Say what now?

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                             I have to get up now? I thought to myself. It's is it that I'm going to survive the day without any sleep. As I lay my head down to drop back into my dreamland, which is exactly where I wanna be right now. I heard this stupid noise.

"Wake up princess!!!"

Low and behold there stands the man that irks the hell out of my day. Liam Harrington..ugh.
As much as I can't stand him, I still like to look at his eyes that are so green and his short brown loose curly locks that has some streaks of blonde and that body..oh that body.

Could be about 6 feet tall with all those abs and glowing skin almost too perfect.
Way to per....WAIT!! Hailey..shut up..this dude is such a pest!

"Girl..your ass out of bed we gotta go to school"
Liam says excitingly.

"Ugh I know jeez..why are you here anyway??" I replied annoyed.

Liam looked at me in shock " What am I doing here? Cupcake you gotta know...I care about your education and your tardiness"

I rolled my eyes at him and as I curled back up into my comfy was ripped off at the same speed.

"What the heck?!!" I yelled
He gave a look that made me just fall right into...again..those dreamy way too green eyes.

"Cupcake you gotta get up...I'm going and who else to accompany me than my best best friend, you?"

Okay. What?

"Best friend?!..cupcake?!" What game is he playing at? "Since when are u so interested in my well being and calling me those sweet nicknames names? Huh?!"

As we both stared at each other awkwardly knowing he wanted something, he blurted out

"Well..I kind of need some help with something, Cupcake"

Pssh..I knew it.

"Again with the Cupcake??!" I growled at him.

" there's this chick that we know and she's kind of a hottie smoking you know" He cuts me off trying to pretend like I was willing to have this conversation.

He shyly looked away trying not to  look like he's in a vulnerable place.

" What chick?...and why me?..I don't want to help u ..what the heck?!" I said in small rage.

I mean..come on, although the ass is a definitely annoying,  I kind of like him being single..I won't feel bad for liking his ..well ...look as much..okay, I'm actually a little jealous. But NOT ALOT, it's actually a REALLY REALLY TINY BIT. I swear.

"What? Why?" He said confused

"Why would I want to help you" I replied hastily

"Probably cause your a jelly jam tart" his eyes darted over to me and playfully tapping all his fingers together near to his chest.

"What the hell ...don't give yourself false hopes buddy, you know I can never like a brat like u".

Ugh..cocky bastard.

"Are you gonna tell me who?" I quickly tried to change direction of the conversation.

"Are you gonna help me?" He replied

"Only if u tell me who" I answered frivolously raising one of my well shaped brown eyebrows highly.

"Alright,'s Sammy, you know that blondie at school that's in your class."


What? Is he serious?
I changed subjects in a hast.
" oh man.. We gotta go..we'll be late for first period. "Ugh, why did you hold me back jeez"
Kicking him out my window in the same way he came in. I really gotta fix that lock.

"What?..!" He yelled as he grabbed on the tree near him.

I got dressed and ran out the house started walking isn't that far.
I heard revving of a motorcycle coming up behind me as I walked hastily on my street.


I turned around

"What's up jerk face?" I acted so calm and collected.

"Now I'm jerk face? What happened to you back there?"

"What do you mean? You're always jerk face, jerk face" I replied nonchalantly

"U totally bailed after I told you who I crushing over!" Hey!" He yelled after me as I began to up my speed.

Okay..I'm gonna be honest here I sometimes got fantasies about the douche..but I'm not surprised that he likes the prettiest girl in my class..she's completely a hottie..with her blonde hair and her smooth skin and pretty personality and whatever..but if they get together it'll just be weird. She doesn't even really talk to me. Why would he think I can help him with this anyway?
And God know that if she finds out Liam likes her..I'm positive they'll get together...and become school's number one couple.

I guess I am a jelly jam tart..ew.

Okay so this is my first time doing this..I finally am writing a book on watt pad, you guys be nice okay please's a bit cheesy but I thought it was funny so I hope you enjoy haha. 💕

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