Chapter 12

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A/N- shits about to hit the fan so grab you popcorn, light some candles, and get ready for this chapter.

And of course, vote and comment ;)



It was Friday.

And thank god it was.

I could feel my patience with everyone waver and my lack of effort in school was astounding. I desperately needed the weekend.

I just had one more annoyingly long day of hell and then I would be greeted with the sweet reward of the weekend.

I practically skipped to English with this promising idea in mind. When I finally got seated in my chair, I realized I was early to class.

Which was disgusting.

I let my eyes follow the students pooling into class. My teacher took his seat at the front of the classroom and waited nonchalantly.

Soon the tardy bell erupted through the halls and my teacher almost immediately began to take attendance.

I unknowingly frowned; Blake still hadn't walked through the door. I turned around and checked his seat to make sure but I was only greeted with an empty sight.

"Alright, quiet down. Let's begin. Now in the chapter..." My teacher began his repetitive lesson. My eyes dropped in wonder and I bit my lip curiously.

My ears perked up at the slightest sound of footsteps wondering down the hallway outside. I listened as they momentarily stopped at our classroom door. Eventually, Blake strolled in with his eyes trained ahead.

His bored eyes skimmed the classroom; briefly meeting mine.

"Well, look who decided to join us," My teacher gritted, sparing Blake an annoying glance. Blake just ignored the teacher and began to walk toward his seat.

"Not so fast," My teacher called out, stopping Blake in his tracks, "Since you already rudely late, you can at least drop off these attendance records at the front office."

The English teacher held out a stack of papers and waited patiently for Blake to take them.

Blake looked at the papers in his hands and glanced up dangerously.

"I don't know where the office is," Blake remarked dryly.


"It's on the opposite side of the campus," my teacher informed irritated, shoving the papers into Blake's chest.

But Blake just stared at my teacher blankly, waiting for him to speak once more.

My teacher's jaw clenched and finally he sighed in defeat. His eyes darted towards mine and I could feel my breath catch.

Please leave me out of this.

Don't call on me.

Please. Please. Please.

"Sienna, you know where the office is right?" My teacher called out.

Damn it.

I bit my cheek nervously and timidly glanced from Blake to my teacher who were both giving me blank stares.

"Yes..." I murmured finally.

My teacher gave me a tight smile and returned his attention back to Blake.

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