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3 Days Later

    The last three days had been nice but a little stressful, we did the show in Tampa and then left the next day to drive to Houston. While on the bus Devin, pretty much wouldn't let me leave the bunk wanting alone time. But both our social medias and the bands were blowing up with questions, everyone wanted to know when we got together, how long we'd been together, why we didn't tell them sooner. Some girls were super pissed that Devin had a girlfriend again and that we already had pictures together online. Others were so excited to see him happy, and were posting positive things about it, there were even people who had started writing Fan Fictions about us.
     The guys in I See Stars were super excited that we were finally official and they wouldn't have to deal with Devin being all mopey about us not being together. Craig was a whole other story I told him right before we dropped them off at the airport; Robert was thrilled because he never likes to see my upset but Craig did the whole protective thing.
"Boo Bear, if he breaks your heart, if he even remotely looks at another girl I will kick his ass so fast and have his band blacklisted before he can even mutter an apology." I laughed it off gave him a hug and made sure he was on the plane.
Denis had been ignoring me and well I was completely fine with that, making sure I ignored him too unless I had to tell him how to pose in certain promo pictures I took.
I rolled over in the bunk and grabbed my cellphone seeing I had a text from Arizona.

Arizona Josephine❤️😻😘: bby girl, I'm taking an uber now to the venue I'll be there in 30 minutes.

     She has sent that to me 15 minutes ago, it was already 3:00 in the afternoon, and Devin was still fast asleep.
      "Devin, babe." I gently shook him earning a mumbled what but nothing else so I began kissing his face, and in between kissed spoke. "Devin. Babe. We. Have. To. Get. Up."
      "Five more minutes. Please." He grumbled gently.
      "Nope, we have to get up its already 3, and you have to be inside the venue ready to do stuff by 4." I told him poking his cheek trying to get him up.
      "Ugh, fine." He spoke still half asleep and began stretching. I was glad that I slept further in the bunk than he did because as he stretched, he fell out of the bunk onto the floor.
      I couldn't help but laugh at him, he pulled open the curtain and just looked at me.
     "Are you laughing at me?" Devin asked looking into the bunk.
      I let out another round of laughter, "Are you okay?"
"Yes I am no thanks to you missy." He ducked down and gave me a kiss, "I'm going to take a quick shower."
Even though it had only been three days we fell into being a couple quite seamlessly, I climbed out of the bunk and went into the back lounge where Nikki was looking for something to wear.
"Did you push Devin out of the bunk?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.
"Nope, his dumbass stretched and rolled out." I told her changing into black skinny jeans and a white crop top.
"That's pretty great actually. Jeff did that once and I couldn't stop laughing." Nikki told me putting on a grey maxi dress. She was starting to show which was adorable; we had started a betting pool about whether or not it was going to be a boy or a girl.
"He just didn't want to get up today, then he wonders why he always so late to things." I told her sitting on the couch putting in a pair of combat boots. "Also my friend A.J. is going to come with us for a couple days. I couldn't remember if I told you or not."
Nikki sat down beside me and laced up a pair of gladiator sandals, "Yeah you told me. I'm excited to meet her, but why didn't she come when Craig did?"
"Honestly I have no idea. And she's coming on dates that we don't have any time off and it's Thanksgiving so I'm wondering maybe something happened that made her not want to be home." I told Nikki.
"That makes sense, well she'll have fun. Being new to tour is always exciting." She smiled at me, "So I got up early so that I could set up merch and not have to deal with that last minute stress. Literally my best idea I've had all tour."
"That's so awesome Nikki, I want to get some pictures of you today doing your thing." I told her.
"Awesome gotta prove that I was once hot and not super fat." She told me standing up pushing up her sleeves. "Are you coming with me into the venue?"
I nodded grabbed my camera bag and followed her out. We talked about baby names as we walked inside, and that I was going to be referred as an aunt to the baby no matter what.
It was already 3:45, Upon A Burning Body were doing their sound check; Nikki and I went to the I See Stars merch table she started placing things how she liked and I just sat on the boxes that were behind the table like I always did. I took a few pictures of Nikki doing her set up thing,
"Make sure I don't look fat." Nikki told me.
"Nicole you will never look fat." Jeff spoke walking up to his girlfriend, and giving her a kiss which I captured. Once they pulled away Jeff looked at me, "first Stells I want a copy of that picture please. And second there's this really loud blonde out by the busses who says she knows you."
I laughed softly to myself, "it'll be the first picture I edit Jeff and thanks that's A.J. I should go get her before she starts a riot."
I ran outside to find Arizona standing by the busses arguing with a security guard.
"I'm sorry ma'am but until someone who is with the tour and has a pass, I can't allow you back here." The security guard told her.
"Dude, I'm the best friend of the photographer of the tour. And if she would answer her phone she'd say it's okay." A.J. told him. I could hear that she was getting pissed so I stepped up.
"Hey so she's with me." I told the security guard and showed him my laminate, he nodded and let Arizona in the first thing she did was give me the biggest hug.
"Stella you are a ray of sunshine. Shit I've missed you." She said pulling away.
"I missed you too so much." I grabbed one of her bags and lead her into the I See Stars bus and lead her to the back lounge. "So you can leave all your bags back here and then there's one extra bunk so you can sleep there."
"Awesome dude this is going to be amazing!" A.J smiled at me, "by the way Stells you're looking hella good all the guys must be wanting you."
      I laughed, "Nope only one guy. And well he's my boyfriend now." It felt weird to say it out loud but it was true Devin was my boyfriend now and like that made me happier than anything else. "However we should be heading inside I have to shoot some of the bands, and the Meet & Greets are starting soon."
      "Awesome lead the way boss lady." She smiled and followed me out of the bus.

7 Hours Later

     Asking Alexandria had just come off of stage and the band seemed thrilled. Everyone else was in high spirits because it was yet again another sold out show.
     "Guys we are going out tonight!!" Ben announced backstage, we had a 6 am bus call so all the guys were more than excited to go out. I had introduced everyone to A.J and they seemed to like her.
       Once everything was loaded up into the buses we got ready to head out when A.J. pulled me a side,
      "Stells guess what I brought?" She told me amusement twinkling in her eyes getting me to just shrug, "MDMA."
      "Arizona that's dangerous, we don't need to do that stuff to have a good time." I told her.
      "Come on Stella let's have a bit a fun. I brought enough for everyone and if we take it now we'll be fine later." She gave me puppy dog eye, this always happened with Arizona she always wanted to party and always talked me into it.
      "Fine but you have to ask everyone else if they wanna do it." I told her feeling kinda nervous.
      She turned to I See Stars and asked them if they wanted some everyone said yes without hesitation besides Nikki and Jeff , who weren't even planning on going out.
      "Just if anything happens, call one of us please." Jeff told the whole bus.
     Devin came over to me taking my hand and Nikki handed everyone their E.
     "Devin, I don't think we should do this." I whispered to him. "I just have a horrible feeling about it."
     He ran his hand up and down my arm, "it'll be alright baby. We'll be okay if just stay together okay."
     I nodded and took my pill then watched Devin take his. He then leaned in and gave me a kiss as if to help calm all the nervous which it did for a second.
      "A.J. are you giving some to the other bands?" Andrew asked her and she nodded.
     "Well come on guys lets go party!" Brent said.
    We all followed Brent out of the bus, and I couldn't help but notice the way Arizona's eyes followed Devin and the horrible feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away. Hopefully I'd remember what happened tomorrow.

Hey Dears!!
         I truly hope you are enjoying this! I'm going to try and update much more I'm finally over that darn writers block. This chapter was also a filler/build up because lots and lots of stuff is going to happen in Chapter 15. As always thank you so freaking much for reading this story, you guys are the best.

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