Twins in Trouble

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I was just standing there looking at Nick. Mom was pissed and we knew we were in trouble.

Jess *holds on to Joe's arm, whispers* "Please, don't leave me, Joey."

Dad *peels Jess off of Joe's arm*

Joe "Sorry."

Dad *pushes Jess towards the kitchen* "Come on, this is gonna be half as bad, if you don't resist it."

Jess "Why are you talking as if I'm being arrested, dad?"

Nick *sighs* "This is gonna get ugly."

Dad "Good luck at the trial."

*Dad, Jess, Nick stop in front of kitchen door*

Jess "Wait, you're not staying?"

Dad *gives look, then turns around and leaves*

Jess *to Nick* "Can you believe it? This is ridiculous!"

Nick "Calm'll be..."


Jess "She doesn't even call our names anymore...we're not even individuals anymore...our existence has been reduced to 'twins'."

Nick "Jess, we have always been "the twins".

Mom "TODAY!"

*Nick & Jess walk through the door, enter kitchen*

Mom "Sit. Sit!"

We sat down at the kitchen table.

Mom "On separate chairs."

We used to sit on the same chair, whenever we'd get in trouble. Made us feel less scared of mom or dad...that cuteness has worn off with our parents for us.

Nick *moves over onto the next chair, but grabs Jess' hand under the table*

Jess *thanks Nick with a look*

Mom sat down across from us. And she did the same thing our dad does...she starts out REALLY calm....which is far more terrifying and freaky, than as if she just screamed her head off, by the way.

Mom *folds hands on table in front of her, takes a breath, calmly* "I think it's time we have a little chat."

Jess *squeezes Nick's hand under the table*

Nick *rubs Jess' hand with his thumb*

Mom "I have been noticing several things...let's call them habits, that have developed lately, that I am not too fond of. Jessica,..."

Jess *O_O, sits up straight*

Mom "...this whole interrupting others while they talk business needs to stop! Same goes for language...I don't know why but it seems like every time I turn around, I hear my daughter say something inappropriate. I..."

Jess *about to say something*

Nick *squeezes Jess' hand*

Mom "...that is exactly what I am talking about, when I said stop interrupting people! I am not sure how and when it started, but you will break this new habit of yours, and you will break it quickly! Is that understood?"

Jess *looks at Nick, back at mom*

Mom "You may answer my question."

Jess "Yes, ma'am."

Mom "Good. Secondly....look. I know, your diabetes is your diabetes. I am not the one that has it. It's you. But I am your mom and I worry about your well being. So when I ask you to do something that has to do with the care or management of your diabetes, it is nonnegotiable and I want you to please just do it. *sighs* Neither of you tested before the live chat, did you?"

Nick *looks down* "No."

Mom "Look, I am not telling you to test 10-12 times a day, because I enjoy my kids poking holes into their fingers. I do it because it is important to have an idea of where your blood sugar is. Now, I know there is no way of telling if you were already on your way down and say, in the 70's when the chat started...or whether you were perfectly fine and then just bottomed out but fact is, there is a 50% chance that you could have avoided that low, Nicholas."

Nick "I know, mom. I'm sorry."

Mom "Then there is the fact that you simply straight out lied to me. I asked you, 'Have you both checked?', and Ms Jonas here said, 'Yes, we did.'...."

Jess "I said, "Ya, we're fine, mom. No worries."

Mom "Jessica, that is the same thing. And you, Nicholas, lied to me just the same because you did not correct your sister. Not only did you get yourself in trouble that way, but instead of you, it could have been Jess who could have ended up low. Either way, I need to see some more responsibility from you two. Don't get me wrong, you are doing very well in general with your diabetes management, but these little "slip ups" can get you in"

Jess *grits her teeth* "We're sorry."

Mom "Thirdly. Why is it that every time I turn around and look at my children, one of them is constantly smacking, slapping, or holding down one of their siblings?"

Jess *inhales*

Nick *squeezes Jess' hand again to signal her to stop*

Jess *glares at Nick angrily*

Mom "...and I don't care if you are just messing around! You all were better behaved when you were in kindergarten and elementary school. And you know, it's not even the playful wrestling that I am talking's the constant smacking each other in the head...*to Jess* and I know, Joe is good at that, too, and I will talk to him, too, don't you worry about him, worry about yourself first. And Nick, I have seen you cover your sisters mouth on several occasions while holding her down, and I'm sorry but I just don't think that's acceptable."

Jess "OK, first off, Nick let go off my hand because you are squeezing the sh...crappola out of it!

Nick *lets go off Jess' hand*

Jess "Secondly, none of my brothers have hurt me in any malicious way, nor the other way around. You don't know what it's like to have three brothers and they can cover my mouth or wrestle me as much as they want, because if I didn't want them to or whenever I get sick of it, I'll just beat the living snot out of them...."

Nick *O_O, looks back and forth between mom and Jess*

Jess *gets louder* "And just because your friend's son decided to kill his sister, doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us, OK? So you need to chill out mom because this is pissing me off!

Mom "You better pray you'll be able to blame your tone and what you just said on a high blood sugar reading, missy!"

Jess "And DO NOT tell me to check my blood sugar every time I get mad because sometimes I just AM SIMPLY PISSED OFF!!" *breathing hard, tears falling*

Mom *stares at Jess in disbelief*

Jess *starts sobbing*

Nick *grabs her into a hug, shocked* "Mom, I-...I...this is NOT Jess....and I am not just saying that to protect her..." *confused*

Mom *sighs* "Alright, finger prick, no matter what, and stay seated."

Mom went and grabbed my kit and checked my sugar.

Jess *calming down* "Mom I know it's not my sugar."

Mom "You're 267, but that is probably more so because of stress and your little outburst just now than anything else."

Jess "Like I said...I know that's not it."

Nick *confused* "Then....what is it?"

Jess "Nick, can you leave?"

Nick *mouth open* "But you never tell me to..."

Mom "Nick?"

Nick *sighs, gets up, leaves*

Mom *looks at Jess*

Jess "I'm sorry." *looks down*

Mom "That's a start."

Jess *low voice* "I'm scared."

Mom *suprised* "You're scared?"

Jess *nods*

Mom "Scared or overwhelmed?"

Jess "Both."

Mom "Of what? The tour?"

Jess "A little bit...but not mostly....when you heard about what happened with your friend's were so upset...and it kinda looked to me like you'd be worried, the same could happen to us...."

Mom "Oh sweetie, ..."

Jess "I mean, I don't know if they got along well or not..."

Mom "No, honey, her son had had behavioral and psychological issues for years and him and his sister fought a lot. There was sadly a lot of hostility and animosity between them. Nothing like what you and your brothers have." *runs her hands through Jess' hair*

Jess "Then there's diabetes..."

Mom "But you've been doing so well with needles..."

Jess *shakes head* "It's not's Nick. He's always so good about it...but not in the past few my mind, he's not supposed to struggle, mom. He's supposed to be strong and in control to help me....not me to help him...I'm too new to this...I can't help him."

Mom "Yes, you can! And you already have! Even before you were diagnosed! Sweetie, diabetes does its own thing sometimes and no matter how hard you try, it can just go wild and you know that!"

Jess *looks away* "Sorry, guess I just needed a reminder."

Mom "You have each other and you have to look out for each other, that's why what happened earlier, wasn't the most ideal thing....and, sweetie, I know you look up to Nick and that he's your twin, and you love him very much, but he is still human..." *smiles*

Jess *smiles* "I know...I guess it just kinda came out wrong..."

Mom "No, I know what you meant..."

Jess "And maybe the whole drumming thing...I mean it's not that I don't believe I can do it or...*sighs* I think my problem is too many people believe in me..."

Mom *smiles* "Would it help if I said, 'You will never be able to learn all those songs!'?"

Jess *giggles* "Yeah! ....nah, I guess I'm just kinda overwhelmed by all the support because I just didn't expect it...I was always just the I'm kinda part of the band..."

Mom "Yeah, I'd say so...a drummer is usually part of the band." *smiles*

Jess "Do you think that...that will let me play some guitar, too? I don't wanna push it...but....I love playing guitar."

Mom "I'm sure he would consider it. *smiles* Just try and do the best you can, and everything else will just fall into place. Trust me, I have a feeling...and mom's always right." *winks, smiles*

Jess *rolls eyes* "Of course."

Mom *hugs Jess* "Oh, you're all grown up on me already. 17. *sighs, breaks hug* Now go upstairs and talk to your other half!" *smiles*

Jess *giggles* "He probably just got another gray hair because of me."

Mom *laughs* "Don't be mean to him, just talk to him. Also I need you all to be ready in an hour, so we can leave."

Jess "Oh, alright...cause you asked so nicely and mom...? Thank you. I love you and I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Mom *hugs Jess* "I love you, too."


I walked upstairs to find Nick but he wasn't in his room...of course, I ran all over the house without finding him, and when I went to my room finally....he was sitting right there. On my bed. Go figure

Jess "There you are."

Nick "Hi, I'm Nick. I think, we've met before..."

Jess *rolls eyes* "Nick. Stop it."

Nick "Jess, the last time you kicked me out of the room to talk to mom or dad was....I don't even happened?"

Jess "I was....I was just overwhelmed, OK?"

Nick "Too overwhelmed to tell me about it?"

Jess "I was scared, OK?"

Nick *softly* "About what?"

Jess "I asked mom how close her friend's kids were..."

Nick "You're not actually still thinking that could happen to us, right?"

Jess "Not anymore..."

Nick "But you WERE??"

Jess "Sorry....OK...but I found out that they didn't even like each other and there was a lot of animonicity amongst them..."

Nick *smirks* "You mean 'animosity among them?'"

Jess *rolls eyes* "Yeah, whatever."

Nick "That it?"

Jess *looks away*

Nick "And...there's more."

Jess "Maybe...but it's girl stuff so..."

Nick "Oh we've never talked about that before...but alright."

Jess *thinking* Yup, I just totally lied to my twin. But I can't tell him, part of the reason I freaked out (again) was because it scares me when I see him struggle sometimes...I need to get over that. This is ridiculous...

As much as I hate having him worry about me, Nick usually totally loses it when he knows he is the reason why someone else is worried about him or not feeling well because of I figured this was a good thing to keep to myself.

Nick *waves hand in front of Jess' face* "You OK?"

Jess *snaps out of it* "Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry.....oh, mom said to get ready, we're leaving in an hour. Can you let Joe and Kev know, too?"

Nick "I can do that." *smiles*

Nick walked back into his room and I started going through my closet to find something to wear. Of course, the entire thing is filled to the brim with clothes, but I have nothing to wear. Well, it's not's just that...the mix and match possibilities seem endless!

I ended up with purple skinny jeans and a black shirt with purple print...nothing too exciting.

I changed into those clothes and walked into the bathroom. I still had 40 minutes left so I decided to straighten my hair....except that I would never be able to get it done in 40 minutes unless....

Jess "KEVIN!!!!"

Kevin *muffled through the door*

Jess "I need help."

Kevin "Did Joe use up all the toilet paper again and now you're sitting there with an empty roll?"

Jess *makes face* "No!!! Come in!"

Kevin "You're dressed?"

Jess "No, Kevin, I am standing here, butt naked waiting for one of my brothers to come in....YES, I'm dressed!"

Kevin *opens door* "Just making sure..." *grins* "What do you need help with?"

Jess *holds up straightener* "Please." *smile*

Kevin *grabs flatiron* "Hi, my name is Kevin, welcome to Kevin's Krazy Kuts, Salon & Spa."

Jess *giggles*

Kevin finished my hair in a little under 30 minutes. I swear if this whole music gig doesn't work out, he should totally become a hairstylist...or a nurse...he's just good with people in general.

Kevin "fixes Jess' part with a comb* "There. You like it?"

Jess "I look fabulous! Thanks, Kev!" *big smile*

Joe "Oh, there you guys are....*makes face* oh, you straightened it."

Jess "Thanks, Joseph. You look really nice, too."

Joe "Oh, I didn't say you didn't look good. You look very pretty, but when you wear your hair like that, you look older..."

Jess "I do?" *smile*

Joe "Yeah, and I don't like that."

Jess *frowns*

Kevin "I like it."

Jess "Thanks, Kev."

Joe *rolls eyes*

Nick *from other room* "JESS!!!!!!"

Joe "Whatchu do?"

Jess "Huh? Nothing! I-..."

Kevin "Just go and see what he wants." *smiles*


---Nick's Room---

Jess *walks in* "What's up, Curly Fry?"

Nick *makes face* "Curly Fry?"

Jess "Never mind...what's up?"

Nick "White or red?"

Jess "Why not blue?"

Nick "What?"

Jess "Sorry, I had no idea what you were talking about so I thought I'd just add another color into the mix..."

Nick " or white V-neck?"

Jess "I don't know...what shoes are you planning on wearing?"

Nick "My black converse."

Jess "OK....what underwear?"

Nick "Calvi-...wait!! What the heck does that have to do with what shi-..."

Jess *laughs* "Chill, I'm just messing with you. I think you should just go with the white one...because it's just a classic....white tee, jeans, and black converse? Can't go wrong with that."

Nick "OK, cool. Thanks.....I like your hair by the way."

Jess "Thanks." :)

Dad *yelling from downstairs* "G IS HERE!!! WE'RE LEAVING IN 5!"

Jess "OK!!!!" *to Nick* "This is gonna be so much fun!"


End Notes:

Look at you know that feeling when you just bottle everything up inside and then it just all comes out? Oh well, good talk :)

Off to have some family fun at the park...

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