Tonight Pt. 2

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Author's Notes:

Here's part 2 :D lotsa drama, laughter, and a song! :D


Jess *checks phone* "Nick, we're seven minutes late!"

Nick "Exactly! Late! You also didn't text me again to let me know how well you recovered from that low!"

Jess "It's because I didn't retest!" Yeah...umm...shoulda probably left out that detail.

Nick "Jess!!!"

Jess *sighs* "I'm fine, Nick."

Nick "Yes, cause you're lucky! *getting really angry* "And Joe, when you take my sister out and run all over town with her for hours, how can you possibly forget to remind her to check her levels every once in a while?"

Joe "Dude, I'm sorry, OK...I will next time, and maybe you should check yours, cause you're not being very pleasant right now!"

Nick "Well, I'm sorry, it's kinda hard not to freak out when I can't even leave you alone with my sister for three hours without her almost passing out from a low!"

Joe *getting angry too now* "Dude, she is MY sister, too! So back the frikk off!"

Jess "Whoa! Nick, I'm fine. I did not almost pass out, and Joe is my brother, not my babysitter or doctor....this is my broken pancreas, so I should be responsible for it, and for when I prick my finger...I forgot. It's my fault. Stop yelling at Joe!"

Nick "Well, he was with you, he should have known better and made you check!"

Jess *gets louder* "You are being unreasonable!"

Nick *angry* "I just wanted for you to have a fun night!"

Jess *yelling* "I did! I had a great night with MY brother until YOU ruined it all! Thanks Nicholas! Oh and, Joe's right! Check your sugar! You're not being very pleasant!"

Nick *mouth open*

Jess *drops Nick's satchel in front of him, then stomps upstairs*

Joe "Nice going, man!"

Nick "Shut up!"

Joe *follows Jess upstairs*


--Upstairs hallway---


Jess "Sorry Kev. Didn't see you there." *keeps walking*

Kevin "I noticed when you like bumped into me. Hey how did yo-..."

*Jess slams her bedroom door*

Kevin "...r date go with Joe...?"

Joe *comes running*

Kevin "Dude, what happened?"

Joe "Why don't you ask your baby bro?"

Kevin *sighs* "Nick..."


I was on my bed face down, screaming into my pillow...I was beyond furious. Nick had just ruined everything. I had had so much fun....ugh...wonderful.


Jess "GO AWAY!"

??? "It's me."

Jess *sighs* "Come in."

Joe *enters, sits down next to Jess on edge of bed, sighs* "You alright?"

Jess "No! Nick ruined EVERYTHING! He just messed up a perfectly awesome night!"

Joe *small smile* "It was pretty kick awesome *smiles* but...Jess, I'm really sorry, Nick is kinda right. I should have known better and make you check after we had been running around ToysRUs and..."

Jess *annoyed* "Stop it, Joe! I'm serious! I am old enough to be held accountable for my own actions!"

Joe "I still.."

Jess "JOE!!!! Arrrgghh..."

Nick *busts in* "Joe leave her alone! Why is she mad at you now?"

Joe "Dude, that is none of your busi-..."

Jess "STOP IT! Both of you! You are both pissing me off right now! Just leave me alone!"

Kevin *comes running* "What's going on?"

*Joe, Nick, Kevin all talk at the same time*

Kevin "STOP!"


Kevin "Nick, go!"

Nick "Jess is mad at me for looking out for her, when she really should be mad at Joe for not making sure to check her levels!"

Kevin *squints eyes, rubs chin* "Oh-kayyy, Jess." *looks at Jess*

Jess "We were having a great time, I forgot to check and when Nick found out I was low he got really mad at Joe...even though I was the one that went low."

Kevin "Joe." *turns to Joe*

Joe "I was having fun and then we were gonna grab food. We called Nick to get the carb info, Jess happened to be low, Nick got mad at me, then we got home like seven minutes late and he's been on our case ever since."

Nick "BECAUSE you are irresponsible!"

Joe "Don't you think I haven't been beating myself up enough over this, without you reminding me every ten seconds? And even better, now you got Jess mad at me for caring about her and feeling bad for not reminding her!"

Nick "GOOD! At least you have a conscience if not a brain!"

Jess *yells* "STOP! I'm done!"

Kevin "Whoa there, Buglet..."

Jess "Do NOT Buglet me right now! I appreciate you trying to help but I am so mad right now I just don't wanna see any of you! I'm done with brothers for tonight!"

Joe "What about our camp out? We were supposed to camp out tonight!"

Jess "Joe, *breathing hard* I just said I don't wanna see any of you...why would I wanna hang out with you?"

Kevin "Jess, mom and dad always say we should not go to bed angry at each other and..."

Jess "Kev! We are not gonna work this out tonight! Tomorrow, fine. But right now I don't wanna deal with it!

Kevin *sighs* "Alright! But you will give us all a hug and a kiss and say goodnight at least!

Jess *gritting her teeth* "Fine!"


I wish I could have talked to mom or dad....but mom was on a plane and dad did not make it home until 12:30AM.
I was so mad and frustrated that night. So I did what I always do when I am overwhelmed with emotions....I grab my journal and write write write....


--Next morning--

Jess *waking up, remembering what happened the night before* "Ugh..." *checks clock* It's only 5:23? Wonderful...

I tried going back to sleep but I couldn' I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I took care of morning business, if you know what I mean, and even used the meter in there to check my blood sugar really quick. I saw a 189 flashing at me....a little high but I honestly did not care at that point. I'd correct with my breakfast shot later and made a mental note to remember to take my Lantus at 8AM.

I then went back to my room, grabbed my journal, and trotted to the music room.


--Music room--

Jess *holding a guitar, making notes in her lyrics journal*

Nick *walks in, sees Jess, turns right back around*

Jess *looks up* "Nick! Wait!"

Nick *stops, does not turn around* "What?"

Jess "Please."

Nick *sighs, turns around* "Fine" *walks to where Jess is, sits next to her*

*Jess and Nick look at each other*


Both "I'm sorry!"

Jess "Nick, let me go first...I am still mad at you, I just wanna make this clear...but I also thought about everything that happened yesterday and everything that we all said to each other and...I just want you to know that, I can see where you were coming from...I mean, you have dealt with this for longer than I have, and I myself have already learned what can happen when you don't detect and/or treat a low in time, and....thanks....for caring...BUT I still think it was complete bull that you blamed Joe for it, when it was my fault."

Nick *shakes head* "It wasn't even your fault....or Joe's...highs or never is!"

Jess *confused*

Nick "You can only blame one. Diabetes."

Jess *nods head* "Guess that makes sense...haven't looked at it that way."

Nick "Look, I'm sorry I freaked out like's not easy knowing what it's like and then seeing your sister go through the same thing. But yeah, you're right I was unreasonable...."

Jess "Nicky..." *sad*

Nick "What?"

Jess "We didn't even pray together last night..."

Nick *sighs*


Jess "Why are you up already?"

Nick *looks at Jess*

Jess "OK, dumb question...oh and least something good came out of all this."

Nick "What's that?"

Jess "I kinda wrote something last night after you guys left my room...and I kinda think it might be pretty good actually...." *pushes journal towards Nick*

Nick *reads, then smiles* "PERFECT!"

Jess "Huh?"

Nick "Check this out *hands Jess a piece of paper*

Jess *reads it* "Whoa...we should like jumble mine and yours together..."

Nick "...and BAM! We'll have a hit song!"

Jess "Well, you don't know that!"

Nick "You'll see..."

So we wrote, and rearranged, we moved choruses and verses around, we messed around with chords until....we had a song.

*Jess and Nick smile at each other proudly*

Jess "Nick?" *holds out bent index finger*

Nick "Huh?" *looks up, hesitates, then hooks his with Jess' and does Index Wiggle*

Jess "Why did you hesitate?"

Nick "Because I didn't really think, I deserved it after..."

Jess "It's fine..."

Nick "But you said, you were still mad at me..."

Jess "Yehhh...a little...but hey, we got a monster song here!" *pushes Nick's shoulder lightly with her hand*

Kevin *walks in* "Whoa guys, back off each other! We can settle this without pushing each o-....why are you two smiling?"

Nick "Would you rather have us beat each other up?" *puts Jess into a headlock without warning and with neutral facial expression* "Because as you can see, that can be arranged." *grins*

Jess "Nicholas Jesse Jonas, LET GO OFF ME!"

Joe *rushes in* "Holy Sh...NICK!"

Kevin "Dude, they're fine...they're just messing around."

Jess *still in a headlock, waves and smiles at Joe*

Nick *finally lets go* "Joe, look....about last night..."

Joe "Dude, I don't wanna hear it..."

Jess "Yes, DUDE, you do! Sit!"

Joe "What the..?"

Jess "SIT!"

Joe *holds up hands* "Fine, fine!"

Jess *smiles* "We got a surprise."

Kevin *sits down* "This should be good."

Jess "To settle this whole fight...we will have a wrestling match in the backyard. Let's go!"

All brothers "WHAT?"

Jess "Just kidding! Me and Nick...we wrote a song...about last night..."

Nick "Well, we each wrote our own stuff...then we patched it together..."

Jess "And now it's awesome!"

Joe *folds arms over his chest, leans back on the couch* "Hit me!"

Nick *grabs guitar, to Jess* "I'm guessing you wanna play percussion on this one."

Jess *grins* "Yesssss"

I hopped over to the drum set while Nick plugged in our mics and his guitar.

Kevin *eyes wide* "You even have the whole music arrangement done and all?"

Nick *shrugs shoulders* "Well, ...I guess...the guitar part at's a pretty mellow song so...I'm pretty sure Jess can figure out the percussion part herself. *to Jess* Just keep it smooth."

Jess *points at Nick with drumstick* "You got it, Nicky!" *grins*

Nick started playing the intro and I soon joined in on drums.

Well, here we are again
Throwing punchlines, no one wins
As the morning sun begins to rise, we're fading fast
And we won't work this out

No, we're not gonna work this out tonight
(We won't work this out) [Nick]
No, we're not gonna make this right
So I'll give a kiss and say goodbye
(Give a kiss goodbye) [Nick]
'Cause we're not gonna work this out

Every single word's been said
(Whoa oh oh oh) [Jess]
Broke each other's hearts again
(Oh oh oh) [Jess]
As the starlit sky begins to shine, we're breakin' down
She screams out

No, we're not gonna work this out tonight
(We won't work this out) [Nick]
No, we're not gonna make this right
So I'll give a kiss and say goodbye
(Give a kiss goodbye) [Nick]
'Cause we're not gonna work this out

We did the chorus twice...

Well, there's no need to fight, we're just wastin' time
If you give it a try well then maybe you'll find
(We might work this out)
Well, we know we're in love so let's keep it alive
(Keep it alive, keep it alive)
I'm starting to see the morning light
We finally worked this out

We cut it off right here...

Dad *clap clap clap*

*Everyone looks at dad, surprised*

Dad *walks in* "THAT was amazing, you two!"

Nick & Jess *blush* "Thanks!"

Dad "I'm almost afraid to ask did this one come about?"


Jess "Nothing...we watched a soap opera and they were like fighting and all and it was crazy."

Dad "Nope. That's not it...nice try though."

We didn't tell him what had exactly happened, but we just mentioned we had a little fight.... while he wasn't too pleased, he said he was still proud of us for having figured it out, and praised us again for the song.

Kevin "I love the 'give a kiss and say goodnight part.'"

Dad *confused*

Kevin "That's my quote...from last night!" *grins*

Dad "Ahh... Well, I gotta go run to the store to get some burgers and hot dogs. Don't forget to have some breakfast! Love you all!"

Everybody "Love you, too, dad!"

Jess *sighs* "Joe...I ...I'm sorry I got mad at you and...."

Joe "Don't worry. *smiles* We're good."

Jess "OK...I still wanna write a song with you though!"

Joe "Yeah. We'll do that." *smile* *to Nick* "I'm sorry, man..."

*Jonas Group Hug*

Kevin "Soooo how was your date last night?" *winks at Jess*

Jess *pulls Kevin 'aside', everyone can still hear* "Well...."

Kevin "Come on, how'd it go?"

Jess "Well first off, the dude was late!"

Kevin "He was? Oh no!"

Jess *nods* "Yup. A whole two minutes! He was dressed OK, though, and I gotta say DANG his hair was awesome!"

Joe *grins like an idiot, flips his hair dramatically*

Jess "It was a fun date actually....BUT!"

Kevin "But what?"

Jess "I don't think there'll be a second date..."

Joe "Whoa! Why not?"

Jess "I don't think he likes me!"

Kevin "What made you think that?"

Jess "When he dropped me off after the date and walked me to the door, he didn't even give me a goodnight kiss." *starts giggling like crazy*

Kevin *shakes head, laughs*


Jess *startled* "Huh?"

Joe "Jessica Nicole Jonas does NOT kiss on the first date!"

Jess *stares at Joe, then busts out laughing*

Joe *tries not to laugh* "I'm serious!" *smiles*

*All brothers start talking at the same time*

Jess "Guys, guys, chill!" *giggles*

Kevin "Phew...we're just giving you a hard time, Buglet! We know you have morals and standards."*smiles*

Jess "Oh's not that, it's just that I have three crazy brothers that..."

And before I could even finish the sentence really, I had already been tackled by all three of them....I tried to wiggle my way out and run away but let's face it....I love when they do that...oh but me a favor! Don't tell 'em, I said that!

End Notes:

Whatcha think? Looks like we just found another song to add to the setlist for the concert :D

The song is obviously Tonight by JB duh...Nick and Jess were playing the Nick J & the Administration version though!

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