Riley's problems night

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Episode 29, Season 1.

Emily's POV

"Good night Ri."

"Good night Em."

And I close my eyes, feeling myself fall asleep, exhausted, after winning semifinals at Regionals.

"Em?" My sister's voice startles me once I was almost completly asleep.

"Mmm?" I mumble.

"Aren't you nervous for tomorrow?" She asks me in a low voice, although we two are alone in the hotel room which we share.

"Yeah Ri, but I'm very tired." I manage to say, trying to go back to sleep.

"I can't sleep." She whispers.

"Mmmm." I answer, trying to finish the conversation.

"Emily." I hear again, as I hear how Riley sits on her bed where she was lying.

"What, Ri?" I ask a little annoyed, but she follows anyway.

"How will I get my wig not to fall tomorrow?" She asks me, clearly worried.

"Wha-" I jump, opening my eyes and looking at her, even more annoyed. "Okay, you need to sleep."

"Yes, I don't want to fall asleep tomorrow while we perform." She says, lying again.

Finally peace.

"EMILY." She shouts a minute later, jumping from her bed and turning on the light of the bedtable between us.

"What do you want now Ri?!" I close my eyes tighly, covering my face with the sheets because of the light.

"After winning semifinals, I went to buy water and, and-" she freaks out, "I was so excited that I forgot to pay!" she says nervously.

"Riley, can you calm yourself?" I sit on my bed, rolling my eyes at her.

"No Em! What if the judges disqualify us?! I have stolen in a shop at Regionals!"

"Riley, first, a water bottle is not a big deal." I say, standing up and sitting next to her on her bed, holding her shoulders trying to calm her. "And second, JAMES WAS BEHIND YOU AND HE SAW YOU LEAVING AND HE PAID." I shout. Now I'm nervous and it's her fault.

"Oops." She says inmediatly. "Thanks James." She sighs relieved. "Good night Em." She lays again on the bed, turning off the lights.

I don't answer because now it's not a good night for me. I try to go back to sleep, but after this is more difficult than before.

"Em, are you already asleep?" She asks once again. I don't answer, begging for her to forfeit. "I don't want to fall tomorrow."

That breaks my heart, so all this nervousness is about her insecurity. I smile sweetly although she can't see me.

"You won't, sis. Believe me." I reassure her.

"No, no. I mean, Michelle wants to lend me her high heels for the after-party. And they are really high." She says amazed.

"I can't. I can't deal with you." I storm out, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't even worry about it!" I shout, leaving her alone in the room.

I walk along the corridor, a few doors away from mine. I arrive to the one I want, and hit it. Nobody answers, so I hit it harder. Finally the door it's opened a little.

James's POV

I'm playing on my phone because I can't sleep. Eldon and West are fast asleep on the other two beds of the hotel room that we are sharing.

I hear a sound, but I guess it comes from the corridors, so I don't worry about it. Seconds later I hear it again and realise that it's the door. But who would come so late?

I stand up, opening a little the door. "Emily?!" I whisper-shout, opening the door at all.

"Hell James, you are in sync with my sister even for staying awake." She says annoyed, as always that she talks with me.

"No, it's because after semifinals and before having dinner, we took a nap together." I say and inmediatly her face drops.

"Which kind of date is that? Never care. You, go to sleep with your girfriend." Emily doesn't leaving me to answer, instead she walks inside my room, lays on my bed and closes her eyes.

"W- what?" I ask confused, but she's already fast asleep. I don't want to disagree Emily, so better I go to her room. Well, for that and also because now I haven't a bed.

I close the door of my room and walk towards Riley's. I hit the door and she quickly opens.


"Hi. What are you doing here?" She asks confused.

"Let's say that your sister has stolen my bed." I say walking inside.

"I understand." She walks behind me, after closing the door.

"Why? Have you fight or something?"

"Maybe or maybe not I was stressed and getting her stressed." She admits, looking down and slightly blushing.

"Oh my gosh." I sit on the bed, putting my hands on my head. "Early you apologized to me for the same reason. Can't you stop, Riley."

"Sorry." She says ashamed, sitting next to me. "You look sexy in that pajamas." She changes suddenly the topic, smirking at me.

"You too." I smile like a fool, looking at her. "But don't change the topic." I say more serious now.

"Okay, I'll try to stay calm." She sighs heavily.

"Well, so we should go to sleep or Miss Kate will kill us."

"I can't sleep after the nap."

"What if we make out until you're tired... And then I cuddle with you?" I smirk.

"I like that." She answers, jumping over me more quick than you can think.

Hope you laugh a little with this! Keep waiting because I love the next chapter I'm gonna post, Trittany is coming!

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