Punk (Percabeth) (Punk!Percy)

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Accidentally published it too early! Slight trigger warning. Mentions of suicide.

"You have to be kidding me!" He slammed his hands against the door angrily. Well, it wasn't really as much out of anger as it was out of desperation. He was pleading.

"Open the door." He said, reaching for the doorknob, "Can you hear me? Please, say something."

It would have been a strange sight to see. A young man, leather jacket clad and tall, in the middle of his girlfriend's house, trying to rip the door off of it's hinges.

His hair was dark and so was his eyes. His eyes were always dark, except the times he was with her. When he was with her, he could feel. He didn't have his walls up or his emotions turned down. And his eyes turned a sea-green. A color that she'd come to think of when she heard the word happiness.

But he'd been stupid and oblivious. He'd taken her time and used the feelings she'd given him to drag himself out of a pit he'd been trapped in for as long as he could remember. But he'd never realized that she needed help too, that she was deeper into the darkness than he was. That she was broken.

She hadn't seemed it. She was all sarcastic come-backs and stormy grey eyes. Curly blonde hair and sly smiles. But, deep down, she was just as hurt as he was. And he'd never seen it.

"Annabeth, please." He swallowed.

There was silence, still. He'd been so stupid. So, so stupid. He hadn't noticed her light draining from her. He hadn't told her that he loved her.

Was it too late?

But then the door clicked and, after a few seconds of shock, Percy slammed it open, his attention being drawn to a ball of grey and blue on the floor. She was curled in the corner, eyes trained on the floor tiles, with tears slowly dripping from her eyes. She wore his blue sweatshirt, which was extremely baggy on her small frame, and grey shorts. She looked ready to go to sleep.

"Annabeth," He breathed, dropping beside her and wrapping her in his arms, "Are you okay?" He asked. She didn't move, instead curled deeper into him and took ragged breaths. He'd never been so scared in his life, as he was when he held her dying figure on a bathroom floor.

Slowly, he took her hands tried to check her wrists. But she snatched her hand away, trying to push him off of her, so he let go in the hopes that she wouldn't do anything irrational.

"Did you take anything?" He asked softly, trying to get her to look at him, "Annabeth, did you take anything?"

She still didn't respond, but shuddered as he pulled her away from himself to look at her. He wrapped her in his arms again and took deep breaths.

"I need you to talk to me, okay?" Percy ran his fingers through her hair, trying not to let the images of what she could've done in the hour she'd been locked in her bathroom get into his head, "Okay?" He asked again.

He felt her nod her head and took a deep breath, "Did you take anything? Pills?" He asked. His heart pounded as he waited for her answer.

Her answer was a small shake of her head, and he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

He held her close, one hand in her hair and the other arm wrapped around her. Her head was in the crook of his neck.

"No," Annabeth said quietly, "Magnus took everything." Percy raised his eyes towards the medicine cabinet and saw where she'd rummaged through it. But there were only Band-AIDS and cotton balls there, and Percy made a mental note to thank Magnus later.

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