That navel ring.

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Damn...can't believe I actually tried that shitty move with Hailey
today, I like your best friend?? What was I thinking?!.. What if Sammy didn't have a boyfriend..then what? 

Note to self: if I like someone..don't ask them to help you set YOU up with her best friend!

"Z, come get your dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts.

"Thanks mom, this again huh?"

"Well you can't always get your healthy grilled whatever every night..I am giving you a break from your alittle"
Mom lectured me.

Heading back up to my room looking down to my Mac and cheese and I can only think about that cute dimple in her cheek on the left side of her face. 

Some people might find it weird that she only has one dimple but it's really attractive to me somehow..

Damn..and that long curly dark brown hair of hers'. And what about how she does that cute thing with her eyes like...

Whoa!! Cool it Zeus..your going nuts.

I look over to my right in my room by the window and I see something shining..crazy how I spotted that, good timing I guess. A navel unexpected. It's actually a turn on...

"Hey nerd!" I shouted

She turned my way and rolled her eyes.. God bless that sexy attitude of hers....fuck man...stop being such cheesy sap!

"Proud to be one...and what is it you want?" She replied with an attitude.

Trying to act cool. I asked
"Well didn't actually give me a definite answer on the beach What is it?"

Nailed it.

"Umm..I haven't actually made up my mind yet jerk maybe you'll have to keep waiting"

You gotta be kidding me. Still?!
No answer..what is it with girls?

"Uh huh, well I don't wait for long cupcake" ...I replied.

"Again with the cupcake!" She closed her curtains and I could still see alittle of her room, she sat behind her desk doing something. That girl.

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