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Third Person Point of View

      The club was loud, people bumping and grinding and having a grand time. A huge group of about 12 people just walked in and immediately got escorted to a VIP table, were they'd have bottle service all night and wouldn't have to worry about running out of alcohol. In this huge group there was one girl, who without a doubt was one of the prettiest girls in the entire club. Stella took a shot and proceeded to the dance floor leaving the guys all on their own to talk and start enjoying the night.
      "Dude, I think Stella wants to get back together." Denis the Ukrainian heart throb told his best friend/band mate Ben.
     "That's pretty awesome!" Ben handed Denis a shot they both took when then went off to the dance floor to have some fun.
     James offered Devin a shot but he passed not wanting to drink at all tonight and just really wanted to keep and eye on Stella. He got up and wandered over to the bar were he watched Stella get a Long Island ice tea and drink pretty much the entire thing in one go.
     "Hey Cutie, can I buy you a drink?" A fiery red head with way to much makeup on asked Devin resting a hand on his forearm.
"No thank you." He pulled his arm away and smiled apologetically, he only had eyes for one girl and didn't feel like leading on anyone else.
"Well if you're looking for a good time you know where to find me." She winked at him and went on to the dance floor.
Devin saw the opportunity to go dance with Stella, at first it was going just fine until she turned around,
"Oh, hell no this isn't happening." She looked up into those gorgeous blue eyes.
"And why's that Stella?" Devin yelled into her ear.
"Why don't you just go hook up with that bitch from Toronto?" She yelled back and just walked away.
     Devin looked at where she was just standing completely baffled "that Bitch in Toronto" and then the realization hit him, Stella had thought he cheated on her. That's why she had been so cold and why she had been practically throwing herself at Denis. That night in Toronto a fan had snuck onto the bus and attacked Devin with her tongue, he had made sure to get her out of there but Stella must have just seen the worst part.
     Devin went back to stand by the bar and got a bottle of water. His old older brother Andrew found him and started talking.
"You see what your girl is doing?" Andrew asked.
Devin looked over to the table and saw Stella sitting on Denis' lap kissing him. A wave of jealousy hit him harder than anything else in this world. Denis and Stella started walking out of the club and before Devin realized what he was doing he was standing right in front on Denis and proceed to punch him in the face.
"What the hell?" Stella hiccuped. Devin just looked down at Denis waiting for him to do something and that's when they started fight. James came running up and pulled them apart,
"What in the hell are you doing?" James' asked.
Neither one of them would answer him so he took Denis out side and left Devin with Andrew. It was absolute chaos, Stella went outside and sat on the curb and called Nikki just to get out of here. Nikki said she was sending Jeff in a cab to come get her and to not leave where she was at. Everyone was pissed off at each other and hoping that the tour wouldn't get ruined.

Stella's Point of View

      "Stella, you gotta get up." Someone shook me gently to get up.
"Just five more minutes please." I rolled over on the couch which caused my head to really start pounding, I felt like absolute crap and could barely remember everything that happened last night.
"You have to shoot band promo pictures today." It was Nikki who was making sure I was getting up, "there's a bottle of water for you and some Advil. " I got up reluctantly took the Advil and drank the entire bottle of water, I had fallen asleep in the front lounge and had changed into leggings and hoodie without remembering even getting back to the bus.
"How long do I have until I have to take the pictures?" I asked Nikki getting up and pulling my hair up into a messy bun.
"About 15 minutes, I just wanted to make sure you got as much sleep as possible you came in last night not looking well then you told me everything that happened so I wanted to make sure you were okay." She smiled down at me, Nikki really was going to be an amazing mother.
"Nikki, what did happen? Because I can't remember anything really." I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and sten to Nikki.
"Actually sweetie I think I should wait to tell you after you do these pictures if that okay?" I nodded at her and finished brushing my teeth. I grabbed my all access pass, my camera and lens and a pair of sunglasses and head out of the bus followed by Nikki.
I was so glad for the sunglasses as we walked into the venue, all the bands were already inside and the venue had set up a backdrop and lights already which was nice. I immediately got to work not thinking about my killer headache I had as I did this.
The guys from Bad Omens had me laughing the entire time which was nice, Upon A Burning Body just looked so badass and before you knew it I was shooting I See Stars. I felt super nervous having to shoot Devin but it would be fine when it came to work everyone was pretty professional.
All through out me shooting them Devin and I kept making eye contact that still made me super weak in the knees. I took a few more photos and noticed that Devin's hand was slightly swollen. That must have been from last night, I really needed to find out what happened.
I finished shooting I See Stars then did the promo pictures for Born Of Osiris which was just fun they did the coolest stuff for their pictures.
Now it was time to Asking Alexandria, the first thing I noticed when they walked up was Denis had this huge black eye. And that's when I got it Devin had punched Denis in the face. I tried not to stare at the black eye and just take some really good pictures. I felt horrible that I caused this.
      I was done with all the promo shots and I just went straight back to the bus to edit pictures, I put headphones in and started listening to Treehouse. I was more than halfway done when I got a text.

Devin💜💙😍: Stell, can we talk?

     I looked back at my laptop and kept editing pictures, I had a job I needed to do and I kept forgetting that because I was let my emotions dictate everything and I couldn't let that happen anymore.
     "Stella!" Nikki snapped me out of my editing zone.
     "Yes, Nicole?" I pulled out my headphones as she sat down on the opposite couch from me in the back lounge. It tended to be my favorite place to edit pictures quiet and everyone tended to leave you alone when you were back here.
     "So are you ready to hear what went down last night?" She asked taking a sip of the water she had.
     "Yeah you might as well." I took a deep breathe as she began telling me everything that happened. She pretty much told me Devin got super jealous of how I was all over Denis so then Devin punched him in the face. Nikki also told me I called her crying and she had Jeff come get me so that everything would be okay.
     "Once you got back to the bus I made you change out of what you were wearing just so you could be comfortable. Then I wanted you to go to bed in a bunk but you refused to because you wanted to be up to talk to Devin when he got back, but you fell asleep." Nikki finished and looked over at me.
     "Did I say what I wanted to talk to Devin about?" I asked her, that felt like some thing In really needed to know.
      "You wouldn't say. You just kept saying you really needed to talk to him." She told me honestly.
     Well great now I was going to keep thinking about what I wanted to talk to Devin about, and I'm assuming it was probably something super important.
     "Well did you tell Jeff about the baby?" I asked her.
     " The baby?" Jeff asked walking into the back lounge, "Nikki are you pregnant?"
     He stood right in front of her as she nodded slowly,  "Yes Jeff I'm pregnant. I was going to wait to tell you so that there wasn't any drama really happening." He dropped down in front of her and put a hand on her stomach.
      "Nicole, you've just made me the happiest man in the world. I'm so honored to be bringing a child into this world with you. I love you more than anything else in this world, well you and the baby I love you two so much." Jeff kissed her and you could just feel the love between them. I wanted something like that actual love were you felt complete; I thought I had that with Denis but just seeing the way Jeff responded to Nikki that was true love.
     "Let's go call my mom tell she's going to be a grandma." Jeff spoke getting up and taking Nikki's hand.
     I was left by myself in the back lounge again; I finished editing the promo pictures sending them to who they needed to be sent to. These last 48 hours had been crap and my relaxing two days off well they were the farthest thing from relaxing. I pretty much lead Denis on but then again I didn't, my feelings for him just came back with a vengeance almost. But then there was Devin, before seeing him with that girl I was without a doubt falling in love with him and those type of feelings you can't just force away. Especially after being told about how jealous he got maybe he was falling for me too. Or maybe I should just take a break from guys in general for a little bit; that's what I was leaning towards the most putting my relationships on the back burner for now and to just focus I taking pictures.
      I still felt like crap from all the drinking the night before so I climbed into my bunk which was dark and cool, and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.

Hey Dears!!
       As always I truly hope you guys are enjoying he story! I'm having lots of fun writing it and look 2 updates in a day! Thank you so much for reading, and if you guys have any ideas or opinions I'd love to hear them.

Running with Scissors Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon