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"Well..I guess I can help you"
I said with a grunt.

His eyes lit up.

"Really? Great don't make me sound like a douche okay" He told me while holding onto my arm.

"Seriously?..we're talking about you here, Liam...there isn't anyway to sugarcoat that your a douche." I laughed

"Shut up" he replied while frowning, making that cute little cowboy hat in the middle of his forehead.

As we approach the school..him on his dumb bike..thinks he is riding in style.
I hate bikes which is why everytime he asks to hop on..I give him a glare.

We went our separate ways and I had to gear up to courage to tell Sammy the big news...ugh.

"Hey I gotta ask you something"

" uh huh? Haha" Sammy laughed

"What do you think about Liam Hammilton?.. You know the dude with the brown.."

"Brown curly hair and too green eyes?" She interrupted. "So not cool psssh, why?"


"What? Isn't he like cute tho? I thought he would be your type" i said looking around the room

"There's no way, I didn't want to tell you yet but..I have a boyfriend..his name is Hanson".

Sammy was always pretty hush hush when it came to her personal life. The only person she would ever let in was me. I guess I feel the same. I'm not one to have my business in the streets like that you know. However, I am ecstatic that Sammy got boyfriend. I want the best for her too, he better treat her right.

"What???? Do I know him?" I asked in confusion. "How could I not know about this?"

She looked at me and coyly fidgeted with her pencil. "Well..I kind of wanted it to be under wraps..besides your the first one I've told"


"So cute! So how long has it been girl?" I asked excitedly.

"A couple of weeks..we're still in that lovey dovey phase. You know and.."

" Excuse me, any chance you would like to share with the class about this exciting conversation" Our Math teacher said loudly while dusting off the chalk dust from her arm.

"Uh..uh..uh." Sammy stuttered shyly with her eyes wide open like saucers.
"Sorry Ms. Kelly" she continued slowly putting her head down.

Riiinnng Riiinnng

Geez, talk about saved by the bell. Ms.Kelly gave us a glare which said it all. We could just read her mind. Soo maybe no more talking in class or at least in her class. She was always the most serious teacher I still don't get my bad luck with getting her as my teacher for this semester. Even though...

I hear a gentle voice so close to my ear that it tingles the tiny hairs on my concha a little bit.
I turn around to see a pair of torn blue jean cuffed at the end, as my eyes slowly kept on looking up the plain white T captures every angle of the muscular figure.
Sigh.. he really does look amazing. I mean come on. I had to be crazy not to be a little attracted. Not that I would ever let him know that.
Alrighty..guess it's about that time,I gonna enjoy giving Liam the 'bad news' Ha!
Alright...I must admit, I am kind of relieved about what Sammy told me. This would make things simpler. Things won't become too complicated between my friends. And maybe because I prefer seeing Liam on his own. It sort of makes the fantasy stay alive perhaps it way too selfish of me o think this way but at least it's just thoughts right?

With the Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora