Does Batman Giggle When He Gets Bootybumped?

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Me and Nick went out into the backyard, so we could have our Triple T.

We walked by the pool and sat down on individual lounge chairs facing each other.

Nick *taps Jess' knee once with his index* "Spill it."

Jess *makes sure nobody else can hear her, grins* "Dad's gonna take mom to Paris for one day, ...after the ceremony."

Nick "So the ceremony is gonna be while we're in London then I'm guessing?"

Jess "Yuppp. We're gonna be on our England. Mwuahahaha!!!" *fake evil laughter, waving her hands around like a maniac*

Nick *amused/weirded out at the same time, scrunches up face* "Jess, really?" *tries to catch Jess arms that are still waving around*

Jess *stops* "What?" *grins*

Nick *shakes his head, jokes* "You are becoming more like Joe every day. It's quite scary!"

Joe *walks up* "Say what?"

Jess *giggles* "Nothing...what's up?"

Joe "Quick Starbucks run?"

Nick "I'm good."

Jess "I'm down!"


Joe and me had just gotten back from our Starbucks run and walked straight into our rec room. 

Kevin "Look, who decided to join us." *smiles*

G "Jess! You missed it! I actually won 3 out of 4 games!"

Jess "Aww, I would have loved to see you kick Kev's butt!"

G "Oh no, I did not kick Kev's butt....I kicked Nick's!" *smiles big*

That's when I noticed Nick sitting in the corner, looking slightly grumped out. That sight just made me laugh. There is only one person in the world that is a tad more competitive than me, and that's Nicholas. I hate losing, don't get me wrong, but I usually, get mad at myself for losing for a second, and then plan my revenge...Nick on the other hand just gets incredibly grumpy for a while,....and THEN plans his comeback.

He finally looked up at me and Joe and seemed to snap out of his funk almost immediately.

Nick "Oh hey! I see you guys made up."

Jess "Yeah about we play some ping pong? 2 on 2!"

G "Yes! I wanna see that!....You guys play. I wanna watch!"

Kevin "Oh no, you're playing! I'm off dad with something. See ya'll later!" *leaves, kisses Jess' head on his way out, to Jess* "We're gonna chat later!" *winks*

Jess "Ohhh kaaayy. Alright, then. Me and Joseph versus Gabriela and Nicholas."

G "Full first names?"

Joe "Oh, ping pong's not a game..."

Nick "It's serious business!"

G "Ha! *grins* Well,'s ON!"

The ping pong match was....crazy. You better believe there was tons of trash talking, anger, and...beatings... What can I say? We Jonas kids are a competitive bunch and we do not like to lose. Just kidding...well, not about the latter, but about the beatings, of course. *grins* Believe it or not, in all that usual competitiveness, there was actually a lot of laughter, too!

And G? Well, she's not even half as good at ping pong, as she is at fooseball, but G is a giggler. She always giggles, or smiles, or laughs...and I don't think you realize how distracting that can be!
While Nick had to work extra hard to pretty much cover his and G's corners, he was not even mad at her. He was actually laughing throughout the whole match because G would just start giggling for no reason, which would make me and Joe laugh, and therefore lose our focus here and there. Me and Joe did win in the end but only by three points. We really had a great time and it was so good to just spend time with two of my brothers and my best friend who was like the sister I never had.

*All four drop paddles on ping pong table*

G "Oh guys, what about the Twitter thing? Remember, your dad wanted you to announce the live chat tomorrow?"

Jess "Oh, wow. I almost forgot. Thanks G." *gives G side hug* "I guess this is the part where we all stand awkwardly next to each other and pull our phones out and start tweeting?"

Joe *laughs* "Dude, have you ever noticed how no matter where you go, like at the mall, there's always these groups of kids and even adults and you can tell they belong together but like none of them is talking...they're all on their phones?"

Jess "Probably, all talking to each other on Twitter." *laughs*

Nick "That's actually kinda sad."

We couldn't argue with that, but of course, we then all got our phones out and logged on to Twitter.

Jess *thinking* Wow, I actually haven't logged on to Twitter in like what? Five days. I usually don't get thaaaaat many @replies anyway...I mean, I get a good number of them but on days when I feel like it and have about 45 mins, I can actually reply to a good number of them.
So I logged on, and tapped my @replies and was blown away. My Brother's fans had basically blown up my Twitter between the day I was....hospitalized and now.

*out loud* "Holy mother of Batman!"

Nick *without looking up from his phone* "You should really leave Bruce's mom out of things, you know?" *looks up at Jess, smiles*

Jess "No, you gotta see this! My Twitter exploded!"

Joe *smile* "Yeah, most my @replies are fans asking how you are doing, and....marriage proposals. Phew, glad that hasn't changed."

G *giggles*

Jess *mumbles* "Silly..."

I scanned over the first 50 @replies I saw and they were mostly saying things like "hope you're feeling better" but also a bunch that asked "What exactly happened?", along with a few specualtion tweets about the "real reason" I was hospitalized.

Jess "Looks like having me on the live chat is an overall good idea...."

Nick *slightly annoyed* "Yeah, I got some of those, too."

G "What is it?"

Jess "Some fans are speculating if the 'real reason' I was in the hospital had to do with suicide attempts, eating disorder, or .....oh, drug overdosing."

G "Whoa! Are you serious??"

Nick "Rumors....comes with the territory, unfortunately. Some you just ignore, others need to be addressed, and some damage control done."

G "Ugh, that does not sound like fun! I mean, I know there's always rumors about you guys out there, but I guess I just never thought about it really, until now."

Jess "It'll be fine. I'll just talk about it tomorrow and clear things up."

Joe *gives Jess a booty bump* "Way to go! Glad your not upset about it."

Jess "They're just long as I get to clear things up tomorrow it's all good." *smiles*

Nick "Joe, did you just booty bump my sister?"

G *giggles uncontrollably* "Nick said 'booty bump'."

Joe *gets closer to Nick* "What if I ....DID?"

Nick *all up in Joe's face* "Nobody booty bumps my twin sister, unless..."

Jess "...they booty bump Nick, as well." *grins*

Joe "Oh OK." *tries to booty bump Nick*

Nick *moves away* "You have got to be kidding me...and I was gonna say 'unless they wanna answer to my fists...or something manly like *still trying to avoid Joe*...that...darn you, Jess!!" *runs out of the media room*

Joe *chases after him*

*G and Jess look at each other, laugh*

G "WOW!"

Jess *rolls eyes* "You don't even know..." *giggles*

G "Have you tweeted anything yet?"

Jess "Oh yeah...duh! Again, where would I be without you?"

G "Probably living, in a big house, with two parents and three brothers."

Jess "See? That sounds like it would be so boring!"

G *grins*

Jess "Alright, let's see...."


[jessjonas] Hey tweetsters. Live Chat tomorrow w/ my brothers @joejonas @kevinjonas & @nickjonas! Be there or be a box!

I went to my time line to see what/if my brothers and dad had already tweeted about the chat.

[papajonas] There'll be a @jonasbrothers live chat tomorrow at 11AM/PST special guest: @jessjonas You don't wanna miss it!

[kevinjonas] so pumped for livechat tomorrow with my brothers and baby sis!

[nickjonas] Super excited for our live chat tomorrow at 11AM with my bros and twin!

[joejonas] Don't wanna start any rumors but I think I heard @papajonas say my favorite sister will be on the live chat w/ us tomorrow! You better tune in!

I smiled and let G read my brothers' and dad's tweets.

G "Aww, they sound so excited. Are you?"

Jess "Yeah, I kinda am now. I wasn't at first but...."

G "Are you nervous?"

Jess "Wouldn't you be? Talking to a computer is kinda weird...."

G "Not any weirder than talking into a phone!"

Jess *laughs* "Ha! So true! never thought of it that way. So you'd do it?"

G "Nope. No way!"

Jess *giggles* "Ohhhhh kaaayyy..."

------2 minutes later------

*G and Jess walk down the stairs into the kitchen*

Jess "Hi dad!"

Dad *looks up from his laptop, chewing on a bagel* "Oh, hey baby girl, and hello there Ms Gabriela,how are things?"

G *smiles* "Great!"

That was about when a completely out-of-breath Nick came busting into the kitchen through the patio door closely followed by a widely grinning Joe.

Nick *hides behind Jess*

Dad "What's going on now?"

Nick "Dad, he's been trying to booty bump me and that's just not acceptable."

Dad *almost chokes on bagel* "Excu-...'booty' what?"

G *laughs*

Jess *laughs* "'Booty bump", dad! You know, like" *booty bumps Nick*

Dad *still confused* "Uh huh..."

*phone rings*

Dad *picks up* "Oh hey, honey! Not much, going over some stuff.... They are all fine. Jess and G look happy and Joe's been trying to booty bump Nick.....don't ask, I didn't even know what that was until just now...oh OK. I'll let them know!...oh, umm toilet paper and those coffee creamer things....Yup. Love you, too, honey!"

G *giggles, to Jess* "Your dad said 'booty bump'!"

Dad *sighs, smiles* "So I just saw you all tweeted about the live chat. That's great!"

Jess "Yeah, thanks guys for mentioning me and all." *smiles* "Wait! Dad, where's Kev?"

Dad "Oh, he just got back, he must have come through the front door. Guessing he went upstairs."

Jess *skeptical* "Just got back from where?"

Dad *innocently* "I'm not sure."

Jess *thinking* "Yeah, uh huh, nice, dad! Kev totally said earlier he had to go 'do something for dad'....he did hesitate, too, I had noticed that! Hmm...wonder what he's up to! Guess, I could go find out, since he said 'we'll chat later' or something like that earlier."

*out loud* "OK, well I'm just gonna go upstairs ask him something then. Are you gonna be OK, G? It won't be long!"

G "Yeah, of course! Go ahead. Don't worry about me." *smiles*

Jess *hugs G* "Thanks. You're the best."

Dad "Actually, I gotta go drop something off at the post office really quick and I'll take Gabriela with me because her mom wants her home now. *to G* Something about a celebration dinner."

G "Oh, OK, yeah my dad got a new job. I'll see ya later, Jess"

Jess "Okies, and that's awesome about your dad!"

*G and Jess hug*
I ran up the stairs to Kevin's room. His door was cracked open and I could see him sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand. Big shocker.
At first, I just wanted to push the door open, but since I just recently decided to be a little more respectful towards my brothers' rooms and acknowledge the fact that those doors have been installed for a reason, I decided to not just walk in, but to knock first. Of course, he invited me right in.

Kevin *smiles* "Hey Buglet!" *pats mattress right next to him*

Jess *smiles, bounces onto Kevin's bed, plops down right next to him, snuggles into him* "Hey Kevy-Kins."

Kevin *with arm around Jess* "You OK?"

Jess *into Kevin's chest* "Yeah." *smile*

Kevin "I'm just glad to see you and Joe smiling. I kinda got the gist of what happened."

Jess *smile fades, doesn't say anything*

Kevin *kisses top of Jess' head* "You don't have to talk about it, Buglet, if you don't want to."

Jess "Oh no, I...I know... I was just thinking how *snuggles even closer to Kevin* scared I was that things would never be the same and that I had lost one of my brothers...the thought of losing any of you..." *buries head into Kevin's chest*

Kevin *hugs Jess tightly* "You don't have to worry about that, no matter what we will always be your brothers and we will always love you. You know that, right?"

Jess *nods* "But Kev, I was so scared...Joe was like...a different Joe and the stuff he hurt so was like somebody was physically squeezing and slicing and tearing up my heart.."

Kevin *sad face*

Jess "....Hey!....maybe I should put that in a song." *smile tugging at her lips*

Kevin *giggles* "I'd buy it."

Jess *laughs*

Kevin "You know, I think it's normal to not always get along. I mean, if you compare us to friends we've had in the past and how they fight with their siblings...I mean, like REALLY fight..."

Jess "Yeah, you're right...we hardly ever really fight. It's mostly harmless bickering...but nothing like what I remember what some of my classmates went through, when we were still going to school...I mean they would literally say they hated each other and fight's kinda really sad..."

Kevin "We really are blessed."

Jess "Yup....Kevy?"

Kevin "Yessy?"

Jess *smiles* "What were you really doing while we were playing ping pong?"

Kevin "Nothing."

Jess "That musta been one big nothing. You were gone for a while."

Kevin *hugs Jess, then tickles her*

Jess *laughing, wiggling around* "S-s-st-t-top! A n-n-normal I-I-I-I'm n-not t-telling y-you woulda-a b-been e-e-enough"

Kevin *stops tickling*

Jess *sighs big, smiles* "So you're not telling?"

Kevin "Nnnnnot yet!" *smiles*

Jess "Fine. CSI Jonas will start investigating this case immediately."

Kevin "Well, I won't say anything without my lawyer" *grins*

Kevin was obviously up to something, I could tell. I just wasn't sure what and I was determined to find out all about it...

The rest of the day/night went something like this:

Joe got a hold of my BopIt and that kept him entertained pretty much all night. I usually go nuts with that thing, too, and Nick wouldn't usually care for some toy like that, except that it gives you a score....score=competition. *grins* You get where I'm going with this, right?

But Nick and me had other things to deal with. We pretty much spent the entire evening on the couch in the family room together, mom on Nick's right, dad on my left. The TV was on but I don't really remember what was playing.

Anyway, why were me and Nick on the couch with mom and dad?
While I was battling high blood sugars, Nick was chasing one low after the other, all fricken night! Yeah ironic, huh? While my levels just wouldn't come down, Nick's would not come up and stay at a safe level.

By 8PM Nick could not stand the sight or taste of juice, fruit, or any type of food for that matter anymore, while I was chugging gallons of water it seemed, running to the bathroom four times/hour, and taking correction dose after correction dose hoping I would come back down. We basically hated each other because, I was soon starting to crave anything with sugar in it. All those juices etc Nick was having made me jealous, while all Nick wanted was stop eating/drinking and higher numbers.

But we hung in there, like we had any other choice, and eventually my numbers came down, while Nick's came up (and stayed there this time). By 10:30PM we were both exhausted. Mom and dad said good night and that one of them was do our nightly 2AM check on us. Yup, every night at 2AM my mom or my dad gets up and pricks mine and Nick's fingers to make sure our blood sugar is at a safe level. We usually sleep right through those checks and don't even notice them.
If our numbers are too high or too low, we have to correct immediately....according to my parents, when we're low all they have to do is grab a juice box, and stick the straw in our mouths, and since we're so used to it, we just drink up the juice without even really waking up. Now THAT should be considered a talent.

Anyway mom and dad went to bed and Nick and I grabbed all our pillows and blankets, spread them out on my bedroom floor, and laid down.

Whenever Nick used to have a night like that when his sugars were just all over the place or too high/low for too long, mom always preferred Nick to not sleep alone by himself, so we quickly got into the habit of making a fort on the floor and spending the night on it. Now with me being diabetic, too, these nights have since been happening a little more often, but that night was the first night that it was not only because of Nick, that mom let us camp out together.

We had already always loved to built forts with blankets and chairs and would be allowed to stay in them overnight on Friday nights every week since we were really little. So it's not like this was terrible or annoying to us at all. We could just share one of our beds, but on the floor it's way more fun and it's just one of those things, we've done for so long....we would not wanna stop now.

After we were finally all comfy, lying down next to each other, Nick grabbed my hand and we did what we did every night. We prayed together. Just the two of us. You know, we say grace at the table with the entire family and all, but this is our thing. I'm not even sure anyone in the family knows we've been doing this since like forever.

I barely remember us saying "Amen. Goodnight, I love you". We were just that tired, and pretty much fell right asleep,which was a good thing. We had a lot planned for the next day.

End Notes:

not too much stuff happening....just needed a chapter to lead up to the live chat and Jess talkin to Kev? What could he be up to?

Live chat's next! 

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