Tonight Pt. 1

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Tonight Part 1 by jonassister

Author's Notes:


Having major issues uploading here goes nothing


I was in my room, all ready to go, and still had a good 10 minutes until Joe would come "pick me up" for our "date".

I sat down on my bed and checked my phone and tapped on the text message symbol.

G [text] What are you up to, chica? havent talked to u all day.
Jess [text] I know right? whats up with that? & about to leave on a date...with joe

G [text] hahhahhahhahhahhahah

Jess [text] lol whatever.

G [text] have fun! i wish i had a brother that would take me out every once in a while. g2g <3

Jess [text] well, I have 3 bros for sale...if u need one :D & okies...later <3

I then decided to hop on Twitter real quick since I still had 5 more minutes to spare.

[joejonas] sooo stoked! Getting ready for a date with my gorgeous baby sis

@jessjonas. What to wear? What to wear? --7 minutes ago

Jess *giggle*

[nickjonas] @joejonas If you break her heart, dude, I'm gonna kill you! : ) --6 minutes ago

Jess *rolls eyes, thinking* I can't even go out with my own brother without having one of my other brothers go all protective-hulk over me...did I just think "date with my own brother"? *giggles* ...that just sounds so wrong...

[jessjonas] All ready for my date with @joejonas. Pray that we won't trip, fall, or hurt ourselves or innocent bystanders while we're out and about. --less than 20 seconds ago


[joejonas] @jessjonas soooo I heard you're going out on a date tonight... --less than 20 seconds ago

[jessjonas] @joejonas I am. I am. --less than 5 seconds ago


[joejonas] @jessjonas like OMG is he cute? --less than 15 seconds ago

[jessjonas] @joejonas I dont know...what I do know tho is, that HE'S LATE! he was supposed to pick me up from my room 2 mins ago! --less than 5 seconds ago

---20 seconds later

*knock knock*

Jess *opens door*

Joe "I am sooo glad our rooms connect through the bathroom....oh and hi!"

Jess *crosses arms in front of her chest*

Joe "You look very lovely tonight?"

Jess *giving him a hard time* "Oh so, as opposed to any other time, when I don't? Oh, and you're late!"

Joe *not sure what to say*

Jess *giggles* "Just messing witcha..."

Joe *smiles, puts arm around Jess' shoulder* "Welllll....let's go!"

We walked downstairs through the kitchen because I had promised Nick to let him know when we were leaving.

Nick *staring at the contents of the fridge*

Jess "Hey, we're about to leave."

Nick "I saw that on Twitter. You guys should read some of the @replies from fans. You know they love that kinda sibling love." *grins, closes fridge*

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