How Low Can You Go?

611 10 1

Author's Notes:

Lotsa stuff happening in this chapter....

Dad grabbed the guitar from me and put it aside, while everyone else started getting up.
I was just sitting there for a while staring blankly at the screen.

Jess *thinking* So that was it. My first live chat. It was so different. Usually I just watch, and say 'hi' really quick and wave. This was really cool. I wanna do it again!

*out loud* "I wanna do another one!...if it's OK."

Dad *laughs* "There'll be more. No worries." *hugs his daughter*

Jess *muffled* "Thank you so much dad. For all you do."

Dad *kisses Jess's head* "Anything for you, baby girl. I'm glad you had fun. *breaks the hug, but holds on to Jess' shoulders* You did great! I am very proud of you!"

Jess *smiles* "Thanks dad."

Dad "Come on, let's all go to the family room."


*The entire Jonas clan sits in the family room*

Dad "I just thought, I'd have us all gather here just for a minute to debrief about the live chat."

Jess *on arm rest of couch, next to Joe, puts arm around his shoulder* "Mom, did you get to see it, too?"

Mom *smiles* "I was. I was down here on the laptop. Remember the question about what it's like to be the only girl?"

Jess *grins* "You asked that!?!"

Mom *nods, smiles*

Jess "Sneaky."

Dad "Anyway, I just wanted to say, you guys did great. Jess, especially, for it being your very first live chat you held your own really well, and the fans loved it."

*Dad's phone beeps*

Dad *glances at it, smiles big* "Well, looks like Madison Square Garden is already sold out."

Everyone wow'ed and aww'd and what-ed.

Kevin "That's awesome!"

Jess "That's crazy!"

Dad *smile fades* "There is one thing, I'd like to address that I did not like."

*Everyone straightens up*

Dad *takes off his glasses, pinches nose* "Why is it that you guys are never on time for these things? I mean, I told you be there five minutes early, and you weren't. It's just not professional! Your sister got there one minute before it was supposed to start, but even that made her four minutes late. I just don't know what to do with you guys. *to Jess* Even though you were late, too, you were there when we went live and you did great! That was very clever and funny." *smiles*

Jess *quietly* "Thanks." *does not smile though*

Kevin "Dad's right. We need to get better at being on time. I mean we've had our technical difficulties with the live chats, which is totally out of our hands but the lateness??...definitely something WE can change."

We all agreed with Kevin.

Mom "Well, what happened, happened. We cannot change it, but we can work hard to avoid it next time, and make sure it won't happen again. Alright?"

We all nodded.

Dad *serious tone* "I have also decided to fire our hair and make up crew. Jess will be completely in charge of that from now on. Fans said they loved what you did with Joe's hair, so I've decided to act on that."

Jess, Joe, Kevin, Nick: O_O

Dad "Well, Denise, I thought I'd lighten up the mood with a joke, but I guess that didn't work out as planned." *laughs*

Denise *laughs*

*Everyone laughs*

Kevin "Whoa, you like really had me there for a second, dad!"

Joe "For the record, I liked my hair that way."

Jess *hugs Joe close* "You looked fabulous." *grins, lets go of Joe, rests her elbow on his shoulder*

Dad "Lateness aside, you all did fantastic. I am very proud of you. You handled the questions well, even the harder ones."

Mom "I just loved seeing the little things you guys did, that are just so...uniquely you, and I kept reading the fans comments and seeing them notice them, too, and just really enjoying the chat was great! Even though some things...."*shakes head, giggles*

Dad *chuckles* "And then there's one more thing I'd like to mention."

Everyone got quiet again immediately. Dad has this effect on people. When he talks, everybody just listens.

Dad "I'd like to talk about that song, Jess and Joe were singing."

Jess *leans on Joe's shoulder*

Joe *rests hand on Jess' leg*

Dad "I just rewatched the clip of you two singing that song and...."*shakes head, looks away*

Jess *sad* "You hated it. *looks down* We should have showed it to you first and have it approved or something..."

Dad *turns around, watery eyes, smiles* ", I didn't hate it. It was beautiful and I loved it!"

*Jess and Joe look at each other, smile big*

Joe "We're so glad you like it, Dad! It''s really special to us."

Dad *nods* "I could tell..."

Mom "I'm...we're very proud of you two!"

Nick "Yeah, you were amazing! I'm sure it sounds even better on piano."

Jess "Yeah,...I wanted to squeeze the piano into the media room, but you wouldn't even share a couch with all three of us at the same I doubted you would have been OK with that piano in the room." *grins*

Nick *laughs* "Well, I'm sorry but that can we try something different next time? It's just too small for all of us."

Jess "It was all good until I joined..."

Kevin "No, no, no...we'll get rid of the couch, before we get rid of you!"

Jess "Thank you for choosing me over furniture."

Joe "Yeah. The choice was tough, but we talked it through and decided you're more profitable and a cuter gimmick to have on tour with us than the couch."

Jess *fake hurt* "That's all I am? A gimmick?"

Dad "So anyway, we'll figure something out about the couch for next time....and baby girl, I almost could not breathe when you told that story about that fan encounter."

Mom "You had never heard it before? It gets me every time."

*Everyone laughs*

Nick "I had never heard of it."

Joe, Kevin "Me neither."

Jess "Really? the way thanks Nick!"

Nick "For what?"

Jess "I will NEVER find a boyfriend now! You basically publicly threatened all my male fans!"

Nick ", actually, I'm not..." *grins*

Jess "Wonderful..."

Dad "Well, that's it...unless anyone has anything else? Alright then, let's have lunch and Nicholas, we're leaving for your endo appointment right after."

Nick "Oh yeah...great."

After lunch Nick left with dad to see his..well, our endocrinologist...I figured, he probably just needed his insulin or test strip prescription refilled.

Joe went to lay down and take a nap. If I hadn't felt the strong desire to go back to the music room, I would have totally taken the chance to go jump on him a little, while he was trying to sleep...just as payback, but I really wanted to play some guitar so I decided to let him get his beauty rest....for the time being.

Jess *enters music room* "Oh, hey Kevin. Didn't know you were in here. I can leave if you wanna be alone..."

Kevin *restringing one of his guitars* "Oh no, come on in, what are you up to?"

Jess "Not much...just felt like messing around on my guitar a little."

Kevin *smiles* "Oh OK. Do you need me to leave?"

Jess *sits next to Kevin, shakes head, smiles* "Never!"

Kevin smiled back at me and then we just sat there silently next to each other, as I watched Kevin put a brand spankin' new e-string on his guitar.

Jess *quietly* "Thanks."

Kevin *stops tightening the string* "For?"

Jess *shrugs shoulders* "Everything. Being there for me, letting me be part of the live chat. Always taking me seriously and never treating me like a little kid..."

Kevin *smiles* "You're welcome."

*Kevin and Jess hug*

I got up and grabbed my guitar off the rotating guitar rack, which,by the way still fascinates, amuses, and entertains me to this day to no end. Yeah, I'm a dork, what can i say?

I plugged it into the amp, turned it on, and then sat down. I played the intro to "That's Just The Way We Roll" just because it was still stuck in my head from the live chat.

Jess *stops playing, looks up* "Kev, know any cool guitar solos, I could learn?"

Kevin *grins* "Oh yeah!...and hey...nice intro there! You've gotten so good!" *grabs his Gibson, plugs it in, starts playing*

Jess *silently watches in awe*

*thinking* I just love watching Kev play guitar. Especially solos. He gets so into them, it's crazy! Like you can really just tell that playing guitar is more than just a hobby to him. It's his passion. I watched his fingers literally dance up and down the frets, but my eyes and brain just could not keep up.

Kevin *finishes, smiles*

Jess "Whoa! What song was that from?"

Kevin "One that hasn't been written."

Jess "You freestyled that?"

Kevin "Almost kinda....I came up with different little riffs here and there and I just kinda patched them all together just now."

Jess *puts guitar down* "Very cool!..Kev, I don't think, I've ever told you but I like...what happened between me and Joe made me realize how important it is to step aside from every day life every once in a while and make sure people know how much I appreciate I don't think you have any idea but I like....I like really admire you. You always have a smile on your face, and some good advice ready for whoever needs it. No matter how ridiculous my problems may seem to others, you always take them seriously. Plus you're like my guitar hero!"

Kevin *smiles, puts guitar down* "Aww, thanks Buglet!" *hugs Jess tightly* "You know, I admire you, too."

Jess "Yeah, right."

Kevin *laughs* "I'm serious! Come on, putting up with three brothers every day can't be easy."

Jess "It's not...but totally worth it." *smiles*

Kevin "Come on *smiles*...I'll show you some sweet riffs."

So that's what he did. I love it, when Kevin teaches me stuff. He's so patient and never condescending. Like he really wants you to learn it and is happy to help you with, whatever it is you want to learn about. Don't get me wrong. I love it when Joe and Nick teach me or show me things, but they're just not as patient as my Kevy-Kins.

After about 40 minutes or so I started to lose focus. I started messing up more often, even the parts I had already had all figured out.

Jess *drops guitar pick accidently for the third time in a row*

Kevin "Buglet, are you feeling, OK?"

Jess "I think feel this what low feels like?"

Kevin "Well, let's go test and find out."

Jess *confused* "Why?"

Kevin "Because, we need to see what's going on. Let's go test!"

Jess *slightly slurry speech* "But I already did that this morning,...silly..."

Kevin *realizes the low blood sugar is already affecting Jess pretty severely, goes to mini fridge in the corner* "Here's some Gatorade. Have some!"

Jess *stares at Kevin blankly*

Kevin *tries to not panic* "Buglet!"

Jess *smiles* "Hi."

Kevin *unscrews bottle cap and puts bottle to Jess' mouth* "Come on, have some, it's real good!"

Jess *takes a few sips*

Kevin *yells* "MOM!!!!!!! I NEED SUGAR AND THE METER.....NOW!!!!"

Mom *comes running in, not even 15 seconds later* "Oh my, what happened?"

Jess "Hi...Gatorade..."

Mom *opens up zipper compartment of the meter case, pulls out glucose gel* "This is faster acting and easier to get into her system." *opens gel tube and squeezes contents into Jess' mouth*

Kevin *grabs meter, slides test strip in, pricks Jess' finger* We were playing guitar, and she started messing up, and dropping her pick and I asked her to test, she told me 'Why? I already did that this morning." *meter beeps* "37, mom...SHE'S AT 37!!! Until you got here, she had already had half a bottle of Gatorade..."

Mom "Oh my, so she must have been even lower than that! *worried* "Jess, it's mom, talk to me!!"

Jess "Hi mom."

Mom "How are you feeling?"

Jess "Can I have some more of that candy?"

Mom *smiles* "That was glucose gel."

Jess "Oh. Wait, why am I...oh we were playing guitar....*still confused* I love you, Kevin."

Kevin *caught of guard, hugs Jess* " you, too, Buglet. You scared us!"

Jess "Mom, I think, I'm low..."

Mom "Sweetie, you were really low a little bit ago, we will retest in a few, OK?" *to Kevin* "Remind me to pick up some more of this gel!"

Kevin "Might also be a good idea to have each of us carry some on us at all well as put some in every room!"

Mom "I agree!...alright let's retest."

This one, I remember. I even pricked my own finger for it. 53. I had come up BUT it was still WAY too low. So I had the rest of the gatorade and mom told me she'd give me some string cheese, since the pure sugar in the gel, for example would not keep me up for very long...I needed some protein with it.


In kitchen:

Mom 'Here ya go, sweetie." *hands Jess some string cheese*

Jess "Thanks, mom. I could have opened the wrapper up myself."

Mom *smiles* "I'll baby my baby as much as I want...try to stop me."

Jess *laughs, then stops* "Can I see my meter for a second?"

Kevin *hands meter to Jess*

Jess *goes through meter memory* "I WAS AT 37??????? What the heck???"

Nick *walks in* "You were WHAT?"

Jess *shoves meter into Nick's face*

Nick *runs hand through his curls* "Oh my gosh *hugs Jess* where are you now? *breaks hug* How are you feeling?"

Jess "I checked *goes through meter's memory* 13 minutes ago and was at 53."

Nick "AND YOU'RE EATING CHEESE NOW? Mom, there's no carbs in cheese!She needs more sugar! *to Jess* Check again!"

Mom "Nicholas, calm down! We gave her a tube of glucose gel and she had an entire bottle of those 20 carb Gatorades....the cheese is just to keep her stable and up hopefully."

Nick *relaxes* "Oh OK."


Jess *smiles* "109" *fist pumps*

*Everyone is relieved*

Mom "Now your sugar might go up a little more than that..."

Nick "..or it might drop again. Just take it easy for the rest of the day and check often."

Jess *pouting* "...thanks...and yay...even more finger pricks."

Mom/Kevin *exchanging sad look*

Dad *walks in, plops big stack of mail down on kitchen table* "Hi."

We all greeted him.

Dad "Baby girl, are you OK?"

Jess *weak smile* "I am now."

Dad *runs hand through Jess' hair* "What do you mean now?"

Mom "We had a bit of a low scare but she made it through it." *smiles*

Dad *side hugs Jess* "I'm sorry." *kisses forehead* "Glad you're OK!"

Mom "Kevin, was great, he reacted super fast!"

I turned on the stool and faced Kevin, who had been standing on the other side of me.

Jess *hugs Kevin tightly* "Thank you so much for being there, Kevin!"

Kevin "You're welcome, Buglet."

Dad *to Nick* "Did you tell 'em yet?"

Nick *grins* "Nope."

Jess *lets go off Kevin, turns to face Nick, still a little out of it*

Nick "Jess, guess what?"

Jess *still looking at Nick, not saying anything*

Nick *smiles* "You're supposed to say *girly voice* 'What Nicky, OMG, do tell!'*claps hands*"

Kevin *giggles*

Jess *gives look*

Nick *smiles* "And I know you don't talk like that."

Jess *sighs, finally a small smile* "OK, what is it."

Nick "I got a new meter!" *pulls a glucose meter kit out of his satchel, puts it on the counter*

Jess "That's cool. Can I have it?"

Nick *laughs* "Noooo!?!? It's mine."

Jess *crosses arms* "But you have your PDM and your back up meter! You don't need a new one!"

Mom "Now, sweetie if Nick wants to keep this one and swap it out for his back up, he may do that. The doctor gave it to him, not you." *smile*

Jess "Fine...I was just sayin'..."

Nick *sits down next to Jess at island counter, scoots close, faces Jess* "Hey there, grumps."

Jess *tries not to laugh*

Nick "The reason why I got this new meter is because...well, kind of for you... out of solidarity."

Jess "Stop trying to impress me with big words...I know what solidarity means."

Nick *smiles*

Jess "Wait! You got a new meter...for me...for yourself?"

Mom *confused*

Nick "Pat my back."

Jess *confused* *pat pat* *questioning look on face*

Nick *laughs* "My lower back."

Jess "Can't you find a girlfriend to grope you, Nicholas? Seriously!"

Nick *gives look*

Jess *locks eyes with Nick*

Mom "As much as I'd hate to interrupt your little twin stare down moment about inappropriate subjects there, I'm kinda curious now why...."

Kevin *to Jess* "Will you just grope him already!?!?"

*Everyone laughs*

Jess *laughs, rolls eyes* "Fine. If it makes you happy...*makes face* gosh I sure hope it doesn't..."

Kevin *giggles*

Jess *pats Nick's lower back*

Nick "And?"

Jess "And what?"

Nick "What do you feel?"

Jess "I feel slightly awkward and weirded out."

Nick *rolls eyes* "On my back."

Jess "NOTHING, there's absolutely nothi-...." *eyes widen, turns Nick around, runs hands along his upper arms, pats Nick's tummy*

Kevin "You don't have to grope him that much...he only said he wanted his lower back..."

Jess *frantically* "Where's your pod??????"

Nick *grins* "Ding, ding, ding. You got it!"

Mom "Nicholas?"

Nick "I've decided to take a pump break."

Mom *looks at dad confused*

Dad "He decided that until Jess feels completely comfortable with shots and all, he'll be on shots, too, just like her. Talked it over with the endo, he said it's fine, diabetics take pump breaks now and then for a few months for different reasons. He gave us a new insulin schedule, ratios, and insulin pens. His numbers might be a little wonky because now he's back on Lantus and we need to figure out his basal needs again but the endo gave him the OK, felt like he was responsible enough to know what he was doing."

Jess *not sure what to think* "Nick, I'm good. I feel perfectly fine taking shots now. I'm all used to it and all. So go upstairs to our 'betes supplies closet, and slap on a new pod."

Nick "Nope! " *grins* "I honestly also wanted a little break from having something constantly stuck to me and it'll be nice to have that buffer of Lantus again for a little bit."

Mom "Nick, honey, as amazed as I am by your loving thoughtfulness, tour is starting at the end of next month and I always thought the pump made that so much easier for you."

Jess "When tour starts, you HAVE to go back to pumping!"

Nick *thinks, then smiles* "OK, deal."

Jess "OK."

Nick *smiles, holds bent index finger*

Jess *hooks her index with Nick's*

*Jess and Nick do their infamous Index Wiggle, then hug*

Joe *comes down the stairs, rubbing his eyes, yawns* "Good nap...*sees twins hugging* aawww look at the wittle twinnies....did I miss anything?"


End Notes:

No Joe, nothing at all...

Well, there ya go. Jess had her first bad low.

This actually happened to me last week. My uncle was there to literally save my butt. According to him I literally said "why do you want me to test? i already did that this monrning..." Like I dont remember that whole thing at's really scary when your blood sugar affects not only your mood but also your personality like that...

Anyway, hope you liked it.

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