How you find out about the Death Note

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I was with L in the helicopter when a police man brought a black book to him. He took it carefully and looked towards the direction everyone else was looking and pointing. He looked scared, completely shocked.
"Are you okay?" I asked him and put my hand on his shoulder.
He didn't say anything, he just held the black book torwards me. I didn't know if I should take it but I did. I slowly took it and looked in the same direction. A tall and weird looking creature stood there and looked at us. I was scared of it because I thought I knew what it was.
"It is a Shinigami, isn't it?" L asked and I nodded.

It was a few months after Light and I started dating. I went to his house because he wanted to meet me there. He said he wanted to tell me something important. I rang the door bell and waited for someone to open it. Then Light opened it for me.
"Hello (Y/N), come in." he said and hugged me. I hugged back and stepped in.
"Now come on, it is really important for the both of us." he said a little different. He was a bit weird. We both went into his room and he locked it like always even though no one else was in the house. I sat down on his bed and waited for him to speak up.
"The world is a bad place with lots of bad people right now, don't you think?" he asked me and I nodded.
"I wanted to change the world, wanted to make it a better place and I can do that." he said and looked at me.
"And how do you do that?" I asked him and he smiled.
"I wanted to tell you a while ago but I think it is the right time now." he said and took a black book from his desk.
The title was 'Death Note'.
"I am KIRA." he said in a serious voice. My eyes widened. Is he serious right know? This ... this can't be.
"I want to be the god of a new world. A better world without crime and bad people. But you ... you can help me. You can be with me and we can rule both over this new world. So do you believe me and do you want to stay by my side in this new world?" he asked smiling and offering his hand to me.
I nodded/shock my head.

Near didn't had much time the last few weeks. He was always busy and everything but that day he wanted to tell me something. He wanted to come to my place around noon. I waited for him until the door bell rang. I went to the door and opened it. He was it, so I gave him a little peck on the cheeks and let him in.
"I missed you." he said and looked a little sad.
"I missed you too." I said and smiled at him.
We both aren't good at communication. "I want to tell you something." he began and I looked at him.
"So you know I got a job and I have to work really hard there but I didn't tell you what job and that's what I wanted to talk about." he said and I nodded.
"So that job ... I'm working as a one man task force in the KIRA case you could say." he said a bit carefully.
My eyes widened. I knew that he was really intellegent and everything but a one man task force?!
"But you're in danger then." I said shocked.
"I know but I'm the only one that can help them right now." he said and looked at his feet.
"But what is with L?" I asked trying to look into his eyes.
"I tell you everything but promise me, you never tell anybody." he said and looked up.

Mello was acting weird the last days. He was more agressive and ignored me a bit. That day I wanted to ask him why he was acting like that so I went to his place. I knocked on the door and Matt opened it which wasn't surprising.
"Is Mello here?" I asked.
"Wait." he said and went in again.
I waited for a few minutes until Matt came again.
"He isn't here." he said and looked at me with a look that just said 'go away'.
"Come on, I know that he's here." I said and he looked a bit stressed.
He went in again. I knew that Matt wanted me to go but I wanted to talk to Mello so I sat beside the door because I knew that they had a camera at their front door. I waited for what felt like an hour but then Matt came again and said:
"Okay, you can come in."
With that I went in and followed Matt until I saw Mello. Then I went to him.
"Hey Babe. Sorry that you needed to wait so long." he said with a smirk.
"What's going on with you? You're definitely not yourself lately." I confronted him directly.
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about this but Matt thought I shouldn't. Sorry about that." he looked at me with a serious face now.
"Do you belive in Shinigamis?"

I called Matt that day. I was bored so I wanted to know if he could come over. I waited for him to pick up until I heard his voice.
"Hey (Y/N). I'm kind of busy right now. Can I call you later?" he said.
"Sure." I said and hang up.
He was never busy and now he sounded like he was in a total rush.
~Time skip~
A few hours later he called me.
"Hey hot stuff. Sorry for that before." he said as soon as I picked up.
"No need to be sorry." I answered.
"What did you wanted to say?" he asked.
"Oh, I was just bored," I laughed "But why were you busy before? You're never busy."
"You know Mello, right? He kind of changed a bit and yeah ..." he responded in an unusual way.
"What do you mean?" I asked not knowing what he was going to tell me.
"It's kind of complicated but if you belive me then I could come over in a few minutes." he said.
"Okay, then I'll see you in a few minutes."

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