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It was an unusual grey morning in the city of Los Angeles, and it was uncertain if it would be like this all day or just for a few hours; either way, Vivien had to go to work and, once more, she had to do her best with her makeup to cover up the bruises from last night: turns out that Dylan doesn't like when she arrives late.

Vivien walked out of the bedroom they both shared in their small apartment and the smell of pancakes came to her. She walked in the kitchen where she saw Dylan standing by the stove, she quicly tried to smile but that didn't come out quite right.

-I'm sorry for my reaction yesterday, it was too much – said Dylan as soon as he saw her standing there. Vivien already knew what was coming next:

-It'll never happen again, it was the last time, I swear.

-It's okay, baby, I understand. Now I got to go to work. – was the only thing she managed to say. Did she really believe that?

-Where's my goodbye kiss? – He said, already with an annoyed tone in his voice, so she just gave him a quick peck. Vivien felt obligated to do as he said, or else she wouldn't have makeup enough to hide all of her bruises.

Finally walking out of the house and making her way to work, she coulnd't help but keep thinking about that Got7 concert and in the possibilities of meeting Mark once more, even if it was from afar. All she wanted was to see his beautiful smile again. Oh, how she missed those days she spent together with that shy little boy.

- Vivien? The singer you're going to interview is already waiting for you. – said her assistant, as she walked into her work place.

Vivien was very hardworking and liked to have everything ready in advance, that's why she was always walking in such great hurry; She was now, making her way to the room where she'll be interviewing the singer and she was hoping to God that any of her bruises showed.

-Already? Isn't it too early? – she asked George, her assistant, because it was in fact, too early to be doing the interview. George rolled his eyes and said:

- You know that these celebrities nowadays have to have everything done their way. – Mark crossed Vivien's mind: was he like that too now, that he became a celebrity? "No, he can't be, that's not how Mark is" – she thought.

- C'mon, don't say that. Let's get to work. – she said, slighly laughing at George's lack of excitement.

They walked into a room, where they saw a tall women being photographed, her skin was dark and she looked very exotic and beautiful, filling everybodies eyes with her beauty and charm. This singer wasn't as well known compared to others Vivien had interviewed in the past, but her work deserved more recognition.

As soon as people noticed Vivien was in the room, the pictures stopped:

-Hello, I'm a journalist and I'll be interviewing you today, could we do it as soon as possible so you can carry on what you were doing? – Vivien said, showing her the best smile she possibly could, at the moment.

-Sure – the singer answered, not quite convinced, but she still followed Vivien to the room where they would do the interview. The interview started and Vivien would laugh along with some of the answers given by the singer, but her giggles always seemed kind of distant.

Katherine, the singer, kept eyeing Vivien, trying to look for something that wasn't right.

When the interview came to an end, Katherine couldn't help but to say:

- Domestic violence is a crime that can lead to prision. You're too young and beautiful to be going through something like that. Don't let anyone bring you down, please.

And, like that, Vivien realized she should have been more careful while doing her makeup.

Sorry for the long wait, but here's a new chapter ^-^ If you want to you can vote and share this fanfic~ 

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