An Invincible Man VS An Invincible Man!

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Carnefici's back blew open letting go elongated gummy tentacles that impaled and tossed the gangsters around, they even grabbed a couple and tore them right in half. This was the scorn of the world which Carefici was... The Syndicate's medical plan must've covered injuries like this, the Boss was completely crushed by long layers of stone and Audra ores and yet he was standing here completely rebuilt. One could only wonder if whatever wonderful medical ninja worked on the Boss would've worried themselves with common crooks like the ones torn apart by Carnefici.

Shimo looked back at Notasa, "I promised your bodyguard to keep the small fry off of him, I'll do my best to keep up that promise and protect you, you'll have to trust me." He mumbled out to which the young artist just nodded hesitantly.

The Yuki's hands blurred through a bunch of hand seals creating a small scale snowstorm of freezing temperatures pelting at the criminals and slowing their movement speed and intensity exponentially. Even Carnefici's gummy body began covering with icicles and snow, the man grinned with a cruel and cold smile, "Oh, I like that!" He declared throwing a punch in the Boss' way.

The quick punch lifted the shorty with an oversized steel filled head off his feet and sent him down. It appeared that Shimo's ice ninjutsu granted Carnefici's attacks enough chakra coating to break through Audra steel and deal some damage. Still, Shimo had no time to just stand there and keep freezing the murderous bastard's body, he'll have to deal with this on his own. At the very least he could hold his own until Shimo finished with the lowlifes and could focus on helping him beat that short bastard up.

Carnefici's hands couldn't elongate or change shape once they were frozen, the man continued punching wildly while taking a moment or two to evade the counterattacking bursts of kunai blades from Boss' kunai dispenser before pummeling the man again and again. With an almighty finishing blow of the combination, Carnefici sent the rebuilt man flying and crashing straight into Notasa's mansion. The body of Notasa's bodyguard leaned forward as if falling forwards but then his muscles tensed up at the last moment using the momentum of the fall to jumpstart his dash and bolt towards the mansion. He had some business to finish with the Boss and Shimo had no objections with that.

The ex-rogue swordsman dashed around the battlefield cutting down every single Syndicate bastard that dared to do anything else but shiver in the cold air created by the technique he used before. Shimo's hands went through another combination of hand seals creating a raging vortex shaped blizzard around the area before the young man's body disappeared into the fray.

"Blizzard Cut: Three Hundred Twenty Slashes!" Shimo mumbled as his figure appeared behind the raging blizzard that was cut over three hundred times and the vortex opened up in the spots the cut was delivered. Overwhelmed by the difference of cold air inside the blizzard and the warmth coming from outside of it the vortex imploded and dissolved in on itself leaving nothing but beaten and cut down bodies. The Boss would've needed more than fifty men to cause problems to Shimo at this point... Numbers made little difference here, skill was needed to combat ninja.

Carnefici rushed into the ruined mansion, his right hand which was frozen solid and he used to pound his enemy with this winded up full powered strike was busted into pieces, drops and puddles of goo gathered around Carnefici fusing with him and recovering his missing arm.

"Hydrification Jutsu." The man mumbled to himself testing out his new arm. A barrage of blades came whizzing his way, a handful of them missed him and whizzed right by his ear, a couple of them lodged into his chest and face but were expulsed by the pressure of his oily substance. Carnefici placed his arm against the wall and grinned.

"I am the bodyguard of Notasa, the greatest child musical genius of our time, we are in her estate and you are now in my sanctuary!" The man declared making a hand seal with his free arm.

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