Would You Ever...?

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Author's Notes:

This will all make sense eventually in the story, you'll see! :)


I was in my room. Just chillin', sitting on my bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to put it next to me on the bed, which by the way is always one heck of an undertaking! Whoever said tight pants are great and declared them a fashion trend, obviously did not have an iPhone. I mean, yeah, tight pants look really nice and all but storage-wise, they stink!

So anyway, I decided to play my DS for a little bit. I didn't really have much else to do, but I was actually really glad about that! I finally had some me-time.

You probably know by now how much I love my brothers and my parents, so hopefully you won't get me wrong when I say I love being alone...even when it's just for 20 minutes a day.

We're a pretty big family and constantly around one another. This is great because it means there's always someone there with you....and it's bad because it means there's always someone there with you.

I love being around people. You could say, I'm a pretty social person. Even though, I do not like being crowded, I really do enjoy the company of others. I just have my moments where I wanna keep to myself and not have anyone around.

It's kinda weird and funny because everyone is so used to having me be all bubbly and outgoing. Then on days, when I'm just more...reserved...and introverted....everyone just freaks out and thinks something is completely wrong and bugging me, when really, I'm just having a calm moment or day.

The only one who completely gets that, is Joe. Why him? Because, in that respect, we are completely alike! I remember when during one of the live chats earlier this year, he was just a lot quieter than, I guess, what most fans are used to from him, so everyone started saying, "Joe is depressed" and stuff like that, when he, really, all it was, was just him having a calm afternoon.

Jess *tapping with the stylus on the DS touch screen, thinking* "Darn it! It can't be that hard to find the last piece of evidence....do I go back to the crime scene or...I guess, I could go back to the lab first...grr...this is just...ugh...OK...sorry CSI Sanders, but your partner needs a break *turns off DS, glances at phone* I guess, I could go on Twitter for a while....

I grabbed my phone and tapped on the Twitter app and waited for it to load.

[joejonas] Hope everyone liked my hair on the live chat! @jessjonas is an amazing hairstylist, isn't she?
-4 minutes ago

Jess *rolls eyes, laughs*

[jessjonas] @joejonas don't forget u have another hair appointment w/ me tomorrow. Gotta make sure those locks stay shiny! ; )
-5 seconds ago

I went on to read what everyone else had written, if anything at all.

[PapaJonas] What a great live chat! Very proud of my kids!
-7 minutes ago

Jess *smiles*

[@kevinjonas] "What did everyone think of the live chat? Are you coming to see us on tour? Do you have your tickets yet?"
-7 minutes ago

Jess *smiles, thinking* That is so Kevin. Always the business man and wondering how everybody feels about what's going on.

[jessjonas] @kevinjonas OMJ I will like so totally be there! YAY! #fangirlmoments :P
-5 seconds ago

Then I saw Joe had already replied to my last tweet.

[joejonas] @jessjonas tomorrow? yeah, we're gonna have to reschedule. Because The Jonas Brothers are in town, but any day after that, is fine ^_^
-1 minute ago

Jess *laughs*

[jessjonas] @joejonas OMJ no way!!! Let's get our JB shirts and posters and go to the concert together!
-5 seconds ago

[nickjonas] Hope everyone's having a great day! Did you hear @jessjonas & @joejonas amazing song today?
-9 minutes ago

Jess *smiles*
*thinking* Uh oh, gotta pee! *gets up* Why don't I ever notice that before it's almost too late? I want a meter that checks for how full my bladder is or a countdown thingy that says how much longer until I have to go again...I should become an engineer or something and invent stuff like that. *gets up*

I walked into the bathroom and saw that the door that connects Joe and Nick's room with our bathroom was open. I peeked through and saw my other half laying on his bed. I smiled, closed the door, and ....took care of business. When I was done, I washed my hands, and open the connecting door back up and walked into Nick's/Joe's room.

Jess *cringes, thinking* Darn it! So much for, 'I'm gonna try to be more thoughtful and knock' but then again...the door was open before and it wasn't locked now so... *plops down on bed next to Nick*

Nick "How does your little 120lb frame make the entire bed shake like that?"

Jess "Sorry?" *grins* *looks at Nick* "Soooo?"

Nick "Just thinking."

Jess *nods* "You do that lot...probably why you're so good at it..."

Nick *smiles*

Jess "...you should like major in thinking and then become a professional thinker...but then you'd just sit in a museum like that big statue dude thingy...."Nick, The Thinker" has a nice ring to it though, don't ya think? I mean, wouldn't it-.."

Nick *covers Jess' mouth* "I get it. Thanks." *smiles, lets go off Jess' mouth*

Jess *without missing a beat* "...be so cool if you got pa-..."

Nick *slaps hand back on Jess' mouth, half amused* "Are you serious?" *small smile*

Jess *licks Nick's hand*

Nick "Nuh uh, I'm immune to your spit, twinnie!"

Jess *glares, tries to get Nick's hand off her mouth*

Nick *grins, holds Jess down more* "You're not wiggling your way out of this one...*happy sigh* ahhhhh the silence" *grins*

Mom *walks by the room, peeks in* "NICHOLAS!"

Nick *startled, almost falls off bed*

Jess *laughs her butt off* "Thanks, mom!"

Mom *stern* "What was that all about?"

Nick "I...she...it wasn't..."

Mom "What?"

Jess *laughs* "Mom, it's OK. I was just being myself and Nick wanted to shut me up." *giggles*

Mom *sighs* "You two...*shakes head* covering your sisters mouth and holding her down, is not how we settle things in this family! You two are turning 17 in a few days, you should know better!"

Jess "But mom, we were just..."

Mom *gives THE mom-look*

Jess *shuts up immediately*

Mom "I don't wanna see stuff like that anymore! Is that understood?"

Jess & Nick "Yes, ma'am."

Mom "Good. Now Jessica, you go to your room. I think you need some time off from each other."

Jess *shocked* "I..."

Nick *whispers* "Go!"

Jess *attitude* "Fine! This is BULL! We didn't even do anything!" *stomps out of the room, slams door*

Mom *leaves room without a word, goes to her room*


2 minutes later...

*knock knock*

Jess *sitting on her bed* "What?"

Nick *peeks head in*

Jess *sighs* "Come on!"

Nick *enters* "You OK?"

Jess "I don't think, I'm the one with the problem!"

Nick "I know, that was really strange."

Jess "Maybe her blood sugar was high." *giggles*

Nick *glares*

Jess *serious* "OK, not funny. Sorry. I wonder what happened though..."

Nick "It must have been something pretty bad because she usually..."

Jess "...no matter how mad she is, she does not take it out on others."

Nick "Yeah...exactly."

*Joe & Kevin burst in*

Joe "Dude, what the heck is up with mom?"

Jess "What happened?"

Joe "Like 10 minutes ago, we were sitting on the couch watching a That 70's Show rerun and we were eating M'n'M's and started like messing with each other and you know how we get loud and all sometimes..."

Jess & Nick *both raise one eyebrow & answer* "Sometimes?"

Joe *laughs* "Dude, and dudette, don't do that!....Freaky twinniness..." *stops laughing* "but seriously...so we were getting louder..."

Kevin "...Joe insisted on eating all the red ones and I was about to put one in my mouth and he like snatched it out of my hand...or tried to..."

Joe "...then we like wrestled for M'n'M's and then mom, instead of just saying, 'Stop it, boys!' or, you know, whatever she usually says, she like completely freaked out."

Kevin *almost upset* "She like yelled at us."

Nick *eyes wide* "She full on yelled at you?"

Jess *hugs her legs and put her chin on her knees* 

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