"Raphael called up last night to check up on me" I said stuffing myself with egg "you are on first name basis" she smirked and I rolled my eyes."So I thought may be you gave"."Nah I dint the company records have it" she muttered and I nodded."What did he say" she asked sipping her coffee.

"Nothing he was checking on me after that night and was just asking about the complain thing" I said and she nodded the topic dropped.

"What will you have?, I am.telling you they serve the best burgers you tasted like ever"Emma said while I was going through the menu

The whole day me and Emma were rolling around in the house me doing laundry and lunch and she was reading a book which she bought earlier yesterday and loved it.Ill borrow from her once she finished with it its been a while that I indulge myself in a good read.

Anyways she was too tired to make dinner for the fact she dint so anything that might tire her,and she dint wanted me to do the dinner either cause  "I am tired of your boring cooking"she said rolling off on one sofa and I looked at her who-ate -half-of-the-lunch and she grinned.

"Anything is fine with me I am just too hungry to order,besides you know whats best over here right" I said dropping the menu.

"Now now someone is so enthusiastic to have dinner and here I thought of enjoying the dinner with my best friend but I happen to leave her at home"she said and I rolled my eyes.

"okayy fine you don't have to be so dramatic alright, ill go with the Jumbo king" I said pointing and she grinned.

The climate was too good to sit at home and make dinner to tell the truth,Emm brought me to a small restaurant which was more like a cafe if you'd ask me few tables inside but most of it we outside,apparently people enjoy outside then in even when its too cold to survive."Coal Burgers" is one of the best restaurant where they serve the most scrumptious,delicious,heavenly,sin full and what not.Well Emma is just way to dramatic and exaggerating.There were like seven tables outside and I guess 5 in all covered with black and white table cloth and wooden table and chairs.During winter they serve the best hot chocolate and its slightly different from others apparently they have a magic ingredient to make it different from others.If I would last till winter I will surely taste it.

"This is not the time to think that Becca" Emma's voice interrupting my thoughts and I smiled.

"Can I join you if you don't mind"a guy came up and asked Emma and she looked at him.The look on her face clearly shows she dint know this person.She looked at me and I shrugged.

"Sure, no problem" she said and he sat "you dint call me?" he said and I looked at Emma raising my brows.

"Why will I call you" she said him looking confused.

He sighed shaking his head like h was having and inside laugh"You don't remember anything do you?" he asked and her eyes went big like saucers and it clicked he is "A " .

Well he was goooodd how could she forget him he is HOT wearing blue polo shirt which showed his muscles flexing when he took the chair and sat.but not like Raphael when he was wearing the sweater,Dark hair which were quiet messy I don't think he combs it but it did makes him look sexy less than Raphael's though his hair is just so soft well i dint touch it but i am sure it is ,dark brown eyes which complimented his tanned skin, not like Raphael"s blue eyes,black jeans which showed off his legs not that long like Raphael but then he looked good in those.What the hell is wrong with me I am comparing him with Raphael seriously i should get him out of my head he is my BOSS,I shook my head.

"Well I know I am good that sometimes girls get out of words but I will be glad if you will speak" he said to Emma and she looked at me.

" Well I don't think I have to call now" she said and he smirked.

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