"S-S-I'm so sorry Darrén!" I apologised. I tried to get up fast because I knew that I was heavy but without any results I remained on top of him. Now this was embarrassing.

"You need to be more careful..." he said and got up but he seemed so tired so he just sat up. He's definitely not a morning person.

What surprised me was when he made another attempt to get up he lost his balance and got into that same position that we were in at the hospital. Yes, with his hands trapping me and maybe I'm annoying mentioning this all the time but his right leg was just between mine.

I couldn't stop noticing that the atmosphere from that day returned and we just stared into each other. He touched my hair that was spread all over the floor as I had forgotten to braid it.

I don't know for how long we stayed like that. That kiss scene started to replay in my mind again. Over and over. I had never noticed that before I was even avoiding him because I was so embarrassed by it but then when I thought Chris died I desperately need him so much that my brain couldn't handle showing that moment to me because of the shock. I looked away, because I was scaresd of what was going to happen. In truth, I shouldn't be that but the that scene kept coming up and I couldn't take it seeing him so close with that same pose on top of me.

He placed his hand on my cheek, looking right into my eyes. Getting closer and closer I could feel how my heart was going to explode soon with the countdown because it beated so fast.

I took a deep breath, knowing what was coming. I was prepared.

And so was the phone. Because it rang and I flew out of his own made prison.No, prison sounds too forceful. Rather a cage. No that's the same but you know.

"Hetace resident." I nervously said when I picked up the phone and met his dark expression.

"Woah!" a guy's voice said. "I didn't know that a girl has moved into Darr's place!" I was going to give the phone to Darrén but he didn't look happy. God, it looked like he was taken by Satan.

"Who is it, may I ask?" I said but couldn't avoid thinking that I sounded like his maid.

"Did Darrén move to his parents or what?" I knew that he asked that because Darrén's parents place have to be filled with maids all over to serve dinner and whatever they do.

"No, I just moved in."

"Who are you?"

"Krystal Hayden."

"Huh. Okay."

"And what's your business with him?" I asked after a while. God this guy isn't really social(not that I am too...).

"No, nothing I'll call his cell." he told me and hung up.

"Who was it?" Darrén broke the silence.

"A guy that will call your cellphone." I answered as short as I could. I was still in this awkward atmosphere after that scene. And that kiss scene also replayed in my head but I just ignored it. I'm starting to get used to it.

"So why are you here? You don't have to go to school?" I broke another silence. God, maybe I shouldn't had tried to get that sauce pan. Now this happened and it's so awkward between us.

"Carter came in and said that he had to have an extra shoot because we don't have enough time and I've already done all my scenes." he replied. "So I came to check on you."

I chuckled. He looked up, surprised of my sudden laugh. "Then why don't you help me get that saucepan on top of the shelf over there?"

He smiled and took it down without even trying to. This guy is tall. But there's not really two chairs of height difference between us so maybe it's just his arms.

"Thanks." I said when he gave me it.

"And what are you doing?" When he opened the fridge his face went pale. "Where is everything?!"

"I threw it because you shouldn't eat crap food like that. I'm remaking some food for you." I answered truthfully. My actions were rough and maybe it wasn't the best to do something like that without even asking for permission.

"My lasagna... Hamburgers... and pizza!" he cried. Then he returned to his normal state. "But maybe your right. I've thought about it myself but I'm not good in the kitchen so I didn't know where to start."

That's so typical him. "You hungry?"

"Like hell."

"How about curry for brunch then?" I said as I started washing the saucepan. It was very heavy so I had to use my both hands.

"And how about I help you?" he lifted off the weight of the pan. Wow. He's strong too.

"That'd be a great help."


"Can you get me a spoon? I want to taste it."

"Where?" he asked.

"The drawer over there." I pointed. I looked at the pot and how delicious it looked like. He had helped out with cutting and it felt good not to do everything by myself like I usually do. "Wait."

"What?" he said and gave me the spoon.

"Why am I teaching you where your stuffs are in your house?"

"I don't know?" he chuckled.

"At least know where your own things are!" I laughed and gave the curry a taste. He brought me another spoon or so I thought because he tasted it too. No he didn't taste it, I take it back. He actually threw it at me.

"At least know how to dodge that!" he sneered at me. It dripped down from my hair to my clothes. Darn it, curry stains are worst! I filled my spoon with curry and threw it with all my power on him, just to miss.

"You need to learn from the master!" he laughed and got another hit on my back when I tried to avoid it.

Next thing I knew we were running around his house throwing out food at each other and I couldn't get a drop of curry on him! Well, just one but it landed in his mouth and that was a total failure.

"Tastes good!" he grinned and threw another one at my hair.

I felt filled with happiness. Before I met this guy I was so gloomy without any life in me. Or actually I had met him before but I didn't know him and at that time he was quite a jerk laughing at everything. It's scary how different a person can be when you get to know them.

I don't know why he was so special to me. He's that person that knows everything about me. Okay, not everything but you get it, don't you?

But every time I'm with him I have this bubbly feeling in my heart. Even though I'm good at covering up for the things I do or feel I can't deny it.

"Darrén..." I mumbled.

"What? You want to give up?" he joked.

"I love you."


Uhm. The part everyone has been waiting for! Enjoy the wait!!



Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now