Chapter 5

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Dedicated to my best friend shorty_098

Jax's POV

I can't believe their doing such a big fuss about James. Isn't it obvious enough that this is just another one of his stupid pranks. And I know who's behind all this.


It had to be her. That freak wanted revenge for what I did to her on the bus, but she was sadly mistaken if she thought I would fall into her mindless games.

I'll just have to prove to them that what Jason found in the woods wasn't James but a stupid part of a mindless game between two imbeciles.

Now thinking about that goody-two-shoes, who the hell does he think he is, giving out commands like he was in fucking charge.

"Jax, I could use a little help with this." Jason called me as he tried to pick up as much wood as his weak little arms could handle. How he ended up becoming the captain of the football team, I'll never know. I guess they just gave him the spot because he fits the look.

"How about no." I answered as I watched in amusement as the other twits tried to help. My whole class is just pathetic. Weaklings, suits them better.

"Jax, I really need you to help out. Everyone's cooperating, except you."

"Well no one made you the fucking captain of this whole shit." I spat. I've had enough of all the games. If I had to go out and find Bree myself then I will. She will not make a fool out of me. Oh no, she's going to pay and this time no one, not even Jason will be able to help her. She won't be able to walk after I'm done with her. I'll show her who's in charge, who owns her sad little ass.

"Jax, wait. Where are you going." Jason asks as he sees me walking away. "None of your dam business."

"Well could you at least wait until I've finished a very important announcement?"

I'm about to say no when he just begins to open his mouth anyway and starts talking. Why the fuck ask me and talk anyway?

"Guys, I know that with what happened to James and the phone lines being down everyone is worried. But we'll get through this together. We just need a plan and I think I have one." He begins his stupid little pep talk. He should have became a cheerleader instead, it fits him much better.

"I was thinking that we split up- and before you say that, that's stupid and that we should stick together just listen me out alright?" He asks and of course the whole group, well with the exception of my greatness, nod. Gullible idiots, always following orders.

"Well I was thinking that we divide and conquer."

"Like what does that even mean?" Emma the sluty bitch asks. Of course she doesn't fucking understand. Seriously who the fuck even allowed her to come?

"Well Emma, what I mean is that if whatever that thing was, that devoured James, comes back we'll be prepared. So instead of it finding all of us, we'll be split up and can easier alert the others if there is any danger."

"Oh, yeah that makes sense." She finally understands. "I think." She adds on. Of course. Once born stupid, always stupid.

"Ok then, so I was planning that since the mansion is huge we'll split up into 3 floors. 1st floor being our 1st defense. 2nd floor our last defense and the 3rd floor being our lookouts. They'll be the ones to alert us of any suspicious movements or activity."

"Are you finally fucking done with your stupid speech. This isn't a football game you know." I spat interrupting him before he could tell us who was on what floor. "You morons do realize this is all a prank by James and that stupid bitch of Bree right?"

"Jax," Jason says in a low voice. Ha like he could ever scare me. Dumb - ass. "And before you go defending your precious little whore," I smirk knowing I'm getting under his skin. "Just know she's going to pay for-" I'm cut off as a loud roar sounds, not too far from where we are. Perfect, now to go and unmask that little Bitch.

"Jax come back. It's too dangerous." Max, that little adrenaline junky, shouts at me while trying to hold me back. "Get the fuck off me!" I yell at him as I push him off me and into the ground. "I'm done playing games with that bitch, if she wants to play then I'll give her a game."

"Jax, get your ass over here. This isn't a game. Our lives are at stake here and I'm not going to let all of of die because of your stupidity." Jason yells at me, stopping me in my place. "Who in fucking hell do you think you are to talk to me like that, you fucking jock rat?" I ask him as I slowly and menacingly walk towards him. Who the fuck gave him the right to speak to me like that. Especially to me, since I'm so much more above him. I'm his superior. He should respect me. I guess Bree won't be the only one getting a lesson on respect. "I'm not scared of you Jax, your just an immature and troubled kid who's in need of some serious help."

I lose it and lung myself forward as does Jason but we are held back. Max holding me while Jason is held back by one of his imbecile friends, Christopher. "He's not worth it." He tells Jason trying to calm him down. "I'll show you not worth it!" I yell as I try to pry myself out of Max's grip and throw myself at Jason and Christopher. But another loud roar inturupts us. So I elbow Max in the gut and push him down to the ground before heading in the direction of the sound but not before kicking Max in the stomach. Just couldn't help myself.

I run not letting anyone else hold me back. But when I get there I'm shocked to see a huge thing standing in the front gates of the mansion. It's huge with white hair-

"Nice costume!" I yell at Bree and James making them turn around and look at me. I must admit the costume looks very convincing, but I'm not that stupid to fall in their games. It growls at me before showing me it's great sharp teeth and claws....must have taken them long to make them. A for fucking effort. It looks into the distance before turning away. Fricking chickens!

"Hey bitch turn around. Do you really think I wouldn't figure you out Bree. Did you really think I was that stupid or gullible? Well guess what I'm not, so get the fuck out of there and fight me like the little whore you are!" I yell at it. Hoping to get get a reaction, I get ready but it only looks into the distance again and growls something under its breath, like as if asking for permission.

What could it possibly- Ahhhh!! I let out a scream as its claws slice through my leg. I look at it in disbelief- this is real! I try to crawl away but it grabs me and starts to shake me violently in the air. I can feel myself becoming dizzy. It suddenly drops me on the ground and I take the opportunity to scream for help but I know I don't have enough time and that they won't come to my rescue in time. The last thing I remember before I black out of pain is its large claws ripping through me. I guess that stupid bitch did get her revenge after all......

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