Part 19: Question Your Friends

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Pete's POV:

There was a tiny flaw in my plan. It concerned the fact that I hadn't fully gained back William's trust, and yet I fully assumed he would provide vital information that I could take to Lindsey and her hunters. The task proved far more difficult than initially imagined. It wasn't just about Patrick's safety anymore. He opened up my eyes to my hypocrisy, and I realized that I was a key element in stopping William from hurting anymore people. I wanted to prove to him that I was as loyal as any one of his vampires so that he could reveal more to me, but I knew that meant taking on more tasks and missions that would result in the loss of more lives.

Mikey hadn't said anything to me since the night at the hospital. It made me wonder why he hadn't gone and snitched on me to William. He had opportunity and reasoning behind it, but it appeared as though no one beside myself knew what had happened on the seventh floor of the hospital. Brendon and Gabe asked me on multiple occasions why he was so upset, but I excused it as mood swings, an answer they seemed satisfied by. I decided to clear things up between us before we set out for the White House soon.

He was sat alone in his room shining his boots and smoking a cigarette. I knocked lightly on his open door to indicate I was there, and he took off his sunglasses so that he could see me more clearly.
"Are you busy?" I asked.
Mikey shook his head and put out his cigarette in the ashtray on his nightstand, setting his boots aside. I entered and took a seat on the bed across from his.

"Who's your roommate?"

"Gerard. Unfortunately, that means that I have to be kicked out sometimes so that Frank and him can have some alone time. What do you wanna talk about?"
"What happened the other night. I'm sure you have questions for me," I said.

"Not really."
"Mikey, please. You said there can't be any hard feelings between us. If we're going to be spending a lot of time together not too long from now we have to learn how to communicate."
"Okay. Fine. Why did you save him? Why was he so different from everyone else I killed?"

"He's someone I know. That's it. I just didn't want to see him die."
"Who is he?"
"A friend."
"You're friends with a human? I doubt that. When I was human you certainly didn't fail to fuck me."

"I swear we aren't involved like that. Why does it matter to you anyway?"

"It matters, Pete, because we can't have petty excuses to back out of what William wants us to do. If you care about a stupid human then that means you won't want to endanger his life. They're worthless. 

"They don't mean shit to us. What matters is what we have here at the hideout. What bond we've all built with each other. The future isn't going to be all roses and daisies and peace and love, Pete. We can't live with the humans. It just doesn't work."

"What do you expect me to do, huh?"
"Stop acting like what we had those twenty something years ago means nothing to you now," he said, "Stop pretending like you didn't abandon me and leave me to die."
"Mikey, I'm sorry if I caused you any pain, but I couldn't go back to help you. When I wanted to William made me believe I didn't have a chance anymore."

"You're lying. I can tell when you lie to me."

Mikey stood up from his bed and approached me.
"I'm not lying."
He shoved me down onto the bed, straddling me, and he took my face into his hands.

"You know why I never pursued another relationship? It wasn't because I was too busy. It was because I believed you were going to come back, and it was because I still love you. Even though I was hurt I couldn't stop what I felt for you, what I've always felt. Please, Pete, please tell me you haven't let go. Tell me that you still love me."

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