Part 11: Christmas Time is Near

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Patrick's POV: 

My mom passed me a cart of books to replace the display window with. It was a new shipment that, according to my dad, would boost business. As of late, we weren't having many customers, and my parents were trying everything from redecorating to more advertising to get the ball rolling again. The last thing they needed to do was start a fake "Going Out of Business Sale", but if we didn't make any cash soon something told me the sale wouldn't be so fake. I started organizing a few books on the display table and glanced outside.

 I swore I saw someone who looked exactly like Pete, but it was the daytime, and he wouldn't risk being out so early. My parents were arguing about if the new wallpaper they put up yesterday matched the clock, so I slipped out to have a look around. I recalled the sadness in Pete's eyes when he finished telling his story. I wasn't quite sure if he was finished or not. He sort of just stopped speaking and drove me back home. It'd been two months since I last saw his face, but it seemed like everywhere I went I would imagine him being there too.

I was afraid for him. Pete was a strong guy and tough enough to protect himself, but a tiny part of me kept saying he was going to get hurt. It wasn't like I could do anything to help him, but not knowing where he was worried me sick. I turned into an alley but found it to be empty. It was just another hallucination. On my way back inside I bumped into to someone and was taken aback.

"I'm sorry. I-"
Elisa playfully shoved me to the side, "Watch where you're going, man."
"Oh, hey. It's been a while. What have you been up to?"
She smirked and cocked her head, "You haven't answered my texts or calls in two days, dipshit."
"I've been...busy."

"Whatever. I was coming by to ask you something, but if you're occupied I can always come back another time."

I quickly glanced around for Pete just in case and then insisted she follow me to the bookstore. Elisa hopped up onto the front desk, swinging her legs joyfully.
"You guys doing a make over or something?"
" parents are freaking out about the decrease in business."

"I liked how it was before, though," she said, faking a frown and running her index finger down her cheek to mimic a tear, "You know how when people have a car wash and they put those cute girls in bikinis to hold the signs and pull the customers in?"
"I guess? What are you getting at?"
"Hear me out. You, a very revealing speedo, and some tanning oil out in front of the store."

"It's cold, and you want me freezing my ass out there?"

"Correction. Sexy ass."
A blush came to my cheeks, and I turned my head to avoid looking at her. Elisa started laughing and threw her arms around my neck.

"You know you're sexy. Don't deny it," she teased.
"What did you even want to ask me?"
"Oh, right, are you free on Christmas? My parents are having a party."
"Shit. When's Christmas?"
"A couple weeks from now. Where have you been? Under a rock?"

"I haven't been keeping track of the days in a while."
Elisa hugged me and sighed, her warm breath heating up my face,"Aw, my sweet little Patrick. Is my child depressed?"
"No. I haven't seen a friend of mine in a long time. That's all."

"Ooh. Which friend is this?"
"Someone you don't know."
"Who else is there that I don't know? Joe and Andy are the only friends apart of me that you have. How could you, Patrick 'I'm awkward as fuck' Stump, have made another friend without my knowledge?"

"He's nobody you should concern yourself about."

"Um excuse me? Anybody who has anything to do with you has everything to do with me, buddy."
My parents came strolling by a moment later, and my mother smiled real wide when she caught sight of Elisa. My mother absolutely loved Elisa mostly because she always had this fantasy that Elisa and I would end up together or something, which would never happen in a million years.

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