"Where did you meet him first?" I was amazed by my own curiosity.

You don't want to sit here and dig old stuff, Alana, become a bitch. Don't give her the satisfaction of arousing curiosity.

"We went to high school together, then he left for Stanford, we started dating after he was back." she seemed flustered, "I thought being in an institution for almost a year had turned him stable, everything was going great until he.." she left out the part.

Oh Woman! Give me a break.

"He started to drink again and the man I hated was back. He wrecked everything, along with my dreams. We were going to get married, you know."

"Last time I checked, you were the one who walked away from him. Now you try and deny that." I spat out the words with a coating of sheer poison.

"It was all because of him. I started to become depressed, he was pulling me into the world he lived in and I didn't want to be a part of that Alana, but I endured how much I could, which is what I'm trying to explain to you... "

"That's your justification for leaving him; see Lauren, that's the difference between you and me. You keep telling me that you left him because he was turning you into his shadow, as a last resolve you left him to deal with his issues all by himself, if that isn't pushing towards the edge then what is?"

Now listen up carefully, bitch.

"I don't need you to tell me about how I'm supposed to protect myself, instead of leaving, I'm going to stick around, and become his route to redemption." I grit my teeth in frustration, "I will see to it that he makes it towards the light."

Lauren sighed, dabbing another tissue to her eyes this time, smearing some kohl and mascara.

"You don't understand..that's not the real reason..."

"We'll get straight to the point, what do you want from us?" I put emphasis on the last word, just so she knew she wasn't dealing with him alone, "I'll be very up-front with you, Lauren, Rowan is mine and we are together. You are ancient history and you don't get to make a comeback in this story, you get me?"

The absence of Rowan's ring on my finger was becoming more apparent; I could have shoved the ring in her damn face just to make it clear that we were together.

"Will you give me a chance to speak?" I was pushing her button.

I heard someone 'hush' us, guess we were becoming loud, the young timid guy behind the counter who appeared to be opening another ice-cream cartoon drawled at us, "Ladies, take your cat fight's outside; let me do my job in peace."

I shot daggers at him, "Stop eavesdropping on our conversation, get back to scooping ice-creams."

He muttered something under his breath, turned and left for the pantry, shutting the door with a bang with his foot.

"You were saying?"

"I want to see my daughter."

"Excuse me? Your daughter?"


WHOA! Wait a second, "Minnie is your daughter?" a pause later I asked, "Yours and Drew's?"

Rowan's brother got Lauren pregnant? Dafuq?

A baffled look crossed her face, "Drew? No. Rowan is Minnie's father."

NO! She did NOT just say that. NO! NO! NO! NO!

My head started spinning in circles, the blood draining from my system. Lauren was clearly lying.

Damaged Beyond Repair (Student/ Teacher) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now