Chapter 5 (Confused Ashton)

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I woke up at about 7 in the morning.  The boys and I had to go to the studio and Bryana was going to take Ella out shopping.  I got out of bed and walked out into the hallway.  Nobody else seemed to be up.  I walked to Ella's room so I could check on her, but when I opened the door, she wasn't there.  I decided maybe she was in the bathroom or something and continued to walk to the boys rooms and wake them up.  When I reached Luke's room and opened the door I found Ella snuggled into Luke's chest as he played with her hair.  He looked up at me and blushed.  I stared in astonishment, and then a wave of anger washed over me causing me to storm out the room and slam the door behind me.  Luke followed behind me in less than a minute.  I turned around to face him.
"what the hell was that?!" I asked him.
His face fell and he looked at me with sad eyes.
"Well, It was like 2 in the morning and Ella came pounding on my door and when I opened it she was crying.  I was just trying to comfort her..." He trailed off.
"There better have not been any funny business" I growled.
Luke nodded and went back into his room.  I had a quick chat with Bryana about what happened before I went downstairs to find Calum and Michael making breakfast.
"Erm- are you guys okay? You've never even tried to make breakfast before." I chuckled.  They looked round at me.
"We decided since it was Ella's first night here-" Calum started.
"We wanted to make her breakfast." Michael finished with a smile. 
"M'kay.  Just don't like, burn anything."
They laughed in response.
I didn't quite expect Ashton to barge into my room this morning.  So when he did I was a little shocked.  He seemed pissed though and told me to back off Ella.  I wasn't trying to make it look like something bad happened, but I was just comforting her.  Ash was just being too over protective.  I guess that's normal for parenting.  When I walked back in, Ella was sat up, both her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  She looked at me with a questioning look.
"Um-erm it's just that Ash thinks you should, erm, get ready."  I managed to stutter out before walking into the bathroom.  I looked in the mirror in my bathroom and saw a red blush had crept over my cheeks.  I sighed and grabbed towels from the closet for my shower.  I got in and mulled over what had happened this morning.  I guess it did look a little weird for me to be cuddling with a girl that just moved in, but Ash would just have to deal.  Because she would be mine whether he liked it or not.
I woke up to hear Ashton and Luke arguing over something just outside my door- wait this wasn't my room, it was someone else's.  Then it hit me what happens last night.  The recurring nightmare I've been having, made itself known last night, and I ran to Luke's room crying.  I didn't remember much from there but I must've fallen asleep in here.  It went quiet outside for a second, and then Luke came in.  He ran his hand through his quiff in a stressed manner.  I looked at him confused.  He stuttered something about how Ashton wanted me to start getting ready.  He blushed a deep red and I heard him sigh in the bathroom.  I rolled out of the bed and started walking to my room.  I got in the shower and washed myself up.  I got out and blow dried my hair.  I then proceeded to put it into a high ponytail, with a black bow.  I walked out and looked through my closet deciding on wearing a pair of high waisted, ripped black skinny jeans and a white tank top with a flannel.  I threw on some black converse high tops and walked over to my vanity to start my makeup.  I had seen a few people do this a couple times and decided that until I saw more I would only put on mascara and lipstick.  I sprayed myself with this pink jasmine perfume and grabbed my phone to head downstairs.  As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, the wonderful scent of bacon and eggs filled my nose.  I walked in to the kitchen to find Michael and Calum whipping each other with towels next to the oven.  Ashton was sitting at the table and had a weird expression plastered on his face as he scrolled through something on his phone.  I rolled my eyes and grinned. 
"Morning Ella!" The three boys smiled at me.
I smiled back at them and started looking out the window.  It looked relatively nice outside.  I was actually pretty excited about today.
I had just finished putting on makeup when I heard shouting down the hall.  I walked out to see Luke storm into his room.  Ashton walked right past me to the stairs without a word. 
"Ashton!  What's the matter?" I called after him.  He turned back round and walked over to me.
"It's just- when I was looking for Ella this morning, I found her cuddling, asleep with Luke in his bed.  He said he was just trying to comfort her but I don't really know.  Did you see the way he acted after we took her in the house yesterday?"
I looked at Ashton to see genuine concern in his eyes.  I nodded.
"Well, look I wasn't there to see it but maybe he's not lying? I mean maybe just talk to him later once you've both cooled down yeah?" I tried to mediate the situation.
"Yeah.  I guess, I'm just worried you know? It's only her first day here."  He said.
"I know.  And your doing everything you can right now." I kissed him on the cheek and watched him make his way downstairs.  Seconds later Ella came out of Luke's room and walked into her own.  I stayed in mine and Ash's room for a little while until I smelled burning.  I hurried downstairs and into the kitchen to find Calum and Mikey messing about, leaving the eggs to burn.
"Stop it you idiots! Your letting the eggs burn!" I said and rushed over to take them off the burner.  They started laughing and mumbled out their apologies.  I started making plates for everyone and set them in front of each of them.  I took my own and sat next to Ella. 
"So Ella, I was thinking maybe we could go out shopping and spend some quality time together.  Would you be up to that?" I asked her intently.  She looked up at me and smiled and the nodded.
"That's great! I'm really excited for today!" I grinned back at her.
Hey! I made this chapter relatively longer to make up for the last one, which was kinda short.  Anyywaayss, how have you guys been? I'm writing this only my way back from visiting family which was fun.  But don't forget to vote and comment :) have a lovely day guys! <3

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