I'm Just Sayin'...

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The game was sooo much fun! It was sooo cool to see the team play and scream and yell and cheer with tons of other Yankees fans. It was amazing! We ran into quite a few JB fans, too, so we took lots of pictures with them also.

---Back in cab---

Jess "OMG, this was incredble! I canNOT believe we won, too! It was like...perfect!"

Nick "I know!!! Did you see that ...?"

Dad *laughs* "Sounds like you two really enjoyed your birthday present."

Nick & Jess "Definitely! Thanks, dad!"

Big Rob *turns to look at Jess & Nick* "So, I always wondered....how many hours a day you practice your whole 'We're-twins-so-we-gonna-answer-at-the-same-time-cuz-it's-cute' thing?"

Dad *laughs* "It still fascinates me sometimes..."

Jess *to Nick* "We fascinate him? Is it me..."

Nick "...or are we nothing but little science projects to you, dad?"

Dad *laughs* "Oh, you are so lucky, you guys aren't identical twins..."

Jess *makes face, to Nick* "Great, they already had their research lab all set up, but then we ended up being fraternal, and he figured...eh....might as well turn the lab into a music room."

Dad "Oh, how did you know? That was supposed to be a secret!" *grins*

*All laugh*


We went back to the hotel and just stayed in there the rest of the night. I was kinda sad because Big Rob wasn't feeling well, so he went straight to his room as soon as we got back. We promised him we'd grab some food for him and take it to his room after we were done with dinner. We actually ate at the hotel, which was nice because we didn't have to go very far. It was so relaxing and just really nice to have dinner with just my dad and Nick. This doesn't really happen very often, so it was an extra special treat.

Jess *cutting her steak* "It was so cool to just see 'em all down there on the field and play and...I was like RIGHT THERE!"

Nick *laughs*

Dad *smiles* "I know, baby girl...I was there, too."

Jess *smiles* "Sorry. *puts some steak in her mouth* I'm just like soo excited still!"

Nick "Really? Kinda hard to tell." *grins*

Jess "I wish I had gotten a chance to actually meet the players though..."

Nick "Dad had that all arranged but then he was worried we'd end up with a harassment lawsuit because you would most likely have insisted on smacking them on their butts while saying 'good game!'"

Jess *O_O* "They would have really sued me for doing that?"

Dad "Phew, I am so glad I called it off then..." *laughs*

Jess *pouts*

Dad "No, seriously, their schedules are busy, and just because you're a Jonas doesn't mean your Yankee boys will drop everything and give you special treatment."

Jess "But I don't even want 'special treatment'...just 'treatment' would be fine."

Nick *tries not to laugh*

Dad *shakes head* "Lord, help me! Teenage daughters..."

Jess *O_O* "What? NO! Dad! I didn't even mean it like that!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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