"O-oh..yes of course, whatever makes you feel comfortable..."

"Thank you.."

She gave a weak smile, brushing past him as his mind wandered back to what she had said.

"Not feeling well.. "

She looked fine to him..then again she always did.

Nothing she did or said could, or would, put him off.

Because she was just that perfect.

And he knew he was crazy for her, so it made logical sense to him.

But her not feeling well? That got to him more than he thought it would've.

Maybe it wasn't something...physical.

It could be emotional even, a thought she'd been having. Maybe even a memory.

He shook his head at the thought, quickly dismissing the idea that such a proud and gorgeous woman could have anything bad to remember.

But then again she could, and it hurt him.

It just hurt him.

He ran a hand through his tussled hair, letting a sigh breakaway from his tight lips.

"It'll be fine...everything is going to be..just fine..."


A few hours had passed now, the crew had all been shipped across the small island in search of a good pub as he set up the evening.

He looked up at the sky, the light slowly fading into the dark as little spots of light flooded through.

A hum slowly rose from his throat as he inhaled deeply and breathed it out slowly.


He felt a small tap on his shoulder, glancing back at the young lady standing behind him.

"Oh! Rinku..I didn't notice you standing there love I'm sorry."

He watched her cheeks slowly start to flush, a hand coming up to brush a few stray strands of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear.



He looked down at her, his face bursting into a red as he quickly turned his attention away.

"Beautiful! The night is very..beautiful.."

"Oh..yes it is.. "

He felt her warmth besides him glancing over as he watched her eyes shine from the stars, the slowly rising moon casting a glow across her porcelain features.

He felt his heart beat strongly again, another feeling washing over him.

Comfort, that's what it was. She was comforting.

Before he let his thoughts wander any further, he cleared his throat and gesture to the seats sat out before the two of them.

"Would you like a seat?"

She nodded, making her way over as he quickly sat down beside her.

"It is quite a beautiful night out isn't it Shanks..?"


His eyes traveled back to her again, tracing over her face and down her body slowly, a calmness washing over him.

"So, you said you weren't feeling too well earlier?"

"Oh..yes I haven't been..feeling good no.."

"And why is that? Has your stomach been bothering you? Maybe a headache?"

"No no..its nothing like that its just..I haven't been able to sleep the past few nights.."

"Ah..and why is that?"

He watched a sigh leave her lips, her eyes slowly closing.

"You wouldn't understand...its just childish.."

"Hey..its not childish if it keeps you up at night...I want to know..I can try and help you.."

"That's the problem.. I don't know If I can tell you..I've barely told anyone.."

"Rinku..I promise you can trust me..I want you to be comfortable telling me things.."

He watched as her eyes opened, looking over at him with a pleading look.

"You..really want to know..?"

"Yes..I do.."

He smiled softly, leaning just a bit closer as a small sigh fell from her lips.


Another sigh, and her gaze suddenly turned to his.

"Nightmares...reoccurring nightmares...they...they just terrorize me.."

Her voice began to soften, a hand running its way through her hair as she breathed in shakily.

"They just keep going...over and over..like its on a repeat and..and when one stops another one comes and it keeps replaying until I wake up..and I can't go back to sleep.."

He chewed his lip, reaching for her hand as she quickly jerked it away.

"Please...don't pity me or anything...I don't deserve it.."


He took her hand, gently squeezing it in his own as his eyes captured hers.

"Don't be scared...okay..I'm here..I'm always here..and you can always come talk to me when you need to..and...I know that you think its foolish to be scared of dreams, but its not.."

His voice was low and smooth, trying his hardest to keep her calm as her eyes widened.


"Really. Really its not.."

His arms slowly wrapped around her, pulling her closer to his chest as she hesitantly laid her head against him.


"Hush..I know...and tonight...instead of sleeping in your room..you can come sleep with me...I promise I'll make all of your nightmares go away...I can't stand seeing people I love in discomfort or pain..."

Sorry if this was not as Good babes, I did the final touches ups today actually and I got it done so yay! Hope you liked it~ and have fun with your silly little Akagami~

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