Chapter 24 (Concert Day pt. 1)

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My eyes widened when i heard Ashton's words.  I could tell Michael felt the same as I did byt the look on his face.

"You did what?" Michael asked in shock.

"I told Luke that I was fed up with his behavior lately.  So from now on, Luke will be renting his own room.  Whether he chooses to share it with Arzaylea or not, is his decision." Ashton finished.  Michael still seemed shocked, but must have decided to bite his tongue, because he shut up after Ashton told him his reasoning.

"If you feel the need to go hang out with him, his room is across the hall." Ashton said before walking into his room with Bryana, making sure to shut the door behind them.

"Luke didn't have much time to grab his things.  Michael, why don't you go bring him his suitcase, and I'll stay here with Ella." Calum said as we exchanged glances.  Michael nodded, heading into the other room and coming out a few minutes later with a black suitcase.  Michael headed out the door and into the hall before Calum turned to me.

"I would just leave Ashton alone for right now.  He's been really stressed about Luke lately, and this just kind of made him blow up.  I'm sure he'll be fine in the morning." Calum said and gave me a weak smile.  I nodded and went to my bed that was next to the window.  I slid under the covers, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.


I woke up to Michael and Calum jumping on my bed, shouting about how it was concert day.  I sat up and they got off of my bed and started chasing each other around the hotel room.  Ashton sat at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand, grinning and shaking his head at the two boys.  I was glad to see that he was in a better mood this morning.

I got up and realized that I must have been so tired, that I forgot to put on pajama's.  I yawned and stretched my arms out as I made my way to the bathroom.  I showered and brushed my teeth.  I blow dried my hair, and french braided it down the sides of my head.  I put on foundation and mascara.  Ashton had given me a 5sos tank top that hadn't been released yet, so I decided to wear it tonight.  I put on a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans and some black       high-top converse.

When I was finished, I walked out to see Luke standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.  I raised my eyebrows at him before pushing past him and leaving the hotel room.  Bryana mentioned that they served breakfast at the cafe downstairs, so I headed down to go and meet up with everyone.

When I got out of the lift, I walked over to the cafe where everyone sat.  Except for Luke and Ashton.

"Ella, you can go up to the counter and order whatever you want for breakfast." Bryana said with a smile.  I nodded and went over to the counter.  A menu hung over the counter, and I looked at it to figure out what I wanted to eat.  I wasn't too hungry, so  I just ordered a blueberry muffin and a vanilla latte.  When I was handed my food, I walked back over to the table and sat down to begin eating. 

A few minutes passed and we saw Ashton and Luke walk out of the lift.  Luke was looking at the floor as they walked over.  Ashton took a seat next to Bryana and Luke sat down next to Arzaylea.  He avoided my gaze for the entire meal.

Ashton went over the plans for the day.  The boys had a final soundcheck, and then they had to rehearse the set list one more time.  The concert was indoors so Bryana, Arzaylea, and I could watch them rehearse on stage before the show.  Although, Arzaylea apparently had a "prior commitment" and will only be there for the show, which I am completely okay with.

We finished breakfast, and Arzaylea complained that she was going back to her and Luke's room because it was too early. The rest of us left the hotel to go to the venue. We were taking a cab, even though it was in walking distance. Ashton said he didn't want us to get mobbed by fans on the way over.

A few minutes later, we were at the venue. Ashton stayed back to pay the cab driver as we all rushed into the building. He came in a few minutes later out of breath. He said there were already fans starting to run in his direction, so he had to bolt inside.The boys went onto the stage while Bryana and I sat in the dressing room.

Bryana and I had been waiting in the dressing room for over an hour now, and I was starting to get bored. I tapped on Bryana and pointed at the door. She nodded and told me I could go watch the boys while they were rehearsing.

I left the room and followed the signs that were pointing to were the stage was. When i got there, I was astonished. The room was huge. The stage was probably half the size of our house. The boys were on stage practicing one of their newer songs. I sat down in the front row watched as they finished the song. When they finished, Ashton spotted me in front of the stage.

"Ella! Come up here!" Ashton shouted from on stage. I smiled ad got up, making my way to the stage. I went up the steps and walked over to Ashton.

"Sit down. I'll teach you how to play something." He said motioning towards the drums. He got up, allowing me to take his place. He put the drumsticks in my hands and held onto my wrists.

"Okay, now rest your foot on the foot pedal. Don't press down unless I tell you too. Okay?" He said. I nodded as he guided my arms so I knew where to hit the drums, while also telling me when to press my foot onto the pedal. He would giggle when I messed up and tell me to try it again.

Ashton and I stopped so we could walk back to the dressing room. Bryana was still sat on the couch, while the rest of the boys were all getting water. The concert was later tonight, but the boys were stuck here until after the concert.

"Hey, Ella and I are going to go pick up some lunch for all of us. It'll take a little while because we still need to get a cab, but you guys can go keep rehearsing until we come back." Bryana suggested. The boys nodded, still chugging down water. Bryana and I headed out the back door and called a cab.

Just when we thought we were in the clear, a whole mob of fans crowded us by the back door. They demanded that we let them in to see the boys. Bryana quickly told me to go inside and get a few security guards. I ran in, to find the nearest security guard. Luckily, there was one right by the backstage door. I told him the situation and he nodded.

He was calling for security just as the doors opened, letting in hundreds of screaming fangirls.

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