Let's Talk Business!

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*beep beep beep*

Nick *groan*

Jess "NO!"

*beep beep beep*

Nick *eyes closed* "Turn it off!"

Jess *eyes closed* "You turn it off!"

Nick "Jess!"

Jess "Nick!"

*beep beep beep*

Nick "Jessica!"

Jess "Nicho-...look, the darn thing is RIGHT next to you so MAKE IT STOP!"

Nick *opens eyes* "Oh..OK...sorry." *turns off alarm*

Jess *sighs happily, turns away from Nick* "Nite, Nicky."

Nick *grabs Jess' shoulder tries to turn her on her back on her back* "No, no, no, we gotta get up."

Jess *tries shaking off Nick's hand* "Leggo my shouldo and stop being so darn responsible for once. Someone will come up in about 3 minutes to make us get up anyway!"

Nick "True, but just for once we could be on time and get up ourselves! ....and 'shouldo'? Really, Jess?"

Jess *turns to face Nick* "On time? Really, Mr. I-was-late-for-my-last-live-chat-and-my-sister-had-to-save-mine-and-my-brother's-butts-by-being-her-cute-funny-and-adorable-self?"
Nick *rolls eyes*

Jess "And leave my shouldo out of this!"

*knock knock*

Jess *grins* "See? Told you, they would come get us."

Nick *shakes head* "Come in."

Remember, when I told you it is really hard to remember mornings that would just start like a normal person's would? ...Yeah....

*door opens*

Joe *walks in looking sleepy, without saying a word, climbs on top of Nick and Jess and just plops down*

Jess & Nick "Ufff"

Joe *sleepy* "Mom told me to go make sure you two are up."

Nick *not amused* "Did she also literally tell you to plop down right on top of us and squish us?"

Jess *giggles* "Joe, I can't breathe."

Joe *alarmed, immediately gets off of the twins* "I'm sorry, are you OK?"

Jess *confused* "I'm fine..I...oh, sorry...I...last night...I'm good.... See?" *inhales/exhales loudly* "Still breathing." *smiles*

Joe "OK, sorry...I was just like, 'whoa, crap!', there for a second."

Nick "Well, let's get up." *starts to get up*

*Joe and Jess both tackle Nick*

Nick "Uff...great!"


We did eventually get up....like two minutes later because dad apparently heard noises from my room and since Joe had left my door wide open, he just walked in.

We were now in dad's office. All except mom, who was packing her bags, because she was getting ready to fly out to New York for her friend's daughter's funeral later tonight.

Dad got straight to business telling us about the newly confirmed tour dates, interviews, and other appearances.

Dad "....Alright...last order of business: We will also have to come up with a set list soon. So I need you to stick your heads together and figure out what you want to play. I have a list right.....here it is....of songs that fans have been requesting on past live chats and on Twitter."

Joe *nods head* "Cool."

Dad "Now, Joe, and Jess, I need to know if you are truly willing to sing Still There For You or not. I know this song means a lot to you two, so I don't know how hard it would be for you to sing it in front of a crowd. If yes, we'll have to have it formally arranged, so the entire band can learn it, and it needs to be rehearsed. *sees Jess' facial expression* Oh, no, baby girl, it's beautiful! I loved the acoustic version, but it's different playing a song on stage with the kind of sound system we will be working with there. Plus, as always and as with every song, everyone learns everyone else's part."

Jess "OK."

*Joe and Jess exchange a look, both smile*

Joe "We'll do it." *smiles*

Dad "Great! I'm excited!...OH! One more thing! For tomorrow, I have invited the entire band over. We will be discussing the tour, and there might even be some time for some pool time, and BBQ after." *winks*

Jess "YES!!! Oh, and there will be video games, too! Garbo still owes me a rematch! He totally smoked me last time at Halo!"

Dad *smiles* "Well, business first, then fun and games!"

Jess *serious* "Of course!"

Dad "Alright. By the way, official rehearsals for the tour, will start on the 20th, so 4 days after the twins' birthday. Which is perfect timing, because the stage crew won't be ready until then anyway. We're having trouble with the transparent walkways apparently, so that needs to be figured out."

Kevin "I saw the stage designs on paper the other day, guys, it looks amazing! It's a center stage and it like spins."

Joe "Awesome."

Nick "That's pretty cool."

Jess "Dad, no offense, I mean, you probably never noticed but...me and Joe are not the most...stable people when it comes to moving around on this planet...I think, something might be wrong with your planet's gravitational pull and it interferes with our awesomness...but umm...you want us to perform...on a stage....that SPINS??"

Joe *raises both eyebrows, points to Jess* "Good point!"

Kevin *laughs*

Nick *giggles, shaking his head*

Dad *chuckles* "It does not spin fast. It moves slowly and steady...at least that's what they said, they were working on."

Jess *laughs* "Wouldn't it be hilarious if it went like woooooohooo *makes sound effects, swirls hands around* and like took off, and we'd fly off into the audience? Now that's very rockstar right there, don't you think?

*Everyone just looks at Jess, amused*

Jess "OK..nevermind... I'll be up there for only one song anyway, so let's hope I can keep my balance for about 3:27 minutes..."

Nick "You'll be fine...and I think you should do more than one song!"

*Everyone agrees with Nick...except Jess*

Jess *sigh* "Let me explain this to you...again...dear Nicholas. This is the Jonas Brothers World Tour...not the Jonas Siblings World Tour..."

Joe "But the fans love you! I mean look at you! *grabs Jess' face and squishes her cheeks together with one hand* How could they not?"

Dad "Joe, don't do that! *to Jess* It is entirely up to you, but we've been...JOSEPH! *chuckles* let go off your sister face!...thank you! *to Jess*...we've been checking fan ratings and comments online and that last live chat you did with your brothers is the most watched one so far! Still There For You clips are all over YouTube!....I think if you wanted to, you could definitely sing a few songs."

Nick "We should definitely either sing one of the songs we've already written together or write a new one."

Jess *looks at Nick, sighs*

Nick "Sorry, don't know why but I just really wanna write and perform a song with you." *grins*

Joe "It'll be crazy, too, you know fans love all that twinniness!" *grins*

Dad "It certainly does help. Can't deny that."

Jess *joking* "Great, our own father is exploiting our twinniness...isn't it enough that he beats you every day, you don't feel like performing until you agree to get up on stage...now you're pulling me into this,too? You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

Joe *hug attacks Jess* "So, you'll do it!!!!" *smiles big*

Jess "Ugh...yes...fine...I'll do it...under one condition!"

Joe *lets go off Jess*

Dad *crosses arms in front of his chest, amused* "Condition?"

Jess *points at Kevin* "I want Kevin to sing a song, too!"

Kevin "I do sing! Back up!"

Jess *shakes head* "Lead!...*scoots close to Kevin, puts arm around him* please, Kevy! I love your Scandinavia song!"

Kevin *eyes wide* "How did you...? *squints eyes, smiling* You are sneaky!"

Dad "You wrote a song? How am I always the last to find out about such thing?" *smiles*

Kevin "I guess, ....I did, yeah....*looks at Jess who's smiling big at him* ...ahh fine, I'll do it. You are one smart cookie."

Joe "Sugarfree, of course!" *grins*

*Everyone rolls their eyes and laughs*

Dad "Alrighty. Good meeting! And....for today your homework is....*points at Jess* to actually do your homework, *to everyone again* chores, and then get together and come up with a list of songs, you can see yourself doing!"

You're probably thinking, 'Huh? Homework? Really? Didn't Nick already graduate early?'. Yes, he did. That's because he's Nick...but I'm Jess, and I believe in doing things at my own speed. *grins* It's not like I'm stupid or anything. I get A's every year...except for math...grr....anyways, I do really well in school, I have just been doing the minimum amount of class work plus only one extra class per term. So I'll be done by the end of this tour...I could have just powered through like Nick but I just figured, why? Being homeschooled, I'm still way ahead of G who's in public school, for example! So anyway, I choose having a life over taking on extra class work...sue me.

So after we were dismissed, I walked to mom and dad's bedroom.

Jess *peeks her head into the room*

Mom *looks up* "Oh hey, sweetie." *smiles*

I walked towards the bed and sat down right next to mom's suitcase.

Jess "How are you feeling?"

Mom "Oh, I'll be fine, honey. Susan was my best friend growing up. We were inseparable, so all this has been very overwhelming...but you've noticed that...." *sad smile, grabs a sweater from her closet*

Jess "Hm. I'm really sorry about what happened, mom. I wish I could do something to help."

Mom *folds up sweater and puts it into her suitcase* "Oh, sweetie, you are already doing enough!" *smiles*

Jess "Not really..." *looks down*

Mom "Sweetie, I am very proud of you and your brothers. I always get so many compliments on how polite and loving towards each other you are, and just having a close-knit family is everything me and you dad have ever wanted. As long as you don't forget, where you came from, and that family always comes first, you are doing your part." *smiles*

Jess *smiles* "OK."

*Mom and Jess hug*

Jess "When will you get back?"

Mom "The funeral's not until tomorrow...so tomorrow night."

Jess *sighs* "OK."

Mom *grins* "You know, while I'm gone, you'll be the Woman of the House, so I expect you to run this ship."

Jess *smiles big, salutes mom* "Of course."

Mom *smiles* "Good." *salutes back*

Jess *laughs, hugs mom* "You're awesome, mom!"

Mom "I know." *laughs*

Jess "Oh wow, now I know where Joe gets his humbleness from!" *laughs*

Mom *laughs* "Well,...haha" *stops laughing* "didn't you have some homework to do?"

Jess *fake pout* "And there I thought you were cool, mom! Way to go ruin the illusion!" *smiles*

Mom "Go, do your homework! Ask one of your brothers if you need help!"

Jess "K."

Mom *wiggles index finger* "ONLY if you need help! I know you and Joe, especiall, usually turn it into a coffee shop gossip session."

Jess "What? No. That never happens."

Mom *smiles, shakes head* "Just go."

Jess *sighs* "Fine." *smiles*

Mom "Love you."

Jess "Love you, too, mom."


And so I trotted into the kitchen and grabbed my math booklet (getting the worst over with first), and plopped down at the kitchen table...

End Notes:

Woohoo! Planning for tour is in full effect! Mom will have to leave for the funeral tonite, Jess and Joe have a brother sister camping date, and the band is comin over for a BBQ tomorrow? Can you say busy schedule?

Also: I am not sure why Wattpad isn't publishing my story with the proper spacing...everything is bunched together. Ideas?

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