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Days had passed since Vivien received the offer to interview Got7 for their concert and, even though at the moment she didn't hesitate to say yes, she was now concerned about how she would tell the news to Dylan.

"He always hated Mark, after all" – she thought as she walked back home, carrying a plastic bag full of stuff Dylan told her to buy.

Vivien had lost count of how many times she tried to end everything with Dylan since Mark left, but he always managed to keep her by his side: he would apologize for everything and would say that he'd never do anything like that again, or he would swear he'd make her friends and family life's a living hell. So she had no other choice but to stay.

"What can he do anyways? Forbid me of having a job?" – she said to herself, sitting on a bench so she could rest from her walk. She could've taken the car, but she felt like she needed some fresh air.

All of a sudden, she saw a group of girls screaming and running in the opposite direction of where she was and, given the fact that she was a journalist, she felt curious to why those girls were so happy and loud.

"Here! Jackson!" – the girls called – "Mark oppa! Here!"

"Mark.." – and then, she felt as if a switch inside her mind had been turned on.

"Mark!" – she called as loud as she could, running towards those seven boys that were already surrounded by excited fangirls.

Her heart started skipping several beats and adrenaline rushed through every vein of her body. In that moment, her only priority was getting as close as possible to her, once, best friend. Unfortunately, just before she was about to get close enough, she was stopped by one of their many security guards.

"Let go of me! What do you think you're doing?!" – she complained as she tried to break free from the man's hold – "I'm Mark's friend! Mark!" – she tried calling out again – "It's me! It's Viv!"

She kept struggling in vain, because not long after that she was standing next to the bench where she originally was, next to her bags and Mark was busy taking pictures with his fans. He probably didn't even notice Vivien was calling for him.

                          *** *** ***

"I'm glad you're home! Is the store that far away? It's literally just around the corner." – Dylan said, as he opened another beer.

"It's not around the corner, it's actually kinda of a distance from here to there, but that's alright." – she said in a sarcastic tone, only to regret her words the next minute.

"Did you just talk back to me?"

To Dylan's surprise, and even Vivien's, she grew some courage and, instead of giving in, she raised her voice and said:

"Yes, I did. And do you wanna know the news? Mark Tuan's band is gonna have a concert in LA in two days and guess what? I'm going because I want to and because I can."

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