before-"

"Well I don't know either!" I fumed. "Don't you think I would have already told you if I knew!"

"Well I don't fucking believe you, you probably still want us all dead and since that thing is your dad you know he wouldn't hurt you!" She sneered.

"Look you little-" I said my anger blinding me for a moment. "Just....I can't deal with this right now." I said instead and marched directly to my dad's office.

I had already checked here.

I slammed the door close before sinking into one of the leather chairs near the door. I stared at my father's portrait before getting up angrily and stopping right infront of him.

Putting my hands around the large frames I shook it out of anger.

"Why?" I bellowed, as I shook it more vigorously. "Why did this have to happen and why can't I find that stupid gem!??!"

Something in me clicked and I let go of his portrait and quickly backed away when the sound of something hitting the ground made me stop.

I turned around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

There laying on the ground literally at the feet of my father's portrait layed a murky brown pouch.

Getting closer to it before opening it, I saw it was a hand sized purple gem.

The gem.

The gem we were looking for!

"Of course!" I yelled.

There was no one else my father trusted more with the gem than himself.

Almost crying out of happiness, I rushed to the living room and showed everyone the gem.

"I found it!" I screeched.


"Shut the hell up and just be fricking happy I found it!" I yelled at Katelen, my patience with her running even thinner than before.

She held her hands up in mock surrender before asking.

"Great then. Now how the hell do we trick the Yeti into coming up the hill?"

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