"She's seriously going to live here with you?" Jacob asked as we both looked at the door she went through. 

"Yeah," I breathe. 

Jacob nudged my shoulder and smiled. "Can I come live with you as well?" 

"It went like that for a couple of weeks, I realized we both liked Bella. We both wanted to persuade her but Jacob was always ahead of me. He always flirted with her and she flirted right back, I knew for sure that one day he was going to come back and tell me she was his and the simple thought made my blood boil. However, she didn't only flirt with Jacob, she flirted with me as well. There was always this kind of sparkle in her eyes every time we were together. We played games, she ran and I always chased after her. I always did. And I did it just to have her attention. Things then changed between us. There was a ball coming and it was the season for men to ask women to the ball. I knew Jacob would ask her and I was really afraid she would choose him, so one afternoon I took her to Portland just to have her all to myself. We kissed that very same day. 

"We kissed several times actually but it was always private and amazing. I asked her to the ball and she said yes. Jacob found out days later, he was upset. He had asked her after I did and she said no, obviously. He was mad at me for stealing her, that's when we began to get distant. We began going out after the ball. She was officially mine but then things between Jacob and I got worse." 

He nodded, kicking the ball back at me. "Good to know." He paused."Do you even care for her?" Jacob asked as he kicked the ball toward me. "Or are you going to play with her?"

I glare at him. "Of course I do, Jacob. You know how I am, I would never hurt her intentionally."

"You don't get it," Jacob said. "You do not get how much she means to me." 

"Weren't you only flirting with her or did something else happened that I don't know about?" I snapped, kicking the ball harder than expected. 

"I fell in love with her, Edward," he snapped back. "You should know it's not hard to fall for her." He paused and then sighed. 

"In that moment I knew things between me and Jacob were never going to be the same."

"So, let me see if I get this straight," Lily said. "My brother and my fiancee loved the same girl six years ago?" 

I shrug. "She was more than just some girl, Lily. Though I think Jacob thought he was in love with her." 

"Why would you think that?" 

Because he stopped caring about what happened to her...

"It's just a thought," I said. "Bella and I went out almost three months. I loved her, I wanted everything with her and she loved me back. We were in love and happy. Then one day she was gone for a whole day, no one knew she was. I got a text from her saying she didn't run away, that she would be home soon. She did come home and she sneaked in my room late at night. She told me we had to leave, that we had to runaway together. I thought it was a stupid idea, why would we want to runaway? Then I saw the look in her eyes and I knew I couldn't say no to her. So I agreed. Things after that just got strange. She was a little more anxious, a little scared. Her lawyer was around even more, people began to show up and demanded her attention. She had breakdowns. She burnt her mother's jewelry box."

"Why?" Lily asked. 

"Her biological father, whom she thought was dead, made an appearance. He wanted to take her back to London, where she was born but she didn't want to leave with him. She wanted nothing to do with him and I'm sure she was frighten of him." I sigh without taking my eyes off the road. "When she burnt her mother's jewelry box, she looked at her lawyer and I guess close friend and said she wanted out. I guess after that I had my suspicions that something was wrong, she was up to something. The letter came almost a week after that." 

"What letter?" Lily asked. 

"A letter arrived at Carlisle's office basically letting us know who she really was and what she did behind our backs while she lived with us."

"And that was?" She insisted.

I sighed again. "She framed Rosalie. Made it like she was trying to steal jewelry. She also seduced her father only to get  him to attack her and cause her parents to divorce and stop him from giving information about her to Marcus, another lawyer that was trying to get her with her father. She used Jacob. All that flirting and everything was to get information of me from him. She never cared about him or liked him, she wanted me. That's why she wanted me to runaway with her, because she did love me and she didn't want to loose me."

Lily looked at me. "So, after she used your best friend and technically ruined the life of another one, she still defend her?" 

"Like I told you, Bella was this really nice person but she was broken, Lilly. Her mother abused her all her life and her father was only looking for her because of the money there was left for her. She had no one to care for but herself and she did what she could to protect herself from any pain. She was determined, brave even but very impulsive. She didn't think through half the things she did, she only acted because she didn't know what to do but I was wiling to help her through it. Help her and be with her. That's when he came." 

"Who came?" 

"Her father," I said and stopped the story there. "Before I tell you the end of this story I have to take you somewhere first." 

* * * 

We were parked just a few feet from where it happened. We sat there in the car looking at the empty road ahead of us as I told her everything that happened that night. Lily listened to everything I said without interrupting me once, she just sat there shocked. As I told her, short flashbacks of that night came right back. I saw her mainly. It was always her. 

"Jacob and I chased after them in my car," I said. "He was driving like a mad man and hit the back of the car where she was. We ended up there," I point where we crashed as the flashback came. "They crashed there. Jacob was knocked out but I was still awake so I got her out of the car and placed her in the middle of the road. She was still half awake." 

With a deep breath I get out of the car and walk to that spot. Lily got out as well and just looked at me. I look down at the spot where I laid her down, where I saw her one last time. 

"I was stabbed here. As I went into unconsciousness, I could only think of her. I only saw her laying there beside me looking at me. Two people came and took her in car. That's the last time I ever saw her." 

I look at Lily who cleans a tear from her cheek. 

"Now you know," I said.  

Author's Note:

Here is the summary for The Perfect Life ~

Edward lived a happy life. At least he finally did. He was happily married for the second time to the true love of his life Isabella Swan... or Cullen. They were the perfect couple. The marriage anyone could dream of. The perfect home and the perfect nursery for their little one that's on it's way.

There's just one problem in Edward's way to happiness.

His ex-wife Tanya Denali.

Tanya wants Edward to be happy, even if that means he now belongs to another woman but a lot of things change once she learns that his perfect wife will be giving him the perfect child.

This story will be published along with A Chance! 




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