"Hello, your highness. I'm really sorry but he isn't here." His secretary said with a pained expression.

Tia frowned "What do you mean he isn't here?"

"Ma'am he is missing. We can't track him or Ira Kapoor with whom he went for a party last night."

'That's strange.' She thought.
"You checked his apartment?"

"We did but..." she said and shook her head in denial.

"I know where my brother is then. Thank you." She said and left.

After giving the required directions to her driver, She sank in deep thoughts.
What could be a possible reason for his disappearance.?
One thing she love about Samar is his care for peopld. Several times he kept his interest in a small box and reached out to help others.
'People have their own worries Tia, you can't erase them all. The least you can do is not to bring more.' He always said that and yet he is missing today.
Something terrible happened to him.

"Ma'am? We reached." Her driver called and pulled her back to the current scenario.

She nodded and stepped out of the car, standing silently in front of a small country side cottage.
"You can return." She commanded and moved towards the cottage, the door was open.

"Samar?" She called but there was no response, she further moved inside the cottage and her childhood memories rushed back.
How their parents made this small secret place so that they can hide from the lime light of the world and be a normal family for once in a while.

"Samar!" She gasped when she saw her brother sleeping on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and a gold bracket in other.

Though he was sleeping but he was tired and in pain.
She rushed towards him and lightly touched his forehead.

"Ira!" He jerked up and his eyes started searching her.

"Brother..." She said in a whisper.

He turned and saw his sister sitting next to him. Within a fraction of second he was hugging her tightly and was crying his eyes out.

"My handsome Prince of France doesn't cry." She said, recalling his words 'My beautiful Princess of France doesn't cry.' Whenever she did.

"I never loved someone as much as I love her." He whispered.


"Ira..." he breathed.

"Shhh...You don't need to be disheartened, brother. You are a terrific person nothing can stop her from falling in love with you."

"My personality does." He hugged her harder.

"That's..... shallow."

"That's her... and that's what makes me love her more."

"Brother look." She pushed him to be face to face. "You looked handsome, hot, girls were crazy for you. Then you changed and became like this. A boring doctor. I don't understand, why?"


"Because....Vivaan was hot and handsome and fell in love. I have seen what looks do to people. I have seen what love does to people, now I understand."

"So, you want Ira to fall for this Samar? Who is not real? Who is someone hiding behind his specs?"

"It is who I'm now."

"No.. you are it not. A boring doctor doesn't ask his sister to bring in leather jackets, or buys cool snickers, or get an sleek Armani stitched!"

"Tia... you are little. You won't understand. I need to return, people would be worried."

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