Chapter 5

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I was sitting with my legs crossed while my eyes were watching Ben intently. The librarian had her back turned to us and was walking towards the hallway. I went to the library almost every day now to meet up with Ben. It became something I did regularly. I would meet Ben during lunch in the library and we would discuss random subjects. I could feel our friendship grow as we made more memories together.

As for Blake, whenever I saw him he would always nod in my direction and mouth the word "feisty". He and I never had long conversations however, because his girlfriend would appear and drag him away. The librarian walked back into the library and propped herself onto her designated chair.

Ben was currently trying to throw a wad of paper into the trash can without the librarian noticing. Its sounds lame, but it is actually very intense. The librarian has a strict rule of "no projectiles" and will ban you from the library if you throw something. Despite being so old, the librarian was extremely aware of her surroundings, making Ben's attempts even more strenuous but entertaining to watch.

But yes I suppose it is pretty dorky.

Just as Ben was about to throw the paper, Holly walked into the library. I looked at her with wide eyes as she scanned the library.

"Ben," I whispered, nudging Ben slightly.

Her eyes landed on mine.

"I can't throw now Sienna, the librarian is watching us," Ben murmured.

Holly started to walk towards me, her eyes burning through me. I stood up and I patted on Ben's shoulder urgently. Ben's eyes shot up in annoyance until they landed on Holly. He also got up and stood next to me protectively. Holly walked straight up to me ad positioned herself so that she was only inches away from me. She was so close to me, I was able to faintly make out stained mascara streaking down her cheeks. I looked at her stunned and fidgeted with the hem of my sweater nervously.

"My boyfriend broke up with me," She stated harshly. My lips parted in confusion and I awkwardly glanced over to Ben to see he was just staring at us with his mouth slightly ajar.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I stuttered.

She shook her head and in one swift motion, slammed me against the bookshelf behind us. My breath was knocked out of me as I collided with the books. I gave the librarian a beseeching look as her eyes connected with mine. She glanced at me blankly and her lips quivered slightly. The librarian proceeded to blink and then look back down at her computer.

Really? All hell breaks loose if you throw something, but shoving someone into the fucking bookcase is fine?

Ben intervened between us and pushed Holly off of me. I was practically shaking; thinking any second she would pounce on me again. I felt my hand fit into Ben's nervously. Tears were starting to form in Holly's eyes.

"Oh god," She gasped. She extended her arms and I silently braced myself for the impact. But instead of her fists colliding with my body, she tenderly wrapped her arms around me. I was too shocked to hug her back so I just remained frozen. She took note of my rigid state and timidly pulled away.

"Oh, Sienna. I am so sorry. I should have never said those awful things about you," she admitted apologetically.

I looked at her in utter shock. I felt my lips quiver but soon I was able to form an uncertain smile. "It's ok. It's fine. I am really sorry for hitting you," I replied weakly.

"No trust me I deserved it," She retorted. I looked over at Ben to see him staring at us with his mouth open. He was looking at Holly and then to me.

"The fuck just happened," he whispered in awe.

Holly giggled slightly and wiped away a tear that was starting to travel across her cheek.

Surprisingly, that wouldn't be the last I'd see of Holly. She slowly began to visit the library more and more often until our group established. She never mentioned why she progressed towards our group rather than remain in the group that she already had. But Ben and I never questioned it. We just started to accept that Holly changed and was here to stay.

And I would have never have thought that Holly was actually starting to become a good friend of mine. And Ben liked Holly just as much as I did, but he showed it differently.

"Ok let's play marry, fuck, or kill now," Holly giggled happily.

Ben and I both rolled our eyes simultaneously. We were all sitting in Holly's basement and she insisted that we played this game.

Ben groaned loudly, "do we have to play this game? I need to finish college applications."

"Oh whatever and you're not only playing, but going first just because you're being a sore loser over it," Holly demanded. I giggled and put a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

"Okay, so the options are..." She started. Her eyes darted to mine and she smiled deviously, "Sienna, Tina, and me."

Ben only grunted but I could see heat begin to rise to his cheeks. "Fuck Tina, because she obviously has a ton of experience-" I choked on my popcorn. "- Marry Sienna-" our eyes made contact for a split second but Ben quickly looked away. "And kill Holly, because she seems like a bitch". Ben stuck his tongue out at Holly and she stared back at him in disbelief.

"You'd rather fuck Tina even if it meant killing me?" Holly accused. Ben remained quiet while wearing a dangerous grin.

"Oh c'mon, he didn't mean it, right Ben?" I interjected.

Ben only shrugged and excused himself to the bathroom.

"Can you believe him?" Holly grunted. I only laughed in amusement and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Holly scooted closer to me. "So what do you think about Ben?" She asked, resting her head in her palms.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh please, he's obviously head over heels in love with you."

I looked at her confused. I never considered that Ben could actually like me like that. It was weird to think he would, so I stopped thinking about it and simply shook my head in denial.

"Oh shut up," I mumbled uncertain.

"You can't deny it; he literally said he would marry you!" Holly screeched.

"Because you practically set it up so he would!" I giggled.

She rolled her eyes in defeat, "Fine, but don't be surprised if he tries to make a move on you and I have to awkwardly 3rd wheel it for the rest of my life."

"Very unlikely," I muttered.

"Unlikely, not impossible," Holly cooed.

Ben walked back into the basement and sat down next to me so that our elbows were brushing.

"Let's watch a movie," I suggested, suddenly feeling awkward.

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