Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

(A/N: Am I the only one who lowkey thinks that Francisco resembles a young Johnny Depp? Also, I am well aware that this is Johnny Depp, I'm just stating that Francisco looks a lot like Johnny when he was younger. I can't be the only one who sees it lol Anyways as you can tell by the very heartbreaking gif, this chapter will be in Jake's POV so, Onward!)

"Hey Princess, I really need you to call me back. This whole situation is fucked up and I'm sorry for that. A lot of things were left unsaid and you totally diverted everyone's calls and attempts to talk to you the last week. Hell, you're still diverting everyone's calls now. I need a chance to explain Princess. Please. I'm sorry." My voice cracked at the end as I hung up the phone and left my one-hundredth voicemail in the past week or so. I looked over at Mateo who was shaking his head with a teary-eyed Cathy on his lap. We weren't all a mess or super upset. We worried and not just for our sake. Jaqueline said that she'd be damned if she let something as stupid as this misunderstanding keep her down. The strong-willed blonde has been partying and drinking. Cathy and Mateo aren't really upset. I mean, they feel bad and want to explain their reasons but, they don't want life to pass them by. After the last week of school, all three of them sort of gave up. Me? Not so much. I leave her a voicemail at least once a day and constantly try to persuade her mom or her sister to tell me where she went. It was getting harder, though. We were leaving to Miami tomorrow even with the awkwardness and conflict.

"Jake, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You have to give her space and time if not, it's going to be worse. You screwed up. Own it. That's the same thing Jaqueline said the last week of school. You can't-do much more than that. You apologized, ok? The ball is in her court now." Cathy state matter-of-a-factly, wiping her face and getting up off Mateo's lap. Mateo stood up right after her and nodded, walking over to me and sitting next to me on my bed. 

"Like I said that night, what happened was fucked up. You then proceeded to look for her and beat Marco to a fucking pulp right in front of her. I'd be confused as hell too. She needs time man, that's all. You did the most you could. You're leaving tomorrow morning and you need to try to get your mind off of it. It's taking a toll on you." Mateo pointed out, scanning my face. He was right about the toll part. I had bags under my eyes, and honestly, it looked like I had allergies like 24/7. 

"Ok. Thanks. Umm, can you guys go, please? I still have some packing to do." I mumbled wiping away a stray tear and looking down at my hands. They nodded silently, exiting my room and closing the door softly behind them. That's when I broke.

I had fucked up so bad and she didn't want anything to do with me. I stood up and ran a hand through my hair in a frustrated manner. I was terrified. I honestly was full out terrified of losing her and the worst part was that after beating Marco and screaming my lungs out at Gabrielle and Marcia, I didn't feel anymore. The worst part is I can't wake up. This fucking twisted thing that happened, isn't a dream and that kills me. It fucking kills me inside knowing that she's somewhere else trying to get me out of her head. It was selfish to say but I didn't want to be out of her head. I didn't want her to rip me out of her heart. I wanted her to be ok with me being part of her heart. That's when I punched a wall.

It angered me that she didn't want to respond to my calls. She couldn't do that. I've done too much in a short amount of time to lose her now. She couldn't just act like nothing happened and go on with her life when I'm over dying on the inside because of her. The thought of her letting go broke me in so many ways. That's when I broke down. I slid down against the wall till I was sitting down on the floor crying in silence. Her eyes that night. They were shattered. Her heart was on the floor and all I could do was blubber like an idiot and apologize. I wanted to chase her and hold her even when she didn't want me to touch her. The way she flinched away from me as if I had burned her seemed pretty accurate now that I looked at it. I had burned her. I had told her I loved her, led her into the flames and they burned her. It burned me. It burned us.

The dust settled and all I see is the trust she had given me, on the floor. I plunged myself too deep and even as I was breaking over her, I thought about how she was breaking or how she broke over me. When I witnessed Marco and the girls tell her that night, I felt the wind got knocked out of me. I couldn't form the words to say anything to them or to properly try to explain. And she left. She hated all of us and left. That was all there was to it. The girl I love and I had to repair because of what I did along with others, broke once again. Because of me. That thought haunted me. I don't think it will stop until I hear her voice again.

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Buenas Tardes Peaches, how is everyone doing today? To be completely honest, this chapter completely broke my heart. I conjured up a lot of feelings and was like in tears by the end like writing this is honestly a toll on me on an emotional level. Not that it is a bad thing of course but still. Who else feels really bad for Jake like right about now? I do. In all honestly, I'm writing these fictional characters and I feel like 'Oh damn, I'm breaking his heart right now as I write this'. I'm way too considerate about these kinds of things for my life. Like when I was a little bit younger, I cried at movies like The Lion King, Dumbo, and Bambi. Like my little five-year-old heart couldn't take it. I still cry at The Lion King, though. Like if you don't, you're heartless lol Anyways, how are you feeling about the book so far? Do any of you lowkey ship Hunter and Lenne? Have you ever got your heartbroken? And lastly, just for kicks and giggles, what is your favorite Disney movie? -Aime        

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