Good and bad together.

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I just have to do it! I just have to do it"

"Well, it complicated babe" I answered her.

"Well, Zeus as you can see, my life and shit is complicated too.." She explained.

Sigh..I gonna do it! Man up you pussy..just kiss her!

"I know but I just..ughh.." I groaned before kissing her soft lips.

This better than I imagined. She isn't pushing me away. Well...why would she? I'm Zeus Hammilton.

I wanted to do this for so long and now I geared up the courage to it, not caring whether she would hate me after.

I really don't think she did.

I'm just losing control..she so hot. I gotta have her!

"Wait wait.." She whispered.

Oh man, I went to far?

"I'm sorry but, we just, you know" she explained shoving her shoulders.

Okay I get it, too far too quick.

God I just like her so much, and I feel like I have to listen to her side on this because, she seems like a delicate flower to be.

So left, idk if I should have left so abruptly but, what else was I supposed to do?

"Laters baby, "I said climbing out her window.

As awkward as I made it, I loved that moment. So awesome!

I laid on my bed playing my guitar when I heard my dad come in my room.

He seemed calm, not upset as he would normally be.

"So I see you've been around the neighbor's daughter lately."

Damn, he gets to the point fast.

"What about it?" I snapped back

"You can't even handle your own life, yet your willing to handle someone else's? I don't want you making mistakes that you can't undo" he explained.

Is he talking about babies?! Wtf!

"I know you. You're my son, and I've been just like you. You wanna end up like me?" He questioned me

"Look , just cause you were too stup..ugh..weren't careful enough, doesn't mean I won't be" I carefully stated.

He came by my side. Did he hear somethings about me from someone?

" I know,but it's still my duty to tell you crap like this kid." He said standing up shoving my head. hair doesn't get perfect by just getting up you know, I gotta do it over now.

He slammed the door.

The next day

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