Chapter 1

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First horror book hope you enjoy!

Bree's P.O.V

Another day of school. I don't even understand why I have to go. All I ever do is do work and get bullied. I guess that's the life of a "nerd".

"Bree hurry up you don't want to be late for school!" Yelled my mom. "Coming!" I yell back. Before I leave I look in the mirror- I'm not that tall I would say medium size. I have brown hair with highlights and brown soft eyes.

"Class I have an important announcement to make today. 20 lucky students will be chosen to go on a skiing trip on Friday." Said our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Mores. Great. At least today is Thursday so tomorrow we can all know who can go. I hope I get chosen I really want to go. Maybe just so I can get away from here for a while. Class ends and I go to my locker to change out my books when someone shuts the door in my face. Jax. I hate him. Why does he always have to pick on me? I'm tired of him but I have never told this to his face. He would probably laugh and beat me to a pole before I could defend myself.

"So what are you up to freak?" Spat out, Jax. Why does he hate me so much? I don't answer his question. Which only makes him madder. He grabs me by the wrists and pulls me up to him so that we are face to face. I can feel his breath in my face. "You should have answered me you freak when you had the chance. Now, you're going to pay the price." He said as he dropped me hard on the ground. Then picked me up by the collar of my shirt. He pushed me hard against the wall and then he was about to hit me when someone behind me yelled. "Stop put her down now!" Jax dropped me again and went up to...Jason...Jason Hunter. What is he doing here helping me?

"This is none of your business pretty boy. Just walk along. Act like you didn't see anything and nothing bad will happen to you." Jax spat out as he walked up to Jason. "No what your doing to Bree isn't right and I'm going to stand up for her. Whether you like it or not." Jason yelled back. By this point, there was no one in the hallway. Everybody was in class.

Just when Jax was going to respond our principal came out of a classroom. "What are you children doing out of class?" She asked. What am I going to say? If I get in trouble I won't be able to go on the skiing trip. Think fast come on come up with an excuse. "Um uh, we were just...we were just getting some books for an extra class we have after this one." I lied. "Ok then. Hurry up go to class." She said as she turned away to go into another class. Phew, that was a close one. Taking advantage of the situation I ran and hid before Jax or Jason could notice.

The day ended by fast. Thank god I didn't have any classes with them. I was about to go home but then I remembered I forgot to grab my science book for my homework. So I ran back and opened my locker. But instead of my books being there, there were flowers and a box of chocolate with a card. I read the card:

I really like you. I think about you all the time. You captured my heart from the day I met you. I think no I know I love you and I hope you will one day feel the same way towards me. Love your secret admirer

Who could have left me this? There is no one I know that likes me. Or even thinks of me in that way. Is this some sort of joke. To be honest I've been getting gifts like this for quite a while now but none of them said anything.

~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

We were all called to an assembly so that they could tell us who could go on the ski trip. They would call the names out and the chosen ones would stand up, go home and pack up for the trip. I really hope I get to go. I know for a fact that Jax won't be picked so if I do go then he won't be a problem.

"Ok, we all know what this assembly is about. But if you don't know then just let me tell you that it's about who's going on the skiing trip. It's 1 week long starting tomorrow. So who we pick is... let's just say who's going. As I say your name please stand up." Said our principal Mrs. Ellis. Here we go. She's looking at the list. "One more thing there will be 10 girls and ten boys so I hope you guys behave on this trip." Said Mrs. Ellis. Ok at least I know I have 10 chances of going.

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