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     I rolled over in the bunk and it was empty, where had Devin gone and how was he able to get out from underneath me without waking me up. I tried not to over think it and grabbed my phone I had some texts from my mom asking how the first night went and then there was one from Nikki that really needed to be opened right now.

Nikki💛: Did you just have sex with Devin?!?!???

      She had sent that to me 5 hours ago, it was already 9 o'clock at night. When we were having sex I tried to keep it down but apparently I hadn't done a good enough job. Seeing that it was so late I had practically slept the entire day away, good thing it was one of our off days on the tour or I would have missed almost half the show. I texted my mom and told her that the tour was going really well. Then I responded to Nikki, because I needed to know how much everyone had actually heard.

Me: yes I did. Did you guys hear it all?

Nikki💛: You're finally awake?!??! Yes for the most part we heard it all. A lot of throaty moans and Devin's name over and over again.

Nikki💛: So I'm assuming you had a wonderful afternoon?

Me: Devin rocked my world honestly. But he's not in the bunk anymore.

Nikki💛: He didn't wanna wake you, we all went out to get some food, we made it to Spokane.

      I grabbed my shorts that were thankfully still in the bunk and put them back on. When I climbed out of the bunk I found my bra just on the floor, so picked it and put it back in Devin's bunk. I could hear rain gently hitting the roof of the bus it was nice very peaceful. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My neck was covered in hickeys on one side, my hair was an absolute disaster sticking up in a bunch of directions but I was actually glowing. I had never been so happy after having sex, even when I was with Denis, after words I never even came close to feeling how I was feeling right now.
I tamed my hair, brushed my teeth and put on a bunch of deodorant, I'd have to take a proper shower tomorrow inside the venue which wasn't that big of a deal to me. My hand was super bruised but the swelling had already gone down drastically, I had almost totally forgotten that I punch a hole in the wall the day before. I then emailed the pictures from last night to their respective bands; so that they would be able to post a pictures on their various social media accounts.
After I finished all that stuff I found a throw blanket in Devin's bunk grabbed it and put on Bridge to Terabithia in the front lounge, I curled up on the couch with a cup of tea and that blanket and began watching it.
The little girl had just passed away and I was a sobbing mess, this movie always knew how to play with my heart strings. As I was watching the funeral scene people came walking onto the bus rather loudly at that.
"Dude there's no way fucking way I'm going to let you do that." Brent said to Andrew followed by the rest of the band, JJ and Nikki onto the bus. I paused my movie and wiped my eyes.
"Stella what's the matter with you?" Andrew asked sitting right by me.
"Just watching a sad movie." I took a sip of my tea as I spoke.
"Awe don't cry. I brought you something." Nikki handed me a to-go box full of vegetable lasagna.
I smiled up at her, "Thank you."
"Absolutely. I'm just glad to see your awake, because now you can come to the party on Asking's bus with us." Nikki spoke, taking off her hoodie and grabbing a leather jacket.
"Hmm yeah maybe. I wanna finish this movie then I can head over there." I said to Nikki. She nodded grabbed Jeff's hand and they headed out, followed by Andrew, Brent and JJ.
I pressed play on my movie, and that's when Devin came walking out of the bathroom I hadn't really noticed him when they all walked in. He came and sat by me staring at my face.
"Yes, Devin?" I questioned not even bothering to pause the movie this time.
"Oh it's nothing Stella just admiring you." He spoke putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Well don't you have a party to be going to?" I turned so that I could look him in the eyes.
He shook his head no, "I'm not going unless you are."
"Well then let's go." I knew there would be talk if both Devin and I weren't there and I wasn't really ready to deal with all that drama.
"You can't wear that." Devin's eyes raked my body when I stood up, I was still wearing his shirt and a pair of pajama shorts.
I rolled my eyes, "Fine." I took off his shirt and threw it at him leaving my upper half completely naked.
I watch his eyes go wide but just walked away and grabbed my bra from his bunk. I went to the back lounge and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a long dark blue sweater with a pair of combat boots.
I walked back into the front of the bus and Devin was still sitting there watching the movie now.
"I decided I'm not going to the party anymore." Devin looked at me with slightly lusty eyes.
"And why is that?" I grabbed my cellphone and put it into my back pocket and put my lasagna into the fridge.
"Because," he stood up right in front of me, "I'd much rather just hang out here with you."
"Nope. We are going to this party, come on." I grabbed his hand and led him out of the bus. He was smooth enough to intertwine our fingers which I didn't really mind. The rain had stopped but it was a bit chilly so we walked quickly to Asking Alexandria's bus. Devin knocked once not letting go of my hand which I thought was sweet but I didn't feel like dealing with the stares. So I pulled my hand away from him and pulled out my phone so I could be texting.
He seemed confused but they let us onto the bus so he didn't have time to question me about it. The bus was packed pretty much everyone that was on this tour was on the bus. Danny from Upon a Burning Body handed me cup full of some mysterious alcohol, I took a sip of it damn it was strong I wouldn't be drinking a lot of that.
"Mmmmm someone is looking extra fit today. " Denis half whispered into my ear making it so I had to turn and look at him.
     "Yup thanks." I wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now. I watched his eyes shift from mine down to my neck and back to my eyes.
      "Who the hell did you sleep with?" His eyes went from hurt, to jealous to just pissed in seconds:
      "Damn Denis I forgot how hot you were when you got jealous." I purred at him feeling it right to throw his words right back at him, "Why does it matter to you?"
He smirked at me, "because I bet whoever it was didn't make feel as good as I did.
"Oh he didn't make me feel good Denis, he literally rocked my world. Something you never seemed to be able to do." I felt like a bitch as I said that, but I didn't really care he was quite the jerk sometimes that it felt nice to be in control and make him feel jealous.
As he looked really shocked I took the opportunity to walk away from him, and go farther into the bus. It was a lively bunch everyone drinking and laughing. I found Nikki who was sitting on Jeff's lap I went and sat by them and we started talking about different tours we had been on either playing in Jeff's case of helping like Nikki and I.
I looked up and I saw Devin just staring at me from across the bus, he smirked at me and I decided to just wink at him a smile playing on my lips.
"Stop giving Devin bedroom eyes." Nikki laughed at me as she said that.
"Sorry." I smiled at her. "but I couldn't help it, he's just too damn cute." I took another sip of drink.
"I could tell his back was so scratched up. When he came out of his bunk it looked like he was mauled by a mountain lion." She laughed at me about it.
"Who got mauled by a mountain lion?" Devin asked sitting beside me, immediately resting a hand on my thigh as if to stake claim.
     Jeff started to laugh at him slightly, "you my man."
     Devin smiled if he was proud of that fact, "It was a cute mountain lion so I can't complain can I?"
    I felt a slight brush come across my cheeks and fully turned to look at him.
     "You gotta stop with that, Mister." I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
     "Mmmm, no I don't think so. I like you to much." He then pulled me so I was now sitting on his lap, and gave me a quick kiss not to draw attention. I couldn't taste alcohol on his lips which I was slightly surprised by. "Do you wanna get out of here, maybe go to bed and cuddle?"
      I nodded yes we told Nikki and Jeff where we going and headed out of the bus. As we walked out of the door I saw Denis and he did not look happy.

Hi Guys,
          I hope you liked it. I had the worst writers block imaginable today so I hope it's not bad. Thank for reading!!

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