Chapter 2 (First Day)

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Ashton and Bryanna finished the paperwork and headed out to their car. It was a gorgeous black Porsche. (A/N I don't know if that's the actual car Ashton has don't judge me) He gestured me inside as he helped Bryanna get in and then himself. He started the ignition.
"So, erm, we're gonna head home. The boys have prepared a room for- oh wait I forgot to mention, we live with three other boys, I hope they don't annoy you too much" he chuckled. I just smiled and nodded. "But anyways, they've prepared a room for you. We asked Miss Joplin what kind of things you were interested in, and we tried our best to decorate your room to your liking." I smiled and nodded again. Bryanna gave me a half smile, and I saw sympathy in her eyes. I hated that. All of a sudden she perked up. "Oh my gosh! I cannot wait to be able to do your hair and makeup. I heard you like girly things isn't that right?" I nodded as she continued on a rant of all the fun, girly things we would be able to do together. She talked about how it would be great to have another girl in the house because the boys were quite messy.
We arrived at a humongous house. It was a mansion. I was surprised at first, but then I remembered that five seconds of summer live here. To be honest I've really only ever heard like two of their songs. They were pretty good. Ashton parked the car in the long drive way and opened my door for me. I smiled at him as a kind of thank you. I hope he understood.

I opened the door for Ella and she smiled at me. I took it as a thank you and went to Bryanna's side to open up her door. While Ella had been packing, Miss Joplin had told us about her abusive past with her father and how her mum killed herself. I felt really bad for her but I knew that with time I could get her to speak to me. I knew it would take a while but Bryanna and I were serious about having a kid. I just hope we do all the parenting stuff correctly. I was quite nervous that she wouldn't like us, but she seemed fine at the moment. I lead her and Bryanna to the door, but before I could even get my keys out my pocket, the door burst open and out came Calum, Michael, and Luke. Calum and Michael had huge grind on their faces while Luke had a kind of half smile and stared wide eyed at Ella, almost gaping. I wondered what was going on with him.
Ashton went to take out his keys, but instead the door busted open sending out three boys with big smiles. Well two big smiles. The one who I knew as Luke Hemmings, had a half smile. He was staring at me. He was really cute.
We ran out the door to see the girl Ashton and Bryanna had said they were thinking of adopting a couple of weeks ago. When I saw her my eyes widened. She was gorgeous. She had light brown hair tied into a really cute bow. She had beautiful blue eyes with specks of silver and yellow. They were the kind of eyes you could get lost in for hours. She looked back at me with a weird expression. I realized I had still been staring and blushed then quickly looked at the ground. I kept the image of her in my head. I couldn't stop smiling.
I'm back! So I just want d to say, I know Ashton and Bryanna aren't married in real life, but the way I've constructed this story, there will definitely be some things in here that aren't really true in real life. Anyways, so what do you guys thing if Ella and Luke?? Comment your thoughts! Also make sure you like and comment on this chapter and I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day :)

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