Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him

Start from the beginning

“It’s going great. We love every country we go to.” Julie said.

“Alright, so to be honest, we have a lot of rumors to clear up. First of all, Julie is it true that you are pregnant?” Sarah asked.

“No, I’m not. I don’t even know where that rumor started. I don’t even have a boyfriend to have a baby with.” Julie said.

“Okay, that’s good. You don’t look like your pregnant anyway. So next…Caitlin is it true that you and Liz are together, creating Ciz?” Sarah. I looked over at Liz, who was looking at me.

“Uh…what?” I asked, confused by the sentence.

“I’ve seen on Twitter that a lot of people ship you and Liz together.” Sarah said.

“Wow…well we aren’t together. She’s a sister to me, besides she’s been dating Niall Horan for the past year.” I said.

“That’s another rumor we need to talk about…Liz is it true that you and Niall are married, and have been for the past few months. People say that you two eloped in the Philippines.” Sarah said. Liz looked at her shocked, and then started to laugh.

“No, no. We’re not married. We’ve only been dating a year. And I’ve never been to the Philippines.” Liz answered, still giggling a bit. I have to admit…these rumors that pop up are crazy.

“Okay, so that’s all the rumors. Why don’t we take some questions from the audience?” Sarah said, making the crowd buzz with excitement.

            Sarah walked over to the crowd and selected a random person. It was a small girl. She looked about six or seven, and was wearing the cutest pink dress.

“Hi, I’m Emily.” She said once she got the microphone.

“Hi Emily, how are you.?” I said, and waved to the girl. Liz and Julie waved to her as well.

“I’m good. So I was wondering, how do you walk around in heels? I tried on my mommy’s and I fell.” She said.

“Aw, you are so cute. But anyway, I guess as you get older it will become easier. I learned by walking around in my moms, but you should try and get more balance.” Liz said. She nodded and sat down. Sarah took the microphone and gave it to another random person, this time a boy.

“Julie…since you are no longer with the Harry Styles, would you go for a guy like me?” He asked. I couldn’t help but laugh a little, this boy looked like he was twelve.

“Well as cute as you are, I’m a little old for you.” Julie said. He shrugged and sent a wink in her direction. I laughed again. He sat down and we continued with the questions. This is gonna be fun.


“And for the last song we’ll sing, it’s gonna be…Brave!” Liz said into the microphone. Her face was still red from when she tripped before. Still holding up the tradition.

            As we sang Brave, I was able to go around and touch people’s hands. It’s amazing how much they freak out. I’m just the same old Caitlin I was two years ago. It’s hard to believe that Jay Cee El’s been around for almost two years.

            We thanked the crowd and ran back stage. Niall, whose face was red from dancing around, wrapped his arms around Liz.

“Don’t…I’m all sweaty.” Liz laughed as he kissed her neck. I rolled my eyes at the adorable couple and walked over to the refreshment table, grabbing a water bottle. I chugged the whole thing, and then tossed it into recycling bin. Yeah, I’m being green.

Julie's P.O.V

            We were told to get to the bus before fans figure out we are still here. That once happened and we were chased almost a block before we got away from them. It was the worst because I don’t do exercise, Caitlin is as slow as shit, and Liz was laughing, slowing us down as well.

            When we got back to the bus, Caitlin called the shower which left Liz and I still a sweaty mess. I decided to cool down, so I sat down in front of a fan while the love birds have a mushy conversation. I wasn’t paying attention, but I know it had something to do with love and that sort of shit.

            I don’t need to hear any of that, especially after all the shit with Harry. I think I’m just going to be a cat lady. With the money I make from Jay Cee El, I could afford someone to clean out the litter box. I love cats, but that’s something I don’t do. The idea of it just makes me want to throw up.

            Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at my phone which was ringing. I picked it up and saw Harry calling me. I slid my finger over the across button, not wanting to deal with him. I honestly can’t even look at a picture of him.


Wow, so sad part to end it. Haha, anyway so it was a pretty long(ish) chapter. The next one might not be as long, but who knows. I haven’t written it yet. Haha, LOLZ.

Oh and sorry about the weird P.O.V switch at the end. I accidentally switched to Julie's P.O.V while writing this so...haha yeah...awkward...

So I have a question, when the time comes do you all think I should enter Jay Cee El into the Undiscovered Jems section of the Watty Awards? I’m not sure, I want to but I don’t know. Can you all leave a comment saying if I should or shouldn’t? Thanks!

Oh, and I know this is getting to be a long authors note, and I'm sorry, but I've been thinking about writing another book. I had so much fun writing Jay Cee El, and now this book, I've been thinking about doing another book about a girl on the X Factor. I'm not sure what to do, if I do write it would you all read it or no? Can y'll comment some opinions and stuff? Thanks, love you all! <3 <3



--The picture on the side is what their outfits look like. I know I didn’t describe all the outfits, but I thought you’d all like a visual reference.

(LOLZ that sounded smart :p)

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElWhere stories live. Discover now