Joined crew

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Oh man.

How could I lie? How could I tell her some lame excuse about liking Sammy, not liking her, I just moved on?!

That was just some plain bull!

How the H is some one gonna believe that !! the way I acted all fidgety...

" Yo jerk face!" I got interrupted once again .

When I looked, I just saw long curls bouncing while she ran toward me out of the water in the dusk. That shadowy figure was just want I wanted to see. Man.

" what's the matter cupcake?!..missed me already?" I replied to her with some sass

"You missing all the fun...what are you doing thinking deeply about lame-o?" She asked

Oh boy..if only she knew..she'd probably hate me for life then things will just be awkward..I can't tell her anything..why am I such a sappy ass teenager.

"Well come on then! the fun!" I yelled throwing sand in the air.

Well...she's definitely having fun here like I expected.

When things calmed..I sat down behind one of the coconut trees, and then came these fucking idiots that I love...bro love.

"Now the party is just getting started!!!!....where in the fuck is Hammilton at?" Said my idiot friends..Adam, Chad, and Hanson.

"How did u know We were here?" Zayne asked.

"A little birdie told us that our spot is once again being inhabited by our crew, why were we not invited?" Adam continued

Jeez...these guys, always for the Bacanal. In case u don't know...Bacanal is slang for drama.

"Well your friend totally bailed on us so we assumed you were gonna too.." I explained

"Excuses excuses, hold up.." Chad interrupted

"Who is this ?" He continued pointing at Hailey.

Oh boy.

"I am non other than Hailey Baldwin you know me..we go to the same school. The same classes. She rolled her eyes.

Haha! Gotta love her.

"Well well nice to meet you little chick" Hanson greeted Hailey smiling and shaking hands.

"Same" and charmily smiled back at him.

What the hell?..

Why is Hailey and Hanson flirting? Since when does Hanson ever be such a gentleman to the chicks??!


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